80 Weekend Phrases

I leave you a list of Weekend phrases To reflect, to have fun, to make notes or to dedicate to friends, family or couple.

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Weekend phrases

1- Calm down and listen to the good news... It's Friday!

2- A weekend does not make sense if you spend doing something that makes sense.

3 - Forget all the bad things that happened to you the last five days and get ready to enjoy the weekend.

4- A wild and crazy weekend involves lying down comfortably in bed and bring you breakfast.

5- The only end we all look forward to is the end of the week.

6- At last the holy day arrived that we all expected! Holy Friday!

7- Raise your hands all those who are ready to make this weekend something they surely will regret on Monday!

8- Music always sounds better on Fridays.

9- A weekend in Las Vegas without playing and drinking is like being born again Christian.

10- Two days will never be enough for a weekend.

11- Spending five days a week with formal postage is like living with a depressed clown. That's why the ends are like living with a hippie monkey.

The feeling of Sunday night is the same all over the world, heavy, melancholy, and with that certainty that the weekend was over when it was just beginning.

13- I always give 100% at work: 13% Monday, 22% Tuesday, 26% Wednesday, 35% Thursday, 4% Friday. So I have enough energy for when the weekend comes.

14- Friday night liquor is as important as Monday morning coffee.

15- Weekends are like rainbows, they look great in the distance, the closer you get to them the more you get excited, but they disappear too quickly when you finally get to them and you almost never get the gnome's gold.

16. The words of a drunken man on a weekend are only his thoughts contained during the last five days.

17- Nothing in the world is more expensive than a woman with a free credit card for a weekend.

18- If you need a strong motivation think about the crazy things you will do this weekend.

19- Why Monday is so far from Friday but Friday is so close to Monday? Injustices of life.

20- Have you heard the saying"better days will come"? Well, they are called Saturday and Sunday.

21- We really need a day between Sunday and Monday.

22- No matter how much stress you have had these five days, there is nothing that a good weekend can not cure.

23- Do not waste your time waiting for a better tomorrow, because while you do that morning it becomes today without you noticing. No day is better than the other, except on Fridays. The start of the weekend is something else.

24- Music is the silence between notes, my favorite silences are called: Saturday and Sunday.

25- Just forget about all your problems and dive into the weekend as a child dives into a new pool.

26- The five hibernation days are over! Wake up your liver! Happy weekend!

27- Weekends mark the beginning of a new beginning.

28- We are lucky to have two days a week in which we do not see each other, so we can give ourselves enough time to miss us. Happy weekend!

29- That feeling of emotion that gives us the last minute of Friday at work.

30- Weekdays are like having a Bluettoth that only connects when asked to connect. Weekends are like having free Wi-fi that is always connected and looking for other Wi-Fi connections.

31- There is no more difficult transition than Sunday to Monday.

32- The only reason we asked other people how their weekend was is so we can tell them about our own weekend. -Chuck Palahniuk

33- It is not that we spend five days of the week expecting only two. It's that most people do what they like most in those two days. -James A. Murphy

34- Invest the time this weekend in the improvement of the home, improve your attitude towards your family. -BoBennett

35- The weekend has come, take advantage of all this free time to do the things you love and to be around your family and most precious friends!

36- The only good thing about being unemployed is that the weekends last seven days.

37- The weekends are too short to sleep! - Bryant A. Loney.

38- It's weekend... time to relax. Forget all your worries and rest a little.

39- Happiness comes with a price. If you are smiling, then you have already paid for it beforehand. Have a happy weekend!

40- It always makes me happy to meet my friend again, and my friend is my weekend. -Debasish Mridha

41- This week seemed to be eternal, but it finally came, it's here, it's Friday! Now it's time for revenge, everyone to celebrate that the night is young and lasts 48 hours!

42- Always put some of the fun, freedom and wonder of the weekend in your work week. - Rasheed Ogunlaru

43- Enjoyment with family and loved ones is the only duty we have in our weekend.

44. The days of the week are already here, no more waking up early; It's time to enjoy Happy weekend!

45. Now get rid of the habit of getting up early, there's no reason to waste that quality time with your pillow over the weekend.

