9 Examples of Important Literary Resources

The literary resources Refer to the typical structures used by writers in their works to transmit their messages in a simple way to readers. They serve to originate specific effects of style in a text.

When used correctly, different literary resources help readers to appreciate, interpret and analyze the literary work of the author. The main job of these resources is to transform and convert a common or simple text into an adorned text that stands out.

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Literary resources always use words in an unusual or unusual way; Their meanings take different directions from those commonly known. Usually these resources are used to capture the attention of the reader thanks to its unusual form.

These literary figures exist in many ways. They can be figures of amplification, of repetition, or figures of omission.

There are many resources, including: metaphors, parallels, euphemisms, palindromes, fallacies, consonances, ellipsis, denotations, catharsis, sarcasm, syllogisms, colloquialisms, oxymoron, cliches, and epiphanies, among others.

Mainly there are three types of resources: phonics, where sound effects are found; The grammatical ones, that alter the order of the words to have a rhythm; And semantics, which alter the meanings of words.

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It can be defined as a rhetorical resource in which a writer plays with the normal position of words and phrases to create sentences arranged differently but equally suggesting a similar meaning.

The words of a hyperbaton are never accommodated in their normal order; Is classified as a figure of disorder. It is usually used for rhetorical purposes and to create emphasis as it interrupts the rhythm of sentences.

An example of this literary resource can be found in the poem Wasteland By TS Eliot. Some sentences of the same are:" The winter kept us warm, covering us" ," You can not say, or guess, since only you "Y" And the dead tree does not provide shelter, the cricket gives no relief."

Another known hyperbaton comes from Shakespeare: "Some rise because of sin, and some by virtue fall."


This way of speaking refers to the way in which abstract ideas and principles are described in terms of figures, events and characters.

It can be used in poetry and prose to tell a story for the purpose of teaching an idea or explaining a principle; Teach a moral lesson.

Allegories are used to add different layers of meanings to works. These works make their stories and characters multidimensional so they can represent meanings greater than their literal definition.

An analysis of an allegorical piece can take a look at the mind of the author and how he sees the world.

An example of a famous allegory in the literature is the Farm Of George Orwell, who uses animals on a farm to describe the communist revolution of Russia before World War I.


It involves an exaggeration of ideas to emphasize. It can be used in everyday speech; Is an unrealistic exaggeration to emphasize a real situation.

Some examples are: "I could eat an elephant,""Your suitcase weighs a ton,""I die of embarrassment,""Your grandmother is as old as the hills "Y "I'm trying to solve a million problems at the same time"


This resource occurs when an idea, object or animal is attributed human qualities. These non-human objects are represented in such a way that they feel like they have the ability to act as human beings.

Some examples may be:" The sky cries,""Look at my car. She is a beauty, is not she?","The fire swallowed the whole forest","Time advances and waits for no one" , etc.


It is the repetitive use of phrases or words with similar meanings. In other words, it is expressing the same thing or idea two or several times.

A grammatical tautology means that an idea will be repeated within the sentence, sentence or paragraph to give the impression that more information is being provided.

There are different types of tautology; Can be in intentional ambiguities, in poetic resources, as psychological significance, etc. Examples may be:" Your performance is completely devoid of emotion "Y" Repeat that again"


It uses the use of symbols to signal ideas, giving them symbolic meaning different from their literal meaning. It can take different forms; It is generally an object representing another to give it a distinct but profound and important meaning.

In the literature, there are many symbolic values. For example, in the monologue of" As you like "By Shakespeare: Everyone is a stage, all men and women are actors who have their outputs and inputs; A man plays many roles in his life.

These lines are symbolic since the stage represents the world and the actors are the human beings who act in different ways throughout their lives.


This resource is an indirect and brief reference to a person, place, thing or idea with a cultural, historical, literary or political significance. It does not describe in detail to which it refers, it is only a brief commentary.

For example, the Phrase"I do not approve of this quixotic idea "Is an allusion. Quixotic means impractical and stupid, is derived from Don Quixote de Cervantes as it tells the story of a silly knight.


It refers when a part of something represents that whole in its entirety; Can be used to represent a part. You can use large or small groups.

For example, referring to a car as wheels is a synecdoche as it represents the car in its entirety.

The word bread refers to money in the phrase" Writing is my bread and butter "; the word tail Is a common synecdoche to refer to carbonated drinks, etc.


This feature is used when placing a number of words that have the same consonant sound together in a series.

For example, the phrase"my mother pampers me"is alliterative because the same first letter occurs in the sentence in a sentence.

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