Ms. Katharina Homenick

I leave you 40 Adultery phrases , Novel by Paulo Coelho Published in 2014. If you are interested in knowing...

I have always thought that social skills Are one of the skills that most help when it comes to"succeed", to...

Then I leave you more than 50 Phrases of Anthony de Mello , Priest Jesuit, psychotherapist and author of works...

Then I leave you more than 30 Quotes by Walt Whitman , Essayist, journalist and humanist. You may also be...

70 Phrases from Juan Pablo Duarte , Thoughts of one of the parents of the Dominican Republic, together with Matías...

Then I leave 70 Phrases from Eleanor Roosevelt , US diplomat and activist for human rights, wife of United States...

More than 100 Confucius phrases , Famous Chinese thinker founder of the doctrine of Confucianism, who gained his life like...

Then I leave you over 70 Sentences about consciousness Spiritual of great authors like Napoleón, Confucius, Gandhi, Seneca and many...

The Benefits of education and physical activity Have been getting acquainted for years. Exercise is essential for physical, psychological well-being...

More than 60 Phrases of Heraclitus , Pre-Socratic philosopher of Ephesus, city of the western coast of Asia Minor. Was...

I am of those who think that nothing ventured nothing gained . Think about it, in a world of 7...

I leave you the best Martin Luther King phrases About love, education, justice and much more. Luther King was an...

Here are the best 39 Quotes by John D. Rockefeller , One of the richest men in history. Currently -...

I leave you the best Phrases of José Martí , A prominent politician, philosopher, writer, thinker and journalist of the...

Here are the top 50 quotes of Viktor Frankl , Austrian psychiatrist, founder of the Logotherapy Who lived in several...

The Dunning Kruger syndrome or effect is characterized by the inability of some people to be aware of their incompetence...

Do you want to increase your collagen without having to go through scalpels or spend a bundle on creams? In...

The Theory of multiple intelligences Howard Gardner Proposes that there are different types of intelligence that are present in all...

Increasing importance is being given not only to the worship of the body but to the care of the mind....

A impossible love Is one that establishes itself in the desire to establish a loving relationship that has no probability...

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