9 Essential Tips for Getting Up Early

For many of us, up early Is a challenge. However, it is also something that many would like to do more easily.

Waking up early is necessary for most jobs, but even on weekends it is something that allows you to have a more productive day.

In this article, we will explore different strategies that can help you Get out of bed with more energy To exercise or to work, and, what is also important, with less and less effort. I'll even tell you some of my tricks!

up early

In my case, it costs me nothing to get up early, I usually do it from Monday to Friday at 6:50 a.m. On Saturdays at 7:15 or 7:30 and on Sundays I do not set the time, although, as I have gotten used to the schedule, I get up at 8 or 8:30. If I left the day before, of course I sleep the necessary hours.

It's true that I have a Biological rhythm Diurnal (I am much more active in the morning), although it is necessary a habit to get up at that time. After you acquire that habit, you do not find it an effort. What's more, you'll find it harder to spend more hours in bed.

This article about How to sleep well You may also like.

What has served you? Comment at the end of the article if it costs you or if it serves you some particular technique. I am interested!

The difference between getting up at five and seven in the morning, for forty years, assuming he goes to bed at the same time of night, is almost equivalent to the sum of ten years to life.-Philip Doddridge.

1-Motivation to get out of bed

It is good to be awake before dawn, because that habit contributes to wealth, health and wisdom.-Aristotle.

In my opinion, this is the most important factor; If you have an important reason to get out of bed, you will jump out of it with energy.

Therefore, it is advisable that you set goals that inspire and remind you when you wake up. Put a reminder on the alarm clock, a picture on the mobile / cell phone, a poster... I've already got used to thinking about my goals every time I get up. This article about Goal setting Of may interest.

2-The night before

Every morning is a beautiful morning.-Terri Guillemets.

The energy you have in the morning depends largely on what you did last night. It is logical that it will be very difficult to open your eyes in the morning if you went to sleep after midnight and failed to have the hours necessary for your body to be rested. One important thing to keep in mind is that if you go to bed after midnight, the rest does not have exactly the same quality if you fall asleep before that time.

So the first step to get up early is to establish a constant sleep time that allows you to sleep the necessary hours to be rested. In general, it is best to sleep between 7 and 9 hours a day, although the particular needs of each person vary.

Sometimes the problem is what happens before bedtime. There are products that negatively affect our ability to sleep early and rest. Any caffeinated beverage continues to affect us for up to 6 hours after we have consumed it, so it is preferable to avoid teas, coffees and soft drinks until 6 hours before bedtime. Other products that prevent us from resting are those that are very heavy and affect the digestive system. This makes our dream not deep enough. The best thing to avoid this is light dining.


The dawn has gold in the mouth.-Benjamin Franklin.

As for exercise, doing it before bedtime can excite the body and make it harder to fall asleep. However, walking or doing something similar a few hours before bedtime can be beneficial. Eye, it is very good to exercise, also to rest better, although it is best to do it until 2 hours before going to bed.

read this article To motivate you to run / jog.


Early to bed and get up early, it makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.-Benjamin Franklin.

Another important thing is the environment where you want to sleep. Ideally, your bed is just the place where you sleep and not where you work, eat and watch television. This helps you sleep better.

Television or computer just before bed is also something that is best avoided. A book is the best choice.

As for your room, it needs to be dark, as even the flashing light of a cell phone or a clock can affect your sleep. It is also important that the room is well ventilated.

Something that helps a lot is having a routine before bed. Your body relaxes and by the time you get to bed, you are ready to sleep. A routine may include drinking milk, reading a few pages, doing relaxation exercises, taking a hot shower, etc. It can include everything you can think of that will relax you.

5-Adopting the Habit

The morning is an important part of the day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you will have.-Lemony Snicket.

All of the above serves to make the wake of the following morning as easy as possible. However, there are also strategies you can apply to get you up with more comfort.

The first thing to do is to change the alarm time. Starting with the time you usually get up, what you can do is to go past the alarm fifteen minutes earlier each day. If you get up at 7 o'clock and never do it, chances are you will not have a pleasant day. However, if you gradually change the time, your body will get more comfortable. Now, if it costs you a lot of work, you can leave the alarm at the same time for 2-3 days before adding another 15 minutes. When you get to your ideal time, it is best that it is the time you get up from Monday to Sunday, at least for a month, as you get used to this new habit.

6-What to do right after you wake up?

When you wake up, it's not the best thing to get out of bed. This causes stress to your body and does not allow you to wake up at your own pace. It is better to stay in bed for a few minutes and get up without rushing.

However, there is a possibility that at the beginning of this routine change, staying in bed will make you sleep again. Then it may be a good idea to get up faster in that period. One tip to achieve this is to leave the alarm at some distance from the bed so you can not turn it off automatically.

As soon as you get up, it's best to make the bed and get dressed. Even if you do not go out, changing clothes will give the signal to your brain that you go from one phase of your day to another. Making the bed makes it harder to sleep in it.

7-Several possibilities to get together

Another good strategy is to play music as soon as you wake up or put an alarm song. However, it is best to change your music every day so you do not have enough. Putting music makes your body active. Music stimulates the ear, but if you add stimulus to the other senses, you are likely to wake up faster.

The smell of coffee or rich food stimulates smell and activates taste. A cold shower Or contrast helps your whole body wake up through touch.


In the modern world technology can come to your rescue as well. There are programs for the cell / mobile that require you to do certain things before turning off the alarm, such as answering questions, taking a photo in a certain place in your home or solving math problems, depending on your tastes. There are also intelligent alarm programs that wake you up with sounds of nature and lights that help you wake up without stress.

As for alarm clocks, there are alarms that run away from you, so you can not just hit the"snooze"button. These types of supports are not for everyone, but if you love technology you can try them.

9-Possible disadvantages

Another thing to keep in mind is to do if there is a change in your schedule. If you did not get enough sleep one day, you need to get back to sleep the next day or the next two days, otherwise you may fall asleep in a cycle of sleep deprivation. As for naps, if you feel you need one, make sure it lasts between 15 and 45 minutes. This will help you feel rested without changing your sleep cycle.

In conclusion, getting up early in the morning involves making an effort at the beginning but eventually becomes a habit. However, it is worth it, because it will help you to make more use of the day and to have more energy in general. It will also allow you to be much more productive and lead a healthier lifestyle.

What strategies or techniques have served you? Do you have trouble getting up early?

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