7 Contributions of Saint Thomas Aquinas to Philosophy

The Contributions by Saint Thomas Aquinas To philosophy, education, theology or psychology, among other areas, are part of one of the most important figures in the history of mankind.

Tommaso d'Aquino in his mother tongue, was born in Italy between 1224 and 1225. His hometown was Roccasecca, located in the province of Frosinone. He was known as a great Catholic who specialized in philosophy and theology.

Catholicism, as well as other disciplines benefited from the contributions of santo tomas de aquino

It is, as a consequence, referent in many areas, and has been assigned the name of 'Doctor of Humanity'.

His thinking has allowed him to develop theological and philosophical studies of great importance. Likewise, the works of his authorship stand out and form part of the doctrine of Catholicism.

Among his writings may be mentioned Summa Contra Gentiles , Summa Theologiae , As well as, several studies dedicated to the work of Aristotle , The fields of theology in general, metaphysics, law, and much more.

His legacy is mandatory bibliography in the most important universities of the world, whether or not they belong to Catholic doctrine.

Thomas Aquinas was canonized almost a hundred years after his birth, in 1323. He died in 1274, almost 50 years old. A long time later he was awarded the title of Doctor of the Church.

The contribution of Saint Thomas Aquinas

1 - Theology. About God

St. Thomas Aquinas developed the idea of ​​what or who God is. And he did it by means of positive ideas trying to discover his nature.

In his deductive thinking, St. Thomas Aquinas said that God is simple, perfect, infinite, immutable and unique.

According to St. Thomas, God is not composed of parts, that is, he has no body and soul, neither matter nor form.

It is so perfect that it lacks nothing and is not limited in any way. Their character and essence are so solid, that nothing can change them.

2- Philosophy. Thomas Aquinas and Aristotle

From the philosophical point of view, Aquino was characterized by being Aristotelian. He took the physical analysis of objects as a starting point.

Taking the ideas and research of Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas deepened his gaze on knowledge and managed to convey a totally different and more intellectual perception of what had never been done.

Basically, all his theological knowledge is related to this Aristotelian vision.

Perhaps the most prominent concept in his philosophical thinking has to do with his idea that objects, and everything present in the universe, exist alongside their essence, which means that all matter exists physically, but its essence Is manifested by the perfect creation of God.

3- Psychology. Thomas Aquinas and morality

Another of the contributions of St. Thomas Aquinas to our humanity lies within the area of ​​psychology.

At least, the reading of his documents allowed to open extensive debates about his reflection.

Punctually, he referred to free will provoking an infinity of deductions and studies in this field.

The human being is not limited by the idea of ​​cause and effect. Therefore, the human being is responsible for his own actions. However, the existence of free will is not contrary to the existence of God.

4- Metaphysics. The idea of ​​the static

One of the fields in which Saint Thomas Aquinas most innovated was in metaphysics. However, the whole line of thought was closely related to their religious beliefs. The Supreme God is always at the top of the pyramid.

In that sense, his thinking developed on the basis that a static world was the idea of ​​perfection. According to his words, that which was motionless was perfect.

He distinguished between natural movement and voluntary movement. However, once again, every first movement is realized by a Supreme Being, that is, God.

5- Pedagogy. Influence on education

The area of ​​education was not only one of his main interests, but, in addition, he put into practice what he theorized.

He worked as a university teacher, which gave him a unique experience to later translate his thoughts into his work.

According to his doctrine, while it is possible to discover learning, that is, to learn voluntarily, teaching is also essential.

On this basis, St. Thomas Aquinas distinguished different types of wisdom: productive, moral, rational and natural.

6- Law. The Theory of Law

Within the field of law, the doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinas plays a very important and respected role.

His thinking is taken as one of the axes of the theory of law and is exposed in all university chairs as a starting point for the reflection of future lawyers.

His idea of ​​the divine order, present in each exposition of his legacy, affirms that law is made up of laws which are but instruments for the common good. However, these laws are valid as long as they are right to the right.

7- Economy. Private property

Continuing with the great contributions of St. Thomas Aquinas, we must also say that his thought laid the foundation for the theory of economics.

He believed that everything around us was not really ours. Because God was the great creator, we had to share everything and we should consider it a gift.

However, he considered that man needed incentives to perform and, in this respect, private property was part of this incentive and the result of human work.


7 Contributions of Saint Thomas Aquinas to Philosophy

St. Thomas Aquinas was a great thinker and philosopher who contributed to humanity through the development of his ideas.

His theory was based on observation, experience and academic study. In spite of having a Christian formation and of having dedicated his life to Christianity, in general, his ideas could develop beyond that.

With a logical and often objective thought, he put aside his Christian essence to bring great knowledge to humanity in general.


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