7 Practical Ways to Develop Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to know one's own emotions, to manage them, to recognize them in other people and to use them to motivate oneself.

Probably we all like To be smarter and better able to take advantage of it. In the case of emotional intelligence, this implies a concept that we rarely understand clearly.

Heart and brain that walk hand in hand

In this article I will show you 7 practical ways to learn How to develop your emotional intelligence , Adult, child or elderly person.

7 Practical Ways to Work Your Emotional Intelligence

We can all be emotionally intelligent, it's all about putting into practice certain guidelines. Properly using the tools we have available is the way to do it.

Here are some of them:

1-Identify and manage your emotions properly

Always try to recognize the emotion that is predominating at a certain time, especially when you feel bad.

Ask yourself if it is anger or anger what you are feeling, or maybe a Uncontrollable anxiety . These feelings have the same basis and manifest themselves physically in a similar way.

When you have identified what you are feeling is when you can begin to control your emotions.

If you are aware that you are very angry you will understand that acting under this state of mind will not yield any positive results.

Probably the best thing to do is wait until the feeling goes by Make decisions and act .

2-Always try to understand the cause of the emotions

This is an exercise that will help you a lot.

It is always worth taking a few minutes to try to understand the cause of your own emotions as well as those of others.

Understanding the why of one's own emotions and also of other people helps to understand how they act and avoids hasty judgments.

With practice, identifying and understanding the cause of emotions will be easier.

You are going to decipher certain patterns of behavior more quickly, which will allow you to identify the emotion.

Then you will understand that in situations of sadness for example, you usually react in a certain way.

Then, when you are clear, you can move on to the next step.

3-Speak freely what you feel

It is likely to be easier for you to talk about what you think than what you feel. That happens to most people.

As you talk about what you feel, it will be easier to treat and transform your feelings.

When the human being feels happy does not usually have difficulty expressing it and shouts it to the four winds.

The problem appears when you are going through a conflictive situation and try to hide your feelings.

Even if you do not realize it, sometimes you may want to hide what happens to you and thus prevent others from finding out.

To talk about what you feel does not mean to expose your personal life, it means to emerge what makes you feel bad to analyze and treat it.

A situation that exemplifies the above may be the following: you have been unemployed for a week. A person from your environment who does not know the news, asks:"how have you been?"And you respond"very well thanks".

You are actually lying to him, and if you were asked why you do it, what would you answer? It would be more logical to tell him that you had a bad time because you were without a job, right?

4-Value and recognize the good of the other

This is something that can cost you a lot because it is easier for human beings to criticize than to recognize virtues in others.

If you see that a well-known person has overcome a very confictive situation in an existent way, then ask him how he did it.

Learn to recognize and take good from the other. Not only is it a gesture of greatness that will enrich you as a person, but you will be able to capitalize on your own experiences.

5-Keep calm when you feel angry or anxious

It is not simple but if you do you will have accomplished a great deal of the work.

Gain control in times of fury or nervousness Is not easy, but when you do see, the good results before long.

A friend told you that a coworker spoke ill of you. Then you feel an uncontrollable fury and you are going to call her to rebuke her and insult her, since she has no right to do so. However, it is then that you must stop and think clearly.

Maybe your friend misinterpreted or is using incorrect words. It is best that you talk to your co-worker, but when you are calm.

6-Strive to eliminate the negative

It is best to eradicate thoughts and Negative emotions . exist Ways to be more positive That you can work by building a series of habits.

Negative thoughts or feelings only stagnate and wrap us up in a very sickening environment. They unleash emotions, such as sadness and rage, that bring us nothing good.

When a negative thought comes to your mind it immediately tries to find you a positive meaning.

For example, you go on the bus and suddenly you think that you are unfortunate for not being able to travel more comfortably in a car. You feel you deserve it but you can not buy it.

Before you feel sad or complain, think about how lucky you are to be able to pay for the bus ticket. There are those who can not even do it. This is not about being conformists, but about valuing the things that we do have in a fairer measure.

"Enjoy what you have while pursuing what you want."

7-Be grateful to people

Being grateful to life and people will help you feel much better.

When you check the number of reasons you should thank, you will see that you are much more fortunate than you thought.

If life strikes then you immediately complain but nevertheless when something good happens you thank it?

8-Always contemplate the possibility of changing

Being open to change when things go wrong is a good strategy.

When you have a conflict, the first thing is to identify the origin of this conflict: is it emotional or not? Has something similar happened to me before? Then you can start To find a solution .

The answers to these questions will guide you along the way. If it has happened to you before and you solved it in a certain way you can repeat it.

However, if you did not solve it well then change! You will not be sure of that, but if you do the same as the previous time then you know what the result will be.

Change entails risks, and the Leave"the comfort zone" cost. However, if you do not leave that circle you will not grow. Phrases such as"I'm OK""Why change if I'm not so bad?"This type of reasoning will stagnate and will not allow you to move forward.

You can be as intelligent emotionally as you propose, the effort is the basis of the great achievements. Follow these tips and develop your emotional intelligence, as it will help you to be happier.

And what strategy or techniques have you used to develop your emotional intelligence?

What is emotional intelligence?

In the last decades much has been investigated on the subject, and between the diverse studies it emphasizes the one of the American doctor Daniel Goleman .

The specialist Goleman defines it through four actions. Being emotionally intelligent is:

1-Know and identify your emotions

The key to being emotionally intelligent is to be able to know what your emotions are.

Being able to identify how you feel when you are facing certain circumstances is critical.

There are four basic emotions that give rise to all the others: anger, anxiety, sadness and happiness.

2-Manage your emotions

Have control over them And it is not your emotions that control you.

Being able to identify them is what allows you to fire your own control mechanism.

3-Motivate yourself

Emotions are the triggers of action. If you can motivate , You have in your hands the power of action.

If you can identify and manage your emotions properly, you will not be paralyzed by them and you will find motivation to act, take charge of your life and direct it to where you want.

4-Identify the emotions of others

Being able to recognize the different emotions of the people with whom you share your daily life is fundamental.

It is what is called empathy: the ability to better understand what the moods are happening to others, identifying with the other in their emotions.

When you can perceive what the other is feeling or what is happening, they significantly improve the chances of a good communication And personal relationships.

5-Establish Healthy Links with Others

You will feel much better in establishing authentic relationships, sincere and in which you can express yourself freely.

In addition, healthy bonds will strengthen you against your own vulnerabilities, because you will not feel alone in difficult situations.

The best way to corroborate that you have understood the concept is by putting it into practice and experiencing good relationships and feelings.

Problems and difficulties are always present in the life of the whole world, the key is to know how to handle them so that we can be happy in spite of everything.


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