Genevieve Green

The Cognitive schemas (Or simply"schemas") are the basic units with which the brain organizes the information it possesses. These patterns...

There are fundamental Differences between nutrition and food . Many times they are terms that are interchanged, but they refer...

He Wingwave coaching Is a method for intervention in healthy people who present some problem of stress caused by some...

In the Point diet A given score is assigned to foods that are consumed daily. Each one of them will...

He syndrome of Wernicke-Korsakoff ( SWK ) Is a neurological disease. In particular, it is divided into two clinical entities:...

Mexico after independence Experienced a great change in economic, political and social structures and beliefs. The history of Mexican Independence...

The main Difference between science and technology Consists in the utility of each of them. However, it is known that...

He Arsenic acid , Which is also known as orthoarsenic acid, is a chemical compound whose formula is H3AsO4. An...

There are different Types of yoga , Created by different founders, with different benefits and focused on particular goals. Yoga...

The Economic sectors of Colombia Are divided into three: the primary sector or agricultural sector, the secondary sector or industrial...

The Derived from cow Are those products that are prepared or made with products that are taken from the cow...

There are several Types of news reports , Which are possible to classify them according to purpose. They are the...

He Passage from nomadism to sedentary life Was one of the great changes in the social and cultural spheres of...

He Chlorine gas (Dichloro, diatomic chlorine, molecular chlorine or simply chlorine) is a greenish-yellow gas with a hot and stifling...

There is more of 10 reasons for the importance of human rights . These allow people to live with dignity,...

The levels of exigency of the people who practice sport are higher and higher in order to achieve their goals....

The concept of?? Theory of mind?? Or abbreviated"ToM", refers to the ability of the human brain to predict and understand...

He folic acid Is a type of vitamin belonging to the B complex that is necessary for the creation of...

The paranoid schizophrenia Serves to name the disease that suffer many patients with schizophrenia and who have as main manifestations...

The Endorphins , Known colloquially as hormones of happiness, are peptidic substances produced naturally in the brain, which block the...

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