Maiya Rohan

More than 100 Goethe phrases , Poet, novelist, playwright, German scientist and one of the founders of Romanticism. You may...

Then I leave you more than 25 quotes of The Unbearable Lightness of Being , Philosophical novel of the Czech...

Today I will summarize what I consider a great book; Think and become rich , One of the most read...

In this post I leave you over 70 Deepak Chopra's Phrases , Indian physician, writer and lecturer, author of works...

More than 60 Quotes by Khalil Gibran , Poet, painter, novelist and Lebanese essayist, author of works such as The...

Vitamins are needed to have energy, although in fact our body does not need large amounts of vitamins, compared to...

In this post I will talk about the Foods to raise hemoglobin , A protein that carries oxygen in the...

There are thousands of things What can you do when you get bored , Both physical and mental; Games, activities,...

Negative attitudes are negative dispositions and behaviors that a human being shows on a temporary or constant basis. That is,...

I leave you the best Superman phrases , Also known as Clark Kent, a superhero who has been the inspiration...

The Differences between sociopathy and psychopathy Are sometimes difficult to understand by people who are not experts in the subject,...

If you are looking for amazon, you will find more than 176 Smoking cessation books . A real madness when...

In this article I will explain the top 10 Effects of alcohol on the nervous system , In the organism...

The Characteristics of the anorexy Are to overestimate the value of thinness, an excessive concern for weight and an exaggerated...

Being positive can be learned, just like any other skill and is very closely related With changing your attitude Y...

He schizotypal personality disorder Is characterized by the need for social isolation, anxiety in social situations, strange behaviors and thoughts,...

He Personality disorder by dependency - also called a dependent personality - is characterized by a long-term need to be...

Managing and managing emotions is one of the most important skills you can learn. They are part of emotional intelligence...

To learn How to have a good diet Will help you to build the habits that will help you maintain...

The Resilience Psychological is the ability to overcome the adverse events of your life and to develop successfully despite these...

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