8 Dynamics and Self-Esteem Activities for Children and Adolescents

The 4 Dynamics and self-esteem activities for children and adolescents That I will show you are excellent for working on self-confidence.

To have Good self-esteem Is as important as having a strong immune system; Protects from the adversities and difficulties of life, giving the strength to fight against them when they arise.

Dynamics of self-esteem

The activities I discuss will serve as games to encourage self-esteem in your children daily; Childhood and adolescence is a critical age in which it begins to Develop self-esteem .

You or your children will never be free of problems, although you can prepare to face them successfully with this ability and other Such as resilience .

4 dynamics and self-esteem activities for educators and parents

Self-esteem activities

The role of educators is very important. After home, school is the place where children spend the most time.

1- Game of the stars

Each child is given a star to color with their favorite color. In it you must write your name and the three things you like to do.

Once everyone is finished, the stars are exchanged with the partner next to them. Each one will read aloud what the other partner likes to do but without saying the name. The teacher will ask who the star corresponds to.

This activity requires the child to reflect on what they enjoy most. Reading aloud the tastes of another partner, favors the integration of their preferences with that of others.

The teacher's question, as to who the star belongs to, will reinforce the child's sense of identity. "That star is mine", it's like saying, that's me.

2- Game of the professions

Ask each child to select two jobs or professions they would like to do. In the orientation to make the selection, ask them to take into account what they like the most and what they believe is the best they can do.

Then make a list with the chosen professions and organize a day of"theatrical performance". Each will do the work you have selected.

For example the fireman will pretend to put out a fire, the nurse will cure a sick person, etc. After each performance ask the whole group to applaud each partner.

This is a good opportunity for the teacher to highlight in front of the group the strengths and talent that each one has demonstrated in his role.

3- The envelope game

Each child or each teenager is given a sheet and an envelope. On the sheet you must write down three defects that you recognize in yourself.

They can also be characteristics that they do not like about themselves and that they would like to change. Then they place the list inside the envelope and close it.

That envelope will bear your name. They pass it to the next partner and this one must write three qualities or virtues that recognizes in the person of the envelope.

This will write it abroad. Then said envelope is passed to the partner on the right and this will do the same.

The game will end when the envelope reaches the owner of the envelope.

The purpose of this game is to show to each, that although they have defects, also has many virtues.

In fact each partner recognizes different virtues, perhaps some coincidences. But in any case they will be more than the defects he has identified.

In this game the defects are not shared, seeking that the participant is left with the pleasant surprise of all the good that the others recognize in him.

4- Who likes who

This activity is ideal to raise it among adolescents. In them the aesthetics and the image is usually a key element when talking about self-esteem.

Each participant is given a sheet with the name of a partner. Everyone should write down the three things they like about that person.

Everyone has to choose three physical or personal characteristics that they like about the partner they have touched.

Then the teacher will gather all the leaves, and read anonymously and aloud each of the attributes.

The fact that it is anonymous will encourage you to express what you otherwise would not encourage.

Asking them to mention three aspects they like will help them to see that everyone has something positive and enjoyable.

Also, you will realize that not everything goes through the physical. In turn, when everyone has the turn to hear their qualities, you will feel very happy. Even surprised to know aspects of themselves that others value as positive.

Self-esteem activities

Adolescent with self-esteem

Parents play a key role in creating a strong and positive perception of the child about themselves.

The family is the place where the child is loved and valued such and such is. Since he is a baby, even inside the womb, the child perceives feelings of value.

Naturally he can not discern these values ​​but he receives them as stimuli, which will be positive or negative depending on his authority figures.

5- Assign specific tasks

Assign your child each week for example, a specific task. "This week you have to pick up all your toys and put them away instead."

It can be a simple example, in which you clearly give it a responsibility. The fact that you have entrusted something to him conveys the message that you believe he can do it.

That trust you are placing in your child, will make him feel the commitment to respond to it. In addition to having a goal to achieve, it will have a"moral"duty to fulfill.

6- Frequently use the words"please"and"thank you"

Many times you can omit to thank your child for something he has done. Surely you do not because you think you will not value it as such.

However, when you ask someone for something, please convey respect. That will make you feel you have value and therefore will strengthen your self-esteem.

7- Ask and listen carefully

In addition to the more"trivial"questions like"are you hungry or cold?"Ask him quality questions.

What does this exercise mean? Simply give your child enough space to express himself.

Encourage it through more demanding questions, such as"what did you most like about what you did in school today?"

That way you will"force"him to have to describe sensations or thoughts. When you do, listen very carefully.

If the TV is switched on for example, then turn the volume down to listen to it. That way he will understand that what he has to say is important.

Never interrupt your conversation by answering your mobile. What your child has to tell you is more important, and that message is the one you have to convey exactly.

8- Highlight the positive and improve the negative

No end is good, and this is an almost universal law. All children, including your children, have flaws and virtues. Traits of your personality or behaviors that you like more or less.

When the good becomes clear do not miss the opportunity to express clearly your pride. "I congratulate you son for the good work you have done", can be a good example of recognition.

On the contrary, if you have added 2 plus 3 and that does not give 5, then you have to tell him the error. But you have to tell him in a positive way.

Generating a second chance immediately, or a third, if necessary, is very important. When you achieve the correct result, let him see that he was able to overcome the difficulty.

Self-esteem is knowing oneself with virtues and defects, and having confidence in one's ability to overcome difficulties.

By applying these exercises, your children will be able to strengthen themselves inwardly and thus prepare themselves in the best possible way for the vicissitudes of life.

What is self-esteem?

8 Dynamics and Self-Esteem Activities for Children and Adolescents

The self esteem It is the general opinion you have of yourself, it is a judgment about yourself, as well as an attitude about yourself.

It includes:

  • Beliefs. For example,"I am worth a lot"or"I am competent"
  • Emotions: of pride, shame, self-respect, triumph...

If you have a high self-esteem, you will have a sense of satisfaction that comes from recognizing and appreciating your own worth, Loving yourself And accepting you.

It is very important for you Psychological well-being , To have healthy personal relationships and to have a successful life.

The opposite is to have a negative concept of yourself and that is when you give yourself negative or low self-esteem.

Why is it so important to work on self-esteem in children?

8 Dynamics and Self-Esteem Activities for Children and Adolescents 1

Every perception and concept you have about yourself is part of a development process. This process begins when you are a child and will be built throughout your life.

Hence, the great importance of this process beginning early. For this you have to offer children experiences that will allow you to create a positive sense of self.

If a child has low self-esteem Will tend to develop negative and anxious behavior, through which you will feel less confident and sensitive to others.

These experiences will make you more likely to have difficulties in your learning process, your academic performance, and even difficulties in creating lasting bonds.

To facilitate the development of a positive self-esteem, there are different exercises and dynamics both educators and parents can perform.

Here are some of the most important and based on the following thematic axes: self-esteem acquired from the head, inspired from the heart and projected into daily life.

And do you know other dynamics or activities? I am interested in your opinion. Thanks!


  1. Www.slideshare.net/ROSHAUN/how-to-work-the-self-esteem

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