9 Important Features of Riddles

Between the Characteristics of riddles Most important are its disorienting and guiding elements, the recreational and playful purpose, and the aesthetic function.

A riddle is a question, puzzle, phrase, or statement designed to get unexpected or intelligent answers. When someone uses it as a question, it could be a challenge that elicits reflection for the audience or it could be a fun commentary meant to make the audience laugh.

Riddle features

A dialogue is established in which an emitter who writes the riddle interacts; And a receiver, which can be several people, to whom it is directed and plays it trying to guess, thus forming a dialogical game.

It develops an intellectual dynamic of challenge to knowledge, which is presented through crosswords, where the one who poses the riddle knows the answer and the receiver, he must use his imagination, his ability to concentrate and analyze, to solve it.

The communicative act between the sender and receiver is almost always closed, ie between you Y I , Using both personal and possessive pronouns, nicknames or appellations, among other words that help to give individual character to each one. Example:"You do not know me","I have your eyes","You know who I am".

Key Features of Riddles

Use introductory formulas

By placing words at the beginning of the verses, in order to attract attention.

  • Challenge the reader :"Guess guesser!"; "Guess, if you're a good guesser!";
  • Inciting with questions: "What will it be, what does it have...?"; "Who am I, what...?"
  • Locate in time and space :"In heaven I am..."; "First I was small..."; "I was born in the water...".
  • Initial identification: "I'm as small as..."; "Yellow like the..."; "I have spine and no...".

They present guiding elements

By contributing hidden or fragmented keywords in the text, creating clues that unite them awaken the imagination of the recipient until you come to build a meaning and find the solution.

Example:"I tell you, I tell you"(the cloth); "In the middle of the sky I am and never in water I go"(the letter"e").

They include disorienting elements

Using verses with deceptive clues, double meaning or rhetorical figures, making comparisons, personifications and animalizations. In order to disorient the receiver and find it difficult to find the solution.

When the options are presented in a confusing way, the answers may be several, the correct one being the most innocent option, which the issuer uses to deceive the fortune teller.

Example:"Whistle and I have no mouth..."(The wind); "I run and I do not have legs..."(Time); "I am long and stubborn..."(The tree).

What interests the game is deciphering the answer, using ingenuity, imagination, association and a bit of suspicion.

Completion formulas are established

When closing the riddle the receiver is invited to find the solution and continue with the game, using motivating words that indicate:

  • Ease: "In your sight the answer is"; "Clearer does not crow a cock."
  • Difficulty: "You will not guess it..."; "You must think big to achieve...".
  • Courage to try :"I am sure, that you will guess today"; "If you want to guess, wait a little longer."
  • Derision :"He who does not guess, he is very foolish." "If you can not guess, donkey ears are going to jump you."
  • Challenge :"If you are smart, you can guess"; "If you have ingenuity, you will be able to decipher."
  • Reward :"If you can guess, you will be the great master"; "The best diviner, receives the award".

They have aesthetic and poetic function

By presenting an abstract image, which is narrated in rhetorical form and in the form of verses, which take on a concrete meaning.

Most of these verses are octosyllabic, though they may also be hexasyllabic and pentasyllabic, with an assonant or consonant cross-rhyme. They are usually distributed in stanzas of two to four verses, although sometimes they can have six or eight.

By its poetic nature it is melodic and rhythmic of easy memorization and acceptance. Being able to add changes, according to the environment and taste of people.


" As small as a mouse,

And cares like a lion . (The lock)

" I have leaves and I am not a tree,

I have back and I am not a horse ". (The book)

They have a type of didactic type

This is evidenced in the use of crossword puzzle games for intellectual development, aimed at children, youth and adults.

Word structures are presented which, by organizing them in a coherent way, can find the solution, thus fostering in the receiver the capacity for logical reasoning and communicative ability.

The riddle is intended to make the participant decipher a linguistic code that communicates a message in a confusing way.

In this way, they learn to associate, memorize, compare and formulate their conclusions, in order to finally discover the correct answer.

Develop linguistic aspects

The riddles impel the reading, the analysis and the understanding of what is read. In the same way they allow to identify some linguistic aspects such as lexicon, syntax and semantics.

  • The lexicon : Because it is an interaction mainly of oral type, the riddles can have a poetic or daily language. Poetic with the construction of meanings from rhetorical figures, through simile, metaphor, among other tools, that help to transform the pronouns, adjectives and nouns.


"He lives on high,

At the top dwells,

Above weaves

The weaver ." (The spider)

  • The syntax: Almost always the order of the words is altered, more so when its sequence can unveil the riddle. That is why comparative or adversative associations are made with verbs, adjectives, pronouns, etc. To confuse the diviner.

"I brought them from the market,

And they were very black,

Being already in my house,

They turned red." (Charcoal)

  • Semantics: Words are added that help to clarify the unknown and contribute to the creation of other meanings through the use of analogies, puns, metaphors, etc., that by ordering, enumeration or addition, contribute to the poetry a rhythm And intonation.


"I'm boring and stubborn,

Bald, round, glossy,

Llorona and stinky,

And I am more stinky,

When I bite the hair ."(The onion)

They have a recreational and Playful

Riddles are hobbies to entertain by building puzzles of words, until you reach the meaning of the riddle. These puzzles have reached different spaces such as family, community and school, as they offer everyone a healthy time of fun.

You can create riddles of various themes, subjects, animals, objects, etc., letting your imagination fly to organize ideas and challenge the opponent.

To play the riddles, you must follow a logical structure for the presentation of the puzzle. They are written in the form of verses and presented to a receiver, to awaken their interest in fantasy, the search for the unknown and the resolution of the mystery.

Develop identity

Since they are a kind of sayings created by the community, in which they develop topics that deal with important local aspects.

They allow to identify a community, tango the language as its subjects treated in them, contributing to the diffusion of the popular traditions.


  1. Characteristics of riddles. Recovered from: lasadivinanzasenaula.blogspot.com
  2. Characteristics of riddles. Recovered from: tareasya.mx
  3. [Links] Make visible the invisible. Structures and functions of the traditional Mexican riddle. Mexico, Plaza and Valdés Editors
  4. The riddles. Recovered from: elhuevodechocolate.com
  5. Miaja de la Peña, M. Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes: The riddle. Sense and survival. Recovered from: cervantesvirtual.com.

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