9 Habits to Prevent Arterial Hypertension

It can Prevent high blood pressure With a series of essential habits that modify and improve the quality of life and mental and physical well-being.

High blood pressure or high blood pressure increases your risk of developing serious health problems.

Among them:

  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Stroke.
  • Liver diseases.

There are factors like age, ethnicity and genetics that you can not control, but if you can control the lifestyle and I will focus on it.

10 Habits to Prevent Hypertension

To avoid hypertension follow a lifestyle that will make you build the following essential habits:

How to prevent high blood pressure

1-Maintain a proper weight

To control hypertension it is essential that you maintain an adequate weight.

Overweight people will have to Try to lose weight , While those who have the right weight will need to maintain their weight.

If you are overweight, losing only 4.5 kilograms can help you prevent high blood pressure.

So you can calculate your body mass index:

Quetelet Body Mass Index (BMI) = Weight (kg) / height (m)

  • BMI> 25 = overweight
  • BMI 20-25 = normal
  • BMI 18-20) = underweight

2-Do exercise frequently

Physical activity is essential; Improve circulation and maintain your weight, In addition to many other benefits.

Starting for 30 minutes three times a week is fine.

People who exercise are 20-50% less likely to have low blood pressure than people who are not active.

3-Control your blood pressure

Be sure to monitor your blood pressure regularly, whether at home or at a medical facility.

High blood pressure can occur without symptoms, so you can only check it by making it a test.

4-Eliminate salt

The higher the consumption of sodium, the higher the blood pressure.

Besides avoiding table salt, you have to be careful with processed and packaged foods.

5-Reduce or eliminate alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can raise your blood pressure. To prevent it, limit the alcohol you drink or eliminate it altogether.

Here you can read Other effects of alcohol on the brain.

6-Reduce stress

Stress can also contribute to high blood pressure. There are many ways you can use it to reduce it.

If you suffer, I recommend reading this article and practice Some of these relaxation techniques .

7-Avoid smoking

Smoking tobacco raises your blood pressure and puts you at greater risk for heart attacks and cardiovascular disease.

If you do not smoke, avoid doing it even passively. If you do, quit Will have great benefits .

8-Keep a balanced diet

Maintaining a balanced diet will allow you to keep hypertension at bay.

There are some nutrients that can help prevent high blood pressure:

  • Potassium: You can get enough potassium from your diet, so you do not need a supplement. Many fruits and fish are good sources of potassium.
  • Calcium: the population with low calcium intake have a higher rate of high blood pressure. However, calcium intake has not been proven to prevent high blood pressure. However, it is important to make sure you take at least the minimum recommended amount: 1000 milligrams per day for adults aged 19-50 and 1200 mg for those over 50 years. Meals like milk, yogurt and cheese are good sources of calcium.
  • Magensio: A diet low in magnesium can increase your blood pressure. However, taking extra magnesium is not recommended to prevent it; It is enough with the one you take on a healthy diet. It is found in whole grains, green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, Dried peas And beans.
  • Garlic: There is some evidence that garlic may lower blood pressure, as well as improve cholesterol and reduce some cancers.

If you are going to take any dietary supplement, it is advisable to talk to your doctor first. It may interact with any medication you are taking and have side effects, or you may be allergic to any of its components.

9-Foods to Avoid

Try to avoid the following foods in your diet:

  • Salt: Pay attention to labels, especially processed foods.
  • Sausages.
  • Frozen pizza.
  • Pickled foods: salt is needed to preserve food.
  • Canned food.
  • Sugar.
  • Any food packaged.
  • Coffee.
  • Alcohol.

Children and adolescents

A healthy lifestyle can also help children and adolescents to prevent hypertension:

Follow a diet that includes lots of fruits, vegetables and low in salt.

Be active for at least 1 to 2 hours a day. Limit TV, smartphone or video games to 2 hours a day.

Keep a healthy weight. If your child is overweight, visit your doctor to start a diet

And what do you do to prevent hypertension? I am interested in your opinion. Thanks!

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