Aldous Huxley's Top 100 Phrases

I leave you the best Aldous Huxley's Phrases , Essayist and English novelist born in 1894. In 1921 published his first novel called The Crome scandals .

His main work called A happy world , Was published in 1932 and is considered one of the most important works of literature of all time. They also stand out among their books A Pilatos Burlón Of 1926 and New visit To the happy world of 1958.

Aldous Huxley's Phrases

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The best quotes from Huxley

1-Perhaps, the only true men are the wise.

2-The bourgeois is the perfect human in a domesticated state.

3-Leaving silence aside, what best expresses what can not be expressed is music.

4-How do you know that the earth is not the hell of another planet?

5-You can find the whole present even in broken pieces.

6-When we see indifference we see a form of laziness. And when we see laziness we see one of the forms of unloving. No person is negligent with What he loves.

7-My longing is not comfort. I seek God, I long for poetry, I want the real risk, I long for freedom, I long for goodness. I want sin.

8-Knowledge is a matter that can be considered relatively easy. To want and to be able to act according to what one wants, is a matter more difficult.

9-Fear expels to intelligence, to goodness, every thought charged with virtue or beauty, the only thing left is the silent despair; And the End, the fear that comes to expel man from humanity itself.

10-There are three types of intelligence: human intelligence, animal intelligence and military intelligence.

11-It will never be the same to find the truth for oneself than to have to listen to it for others.

12-The good for all humanity must be that everyone can be happy to the maximum, with the guarantee that their happiness will not diminish at all the others.

13-For all dogs men are gods. But there are men who love dogs more than men.

14-A face can never be completely overshadowed. The soul is always shown through its walls.

15-Being intelligent seeks the experience you want to accomplish.

16 - The more sinister the aims of a politician, the more elaborate, generally speaking, is usually his language.

17-Those neighbors who never let themselves be seen up close are the ideal and perfect neighbors.

18-As slow as the hours go, they will seem slow to you if you think they will never return.

19-A truth that lacks emotion can be displaced by a lie that has emotion.

20-Stupidity is, of course, a daughter of the will.

21- The longer the violence, the more difficult it is for its promoters to create non-violent acts that compensate for it. The tradition of violence is born and the Men accept scales of values, with violence countered by heroic or virtuous acts.

22-Love drives away fear and reciprocally fear drives away love.

23-All people always get what they ask for. The problem is that before you have it you are never aware of what they asked for.

24-The diffusion of culture, leisure and economic well-being has created an unexpected demand for popular art. So, because the Good artists are always scarce, said demand has had to seek satisfaction in bad artists.

25-Words have the power of X-rays, if used properly, can go through everything.

26-By character we mean the sum of the tendencies to act in a certain direction.

It may be that the greatest lesson of history is to know that no one learned the lesson of history.

28-The end can not justify the means, by the simple fact that the means employed are those who determine the nature of the ends.

29-Happiness is never great.

30-Throughout the universe there is a corner that is surely your duty to improve it. That corner is yourself.

31-In totalitarian politics (...) there is the purpose of using religion (...) to contribute to the improvement of military effectiveness. Such Luck that the religion they promote is always and only anthropocentric, exclusionary and nationalistic.

32-The gods are created by men in their likeness.

33-Genius has its secret in always maintaining the spirit of a child until old age. Which means you will never lose your enthusiasm.

34. There has been a breakthrough in disease research. That every day is harder to find someone completely healthy.

35-The wars do not end another war; Most of the time they end with a peace. But this peace is often unfair, Develops another unjust war.

36-In the struggle of life our most powerful soul is love.

37-When you become part of a crowd you can experience something very similar to when you intoxicate with alcohol.

38-Experience is not in what happens to you, but in what you do with what happens to you.

39-Education that aims at freedom must first state fact and values, then must create the techniques to realize the values ​​and To combat those who deny facts and values ​​for some reason.

40 - Violence usually results in the need for more violence.

41-The most penetrating of criticism are caricatures and parodies.

It is a pity, but higher education does not necessarily guarantee superior virtue or public wisdom.

43. Emptiness is abhorred by nature, and this includes the mind. Boredom and its painful void is filled perpetually and renewed by the Cinema, radio, television and comic strips.

44-The spectacles of public character, are to the present era what was in the Average Age the religion.

45. Nationalism together with capitalism are both the fruit of the obsession with power, success and social prestige.

46-The man who is silent does not testify against himself.

47. There is no known moment in the history of the world, in which systematic lying has been practiced with less shame, or at least, and thanks to Modern technology, more and more efficiently or on a larger scale, than by the political dictates of this age.

48. Modern warfare has the capacity to destroy with maximum efficiency and indiscrimination. Therefore their injustices are much more Numerous and more serious than those they seek to amend.

49-The reform poses a problem that consists in having to destroy a vicious circle to replace it with a virtuoso.

50-As the most powerful political idea of ​​these years we have to nationalism. She justifies and transforms a diverse amount of emotions, becoming the Motivation of the individual and collective actions of greater importance.

