71 Yoga Phrases of Famous Yogis

These Yoga phrases Short To reflect you will be surprised by their message and spiritual energy and by the difference they represent with respect to the Western culture of materialism.

If you still do not practice yoga or meditation , I recommend you start or at least try.

Putting a new habit in your life can be a big challenge, but it's worth it in the long run. I have already done it and, although it is costing me, every day I last longer and I do better.

It is curious that, being a habit so healthy and that also provides well-being, is so difficult to acquire. However, so are all habits; The human being is a being of habits and it costs him to acquire both good and bad.

You may also like These Zen sentences or These spiritual .

1-When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live in peace with others.-Peace Pilgrim.

Yoga phrases

2-I have been a seeker and I am still, but I stopped looking at books and stars and began to listen to the teachings of my soul.- Rumi .


3-You can not always control what happens on the outside. But you can always control what happens inside. Yoga.


4-Yoga does not take us away from the reality or the responsibilities of everyday life, but puts our feet firmly and resolutely in the practical terrain of experience. We do not transcend our lives; We return to the lives we have left behind in the hope of something better.-Donna Farhi.


5-Your task is not to seek love, but simply to seek and find all the barriers you have built within yourself.-Rumi.


6-The two most important pieces of equipment you need to do yoga are your body and your mind.-Rodney Yee.


7-You can not do yoga. Yoga is a natural state. What you can do are yoga exercises, which can reveal you when you are resisting your natural state.-Sharon Gannon.


8-A photographer makes people pose for themselves. A yoga instructor makes people pose for themselves.-T. Guillemets.


9-It is not arrogant or selfish to feel good inside. It is simply the honest answer to perceive reality with honesty.-Erich Schiffman.


10-True meditation is about being fully present with everything, including discomfort and challenges. It is not an escape from reality.-Craig Hamilton.


11-To release the potential of your mind, body and soul, you must first expand your imagination. Things are always created twice: first in the workshop of the mind and then in reality.- Robin Sharma.

12-Yoga is the practice of silencing the mind.-Patanjali.

13-Anyone who practices can get success in yoga, but not someone who is lazy. Only constant practice is the secret of success.-Svatmarama.

14-Remember the emphasis of the heart. The mind lives in doubt and the heart lives in trust. When you trust, you suddenly focus.-Osho.

15-Be a lamp for yourself. Be your own confidence. Cling to the truth within you as the only truth.- Buddha .

16-Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.-Jason Crandell.

17-I offer you peace. I offer you love. I offer you friendship. I see your beauty. I hear your need. I feel your feelings. My wisdom flies from the main source. I greet that source in you. Let us work for unity and love.- Gandhi .

18-You can get into yoga, on your way, only when you are totally frustrated with what your mind is like. If you still hope that you can get something through your mind, yoga is not for you.-Osho.

19-Yoga is 99% practical and 1% theory.-Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois.

20-True yoga is not about the shape of your body, but about the shape of your life. Yoga is not realized, it is lived. Yoga does not care what you've been; He cares about the person you are becoming. -Aadil Palkhivala.

21-Yoga should be practiced with firm determination and perseverance, without reservations or mental doubts.-Bhagavad Gita.

22-Knowledge is better than mechanical practice. Meditation is better than knowledge. But even better is surrender to the attachment to the results because then comes the immediate peace.-Unknown.

23-Yoga is not possible for those who eat too much, or for those who do not eat at all; For the one who sleeps too much or for the one who keeps awake.-Bhagavad Gita.

24-Meditation brings wisdom; Lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well that it leads you forward and holds you back, and chooses the path that leads to wisdom.-Buddha.

25-In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice no.-Yogi Berra.

26-Yoga has a clever and clever way of circumventing the patterns that cause anxiety.-Baxter Bell.

27-In doing yoga we are more than ourselves and more than ourselves.-Valerie Jeremijenko.

28-A person experiences life as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical illusion of consciousness. Our task must be to free ourselves from this self-imposed prison, and through compassion, to find reality in uniqueness.-Albert Einstein.

29-Through the practice of yoga, we discover that concern for the happiness and well-being of others, including animals, should be an essential part of our pursuit of happiness and well-being.-Sharon Gannon.

