Areas of Opportunity: Types, Features and Examples

The Areas of opportunity Understand different concepts. These can relate to both the personal and the business environment.

Some take it as details or parts of our personality Which are often considered defects and become an area of ​​opportunity because some people see these vices as helpful. This is generally considered as such in the personal sphere.

Areas of opportunity

However, other people define it as activities required or necessary to meet a certain requirement and thus ensure at a higher level the management system imposed in a company or other places. This point is more focused on the business sense.

Types of Opportunity Areas

Areas of Opportunity at a Personal Level

From a personal point of view, not taking advantage of or losing our areas of opportunity is exemplified in facts that turn into a vice, bad habit or trick, which could harm or harm our professional life, thus causing a severe problem.

Therefore, the best we can do is work on improving our areas of opportunity, so as to also acquire a better quality of life.

The key is to identify those bad habits that are negatively influencing and begin to eradicate them. Obviously, it is a slow and complex process. However, with small daily actions, we can achieve the different goals that we pose.

In the long term, these changes that are made on a personal level, will translate into success and a better quality of life in every way. It will be possible to be a more constant, committed, responsible person, among other things, in addition to all that the work requires to achieve a higher level.

In 2010, Behisa P., proposes a series of steps to be taken to overcome all areas of personal opportunity. Specifically, there are seven points that are interrelated and contribute to overcoming any obstacles.

1- Getting to know ourselves

The first step is that as people, we must delve into our being and recognize what are the main strengths and weaknesses that lead our life. That you are going through some complicated situation does not define the rest of life. There will always be something good.

2- Analyze past experiences

The second step is to remember the experiences lived previously in life, so that, in that way, you take those things that served as learning To apply these lessons in a practical way.

3. Enhance virtues

From the third step, Behisa, P. says:"The most important key to define your areas of opportunity is to exploit and apply the natural abilities and capabilities, everything that we are best, facilitates a performance of excellence. The fastest way forward is to identify what we do well"(2010).

4- Note skills

Fourth, it is recommended to make a detailed list of what the best skills the person possesses, including talents, hobbies, knowledge. Simply, all areas that are mastered to a great extent.

5- Sort the skills scored

Based on the skills that are mastered and the activities that the person most possesses, prior written activities must be organized in order of priority.

6- Select the best

Sixth, you have to choose the five best hobbies, skills, talents, gifts, among others that have been top of the list: these define your new areas of opportunity, to make the most of it.

7- Letting go

As a last step, you simply have to let your imagination and excellence fly, based on those talents that are now recognized to be.

Areas of opportunity at the corporate level

Primarily, what we must do is identify what are those failures or errors that could be committed, in order to have more clarity on the aspects in which we must work hard and improve.

Training is one of the best ways to improve in the areas of opportunity. You simply need to find out what your training needs are (DNC).

This methodology accurately detects what the errors are in what we must work and is not carried away by intuition. This program is mostly done in four stages.

1- Ideal situation

The main thing is that the supervisors must determine what knowledge, skills and requirements are requested, but that the staff does not have and therefore can not use them to perform their work in the best way. This is called the ideal situation.

In turn, the ideal situation is broken down into several elements. In the first part, there are the material resources, which are the necessary equipment for workers to perform their function.

In addition, they should describe what are the functions performed by each person in the company, and the work environment that each person needs to perform their work in the most optimal way.

2- Real situation

On the other hand, and as second item, is the description of the real situation, which as its name mentions it, one must talk about what are the knowledge and skills that actually owns the staff that works at that site. For this, it will require the help of interviews and questionnaires, among other tools.

3- Comparative Analysis

In the third step, a comparative analysis should be included between the actual situation and the ideal situation. After this and, based on the indicators placed above, the previously obtained results are verified and related.

This will make it easier to know which are the influential factors to be attained and which are considered to be acquired.

4- Real training needs

The last factor to be followed and followed by the previous step is to establish what the actual training needs are. This will tell you the areas in which employees need help.

On the other hand, businesses have different sectors in which to develop that can be an advantage according to the level of supply and demand in their country or region and that could be considered as areas of opportunity.

Tourism is a business that goes up annually and is currently one of the services most demanded and used by people. All the things that have to do with hospitality, airlines, packages of offers in different hotels or places, among others.

It should be noted that it must first be analyzed if the country where it is lived is profitable to carry out this business. However, as it is a large company with many competitors, it is recommended to offer new products that interest and attract the attention of customers, in addition to meeting their needs.

On the other hand, financial services are booming in recent years, being one of the fastest growing business areas. The services to be offered can be investment advice, for small entrepreneurs or families, could also be advice with a loan or advice with payment methods.

The area of ​​health is a sector that never ceases to be effective. Above all, in recent years, degenerative diseases and all kinds have increased and therefore, the demand has been greater, which makes this area a great opportunity.

In addition, satisfaction is received on a personal level because it helps people to lead a healthier life each day. Another area of ​​opportunity may be e-commerce, that is, secure methods to buy different products and pay them for Internet .

In this sense, has influenced the increase of access to the internet. The products to offer, can be of diverse types, from clothes, shoes, jewelry, until products for the home or cleaning.

As the last area of ​​opportunity we have customer services, which greatly increase the satisfaction obtained by the users. No matter the company in which you work, one of the most important elements is to please the customer and in that way, gain their approval and guarantee a next purchase.

In addition, in this way, you can achieve that these loyal customers and satisfied by the good service, recommend the business of your preference to your acquaintances.

Examples of business opportunity areas

Following the context in which companies make the most of all their weaknesses, or simply exploit their capabilities to a greater extent, we find different examples.

1- Disney

The first of them, and one of the most popular, is what happened with Disney. Originally, it was just a company dedicated to making movies. He noted his success and proposed a new challenge.

Time later, it reached the creation of the theme parks and a new line of products, that include toys, dolls and disguises, among others.

2- Amazon

Likewise, Amazon went from being a store that sold only books to selling all kinds of products to buy over the Internet, achieving the success that it has today.

3- Apple

Originally created in the 20th century as one of the main companies that sold only computers and computers, but, its greatest achievement was achieved when it was decided to broaden its horizons and remove the IPhone .

4- Transformation of the musical market

Finally, in the music and bands created in the 70's and 80's, the biggest income that the singers received was thanks to the records sold. Today, income comes through concerts and tours around the world.


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