Adele's Top 30 Phrases

In this post I leave you 30 sentences of Adele, The British singer-songwriter, R & B and pop.

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Phrases from Adele

1-I have insecurities, of course, but I do not go out with anyone who reminds me of them.

2-I do not make music for the eyes, I make music for the ears.

3-I like to be attractive but I always put comfort on fashion. I do not find thin girls attractive; Be happy and healthy. I never had a problem with my appearance. I prefer to have lunch with my friends than to go to the gym.

4-I already have enough problems to worry about my weight. I do not like going to the gym; I like to eat rich things and drink good wine. And even if I had a body, I would not show my ass and tits. I love that they do Lady Gaga or Katy Perry, but my music does not go from that. I do not make music to look, but to listen.

5-My life is full of drama and I do not have time to worry about something as small as my appearance.

6-I have never wanted to look like models of magazine covers. I represent the majority of women and I am very proud of that.

I am nervous every time I act.

8-I do not write songs about a specific, elusive thing. I write about love, and everyone knows what it's like to have your heart broken.

9-I've never been more normal than I am now.

10-I just want to make money. I do not want people to talk about me. All I ever wanted was to sing. I do not want to be a celebrity.

11-Crying is very bad for your vocal cords.

12-I will never write a new album again, by the way. I'm done being a bitter witch.

13-I love hearing my audience breathe.

14-Sometimes my songs wander a little and are not always consistent.

15-I get so distracted when I have someone in my life that I can not afford to be with anyone now. Besides, nobody treats me better than I do.

16-I have never been insecure, never, about my appearance, about what I want to do with myself.

17-I do not like going to the gym.

18-A drunken tongue is honest, in my opinion.

19-I do not obsess about being thinner or having more chest, step.

20-I do not trust my figure to sell records.

"I've always written how I feel.

22-I like to eat excellent quality food and drink good wine.

23-I have a passion for dancing, I just do not have the rhythm.

24-I always say that I am a lady singing, instead of a singer.

25-I do not need to excel, there is room for everyone.

26-I do not want to be a thin pop star. I do not have time for diets.

27-The remains of our love remind me of us and leave me thinking that we almost had everything. The remains of our love leave me breathless and I can not stop thinking about it.

"But come on, take it all with you." Do not look back, this fool that collapses. Just take everything with my love.

29-I heard that you have sat on the head that you found a girl and are married now. I heard that your dreams came true, I suppose she gave you things that I did not give you.

30-It says the rumor that I am the reason for which you left her. But the rumor says that he is the reason I leave you.

"I hope you can find the piece you're missing, and give it back to me."

32-There is a fire beginning to burn in my heart.

33-If I have a boyfriend and he loves my body, then I do not have to worry.

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