30-The attitude of gratitude is the highest yoga.-Yogi Bhajan.

31-For those wounded by civilization, yoga is the best healing ointment.-T. Guillemets.

32-Yoga is a path to freedom. With its constant practice, we can be free from fear, anguish and loneliness.-Indra Devi.

33-Yoga is a light, which, once ignited, will never be attenuated. The better the practice, the brighter the flame.-B.K.S. Iyengar.

34-Have only love in your heart for others. The more you see well in them, the more you establish for yourself.-Paramahansa Yogananda.

35-Yoga is not about personal development, it is about personal acceptance.-Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa.

36-Yoga is difficult for one whose mind is not subdued.-Bhagavad Gita.

37-Change is not something we should fear. Instead, it is something we should celebrate. Because without change, nothing in this world will grow or flourish and no one in this world will move forward to become the person to whom it is destined.-Unknown.

38-Accept means that you allow yourself to feel whatever you feel in the moment. It is part of the condition of being of the now.-Eckhart Tolle.

39-Healthy people and plants produce abundant flowers and fruits. Similarly, a healthy person smiles and is happy as the rays of the sun.-B.K. S Iyengar.

40-For me yoga is not a workout. It's about working on yourself.-Mary Glover.

41-Yoga brings us to the present moment, the only place where life exists.-Ellen Brenneman.

42. The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to live in it.-B.K.S Iyengar.

43-Yoga is possible for anyone who wants it. Yoga is universal. But do not approach yoga with a business mind seeking worldly gain.-Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois.

44-Yoga is the study of balance, and balance is the goal of every living creature: it is our home.-Rolf Gates.

45-Yoga teaches us to heal what does not need to be supported and to endure what can not be cured.-B.K.S. Iyengar.

46-The rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul create the symphony of life.-B.K.S. Iyengar.

47-When replying what gift he wanted for his birthday, the yogi replied: I do not want gifts, only presence.-Unknown.

48-The more we sweat in peace, the less we bleed in war.-Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit.

49-Yoga is essentially a practice for your soul, working through your body.-Tara Fraser.

50. Your life is a sacred journey. It is about change, discovery, movement, transformation, continually expanding your vision of what is possible, narrowing your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges every step of the way.-You can only go forward , Forming the story of your life.-Caroline Adams.

51-Understanding without practice is better than practice without understanding. To dwell in your true nature is better than understanding or practice.-Unknown.

52-Yoga does not try to touch your feet, it is about what you learn along the way.-Jigar Gor.

53-Let your practice be a celebration of life.-Seido reads deBarros.

54-When you inhale, you are taking God's strength. When you breathe out, it represents the service you are giving to the world.-B.K.S. Iyengar.

55-Yoga is the unifying art of transforming dharma into action, either through inspired thinking, nourishing properly our children, a painting, kindness or an act of peace that always moves humanity forward.-Micheline Berry.

56-Before practicing, theory is useless. After practicing, the theory is obvious.-David Williams.

57-The practice of yoga brings us face to face with the extraordinary complexity of our own being.-Sri Aurobindo.

58-Yoga exists in the world because everything is connected.-Desikashar.

59-Beyond meditation is the experience of the now.-Ryan Parenti.

60-Plant the seed of meditation and collect the seed of peace of mind.-Unknown.

61-Meditation and concentration are the way to a life of serenity.-Unknown.

"Remember, no matter how deep you come in a posture. What matters is who you are when you get there.-Max Strom.

63. Your mind is your instrument. Learn to be your boss and not your slave.-Unknown.

64-Yoga does not stop time, gives time.-Ganga White.

65-The most avoided yoga pose is the one you most need.-Unknown.

66-Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.-Aristotle.

"You do not have a soul." You are a soul. You have a body. Lewis.

68-Just as the body can not exist without blood, the soul needs the incomparable and pure strength of faith.-Mahatma Gandhi.

69-Words have the power to destroy and heal. When words are true and kind, they can change the world.-Buddha.

70-The more you meditate with good thoughts, the better your world and the world in general.-Confucius.

71-When we pray and meditate sincerely and with the soul, we receive an invitation from the heart from heaven.-Sri Chinmoy.

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