46- Keys to having a weekend WORLDWIDE! Speak like English, kiss like French, drive like German, dress like Italian, spends like an Arab and party like a Caribbean. Happy weekend!

47- Happiness is a mad mathematics because it multiplies when you start to divide it, luck dividing your happiness this weekend!

48- You know you're old when you're sitting on the couch in your house on a Saturday afternoon and when the phone rings you pray because it's not your friends inviting you to a party. Happy weekend to do nothing!

49. The plan for Friday may extend until Saturday and then until Sunday. Surely we are going to arrive on Monday dying of the hangover, but surely we will be anxious because the next weekend.

50- Oh Friday! The golden child of the days of the week. The superhero of the work week. Welcome car at the weekend. The famous word with V for which we give thanks to God every week.

51. That your only mission this weekend is to get around enough to let people know you're not dead.

52- Saturday and Sunday are the next most beautiful thing after YOU MY LOVE.

53- That this weekend is the beginning of a great trip, I hope you do well, enjoy it because you have it well deserved and do not forget to bring us memories.

54- Weekends are a celebration for the good work done during the days of the week. Have a very pleasant weekend!

55- If life were an adventure game, the salary would be the experience points and the weekends the treasure found. Happy weekend and do not forget to raise a level!

56- It's going to be a weekend not just for you, it's going to be a weekend for your suits, shoes, files, laptops; etc. Leave them to them to have a quiet weekend without you, do something different. Have a relaxing weekend!

57. Life is good when you are happy. But life is better when other people are happy because of you. Inspire, give peace and share your smile with everyone. Have a good weekend!

58. A healthy lifestyle is defined not only by what you eat. Also what you live emotionally, mentally and spiritually Make sure you have a weekend with a healthy diet!

59-"So much to swim to die drowned in the shore"It is the perfect definition to take the work to your house the weekend Enjoy, relax and rest!

60- Let us be thankful for all the stress we get in life. It's a reminder from God that we have to relax from time to time to balance things. Happy weekend!

61- The weekend exists for you to spend the best doing what you think best. Do not waste it. Happy weekend!

62- If you are one of those who think that weekends are made for sleeping then you are right! But if you are one of those who think that the weekend is meant to do everything except sleep, then you are right too! Enjoy your weekend doing what you want.

63- This weekend comes with the floor... It's going to put together a big one.

No matter how long your week has been or how tired you are. The only thing that can not be recycled is discarded time. Make the most of this weekend!

65- We work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week for a total of 40 hours. The weekend has 48 hours You know how long you're going to sleep so you can keep the balance of the universe intact!

66- The heart is not an old box to keep tension and sadness, is a golden vessel to pour joy and joy Enjoy this weekend and discard all the bad that you have accumulated!

67- The weekend is to get in shape! Horizontally and continue to sleep late.

68- The best social network is a table surrounded by the people you love most, say no to the computer this weekend and enjoy with your family!

"If you spend your weekends sleeping then, you're having a hard time." Weekends are to hibernate. Sleeping is amateur.

70- It is written FRIDAY but it is pronounced FINALLY! Of the longed for and near perfect past weekend.

71- The hardest part after a holiday weekend is only the first five days, after that we can resume.

72-"Lord almighty, you are in heaven, do not let me be invited to drink today, you know that I am weak"I every weekend.

73- Vows of love for each Friday:"I, I accept you weekend, to love and respect you, to enjoy and unveil you until Monday separates us"

74- Friday: I'm going to laugh, I'm going to dance, live my life La La La. -Marc Anthony

"Dearest weekend, you were a terrible lover. You were late, you were short, and now you're leaving early? I demand more days!

76-"Binge Nights, Ibuprofen Morning"Small letters found in weekend and Monday instructions.

77- Changing the alarm clock is the most exciting thing I'm going to do this weekend.

78- This weekend, get together with people who get the best of you, for example: get you out dancing.

79- Everything is a matter of perspective, of attitude towards life. There are those who say"Thursday"I'm one of those who say"almost Friday"Happy ALMOST weekend!

80- The human being is that animal that is sad at home on Sunday nights and happy on Fridays in the office in the morning.

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