51-The people have only one procedure to defend themselves from the tyranny of the rulers with a modern police force, and these are the Non-violent procedures, such as non-cooperation in mass and civil disobedience.

52-In most cases ignorance is a surmountable matter. We do not know why we do not want to know.

53. To get far in the mystical way, man must desire God intensely but learn to do it quietly, passively, although With all his heart, with all his spirit and all his strength.

54. Good aims can not be achieved by inappropriate means.

55-To the great majority of humanity ambition seems to them something praiseworthy. For them it becomes something so dangerous even for people who are really looking for Holiness as our cappuccino.

56-Such power has such a nature that even in that which has been obtained without wanting and without seeking, is born the idea of ​​increasing it more and more.

57-They do not cease to exist because they are simply ignored.

58. If society continues its development in the current channels, specialization will undoubtedly increase. The men then, will be considered, of More intensely, not as individuals, but as the embodiment of certain social functions.

59-The advance of natural knowledge is marked by an absolute rejection of authority.

60. Hitler's strategy was to move the masses as a first step. Then, once they had lost their traditional morals and loyalties, they could Impose (thanks to the hypnotized majority) a new totalitarian order of its creation.

61. Many works of art base their overwhelming power on the fact that their creators have painted scenes, people and objects reminiscent of those who Look, consciously or unconsciously the Other World in the back of your mind.

62-What we think determines what we are and what we do and reciprocally, what we do and what we are determines what we think.

63-It seems to be clearly demonstrated by history that when revolutionaries Employ the smallest forms of violence in their struggles, the results achieved are not desirable, but another equally undesirable result of the violence.

64. By civilization we mean, among other things, the process by which primitive herds become a crude and mechanical analogy, of The organic communities of social insects.

65. We have the words to explain the meaning of things. So the listener understands the meaning.

66-Our progress is due to the unsatisfied.

It is essential for us to be freed from the fundamental human incapacity which constitutes materialistic egoism.

It is difficult to maintain a conversation with someone who responds to personal words with impersonal expressions, and to full words Of feeling with an intellectual generalization.

"I do not think there are sinister people trying to steal the freedom of others. But I do believe, first of all, that there are a number of impersonal forces that lead us in a direction of less and less freedom.

70- I think there is a group of technological devices that can keep us from freedom by imposing control.

Overpopulation, the increasing pressure of the population over existing resources will cost us our freedom.

72. In underdeveloped countries life expectancy is decreasing at an alarming rate, we must do something.

73- I see a pattern that seems to promote the establishment of a totalitarian regime.

74. It seems that the communist party will be the heir of this land without liberties.

The Catholic Church seems to be pushing us into the hands of the Communists.

76. The whole essence of biological life on earth is a matter of equilibrium, if we break that balance, there will be no life.

77. We have only practiced a check on mortality without actually balancing the birth rate on the other side.

78. Over-organization is stealing our freedom.

79- The more complex the technologies, the greater the need to create organizations capable of keeping these technologies under control; Resulting in people living subordinate to these systems.

Hitler used terror of a certain kind, strength of a certain kind, but I also use very efficient propaganda; All through the media.

81. We must not underestimate our own technological advances.

82. A well-molded and neutral technology is a tremendous power that can either be used for good or can be abused for evil.

83. I think it's okay for us to have some drugs that will profoundly change our moods without damaging our minds.

84- I believe that in the future the dictators will find to preserve their power through the consent of the dominated ones; And this in part will be due to the use of drugs.

85. Dictators will impose themselves by appealing to the more subconscious side of man; Their deepest emotions and even their physiology, even causing them to love their bondage.

86. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

87. Political principles and specific action plans have lost much importance; The personality of the candidate, the way it is projected by the publicist experts, are the things that really matter.

88- The personality is good, there are many nice people, especially on television who have a great personality; But that does not imply that they would be good at positions of political trust.

89- Once you've established the principle that something works, you can be absolutely sure that your technology is going to improve constantly. Who will then use that technology and for what?

90- We will be persuaded without realizing the damage they do to our capacity for reason and judgment.

91. A democracy depends on the individual voter making an intelligent and rational election; With regard to self-interest enlightened in any circumstance. Advertising is eliminating that.

What the propagandist dictators do is try to circumvent the rational side of man and appeal to his unconscious emotions and forces.

"It seems as if all the propaganda was in the hands of one or very few agencies.

94- You can read in very lyrical brochures the importance of sticking to children because later on they will become loyal buyers of the brands. Translated into political terms, dictators know they will be buyers of ideologies.

95. The descriptions of advertising methods are really bloody when you read them.

96- The techniques of advertising training produces a break in young people that causes 75% of loyal fans with a single vision.

97. I believe that all new technologies are an instrument for acquiring power and there is nothing more tentative than the passion for holding power.

98. All democracy is based on the proposition that power is something very dangerous and that one should not leave a man or a small group of people long in it.

All these devices which are supposed to limit power are merely instruments for prolonging the power of a small group.

100. In an accelerated age of population, accelerated over-organization, and even more efficient methods of mass communication, how can we preserve integrity and reaffirm the value of the human individual?

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