61 Phrases to End a Loving Relationship

Then I leave you over 60 Phrases to end a relationship Amorous at a distance, forbidden or for infidelity. Above all, try to be direct and that the other person is aware that it is the end of the engagement is definitive and not temporal.

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Phrases to end a relationship

If you do not know how to end the relationship, This article will help you .

1-Leaving it does not always mean being weak, but you are strong to let go of another person.

2-Just because a relationship ends does not mean that two people stop loving, they simply stop hurting themselves.

3-Everything comes to an end on occasion, although that supposes the beginning of something better.

4-It is necessary to accept that things end and that you have to move on to remain happy.

5-I do not abandon you, I let you go, I love you, but I want us to follow a better path.

6-I do not finish this relationship just to see a present that I do not like, but because I see a future in which we are better separated.

7-Although deep down I do not want it, I have to go ahead in my way to find a better way.

8-I do not regret what I lived with you and I hope our future is better than what we lived.

9-The relationship ends because there is not enough love to continue it.

10-I prefer to finish now well than later without being able to speak again.

11-Although I love you, the pain in my heart is stronger for continuing in this relationship.

12-The sadness of this separation is necessary to value the happiness that gives us a relationship.

13-At this moment I can offer you nothing but my friendship and forgiveness if I hurt you.

14-Although I do not like it to end, I will never forget what we had.

15-It ends today but was lost a long time ago.

16-You do not need to be in a relationship to be happy.

17-Better to end now that we have time to continue on another path.

18-We must accept that we are no longer with each other to accept that we can be happy again.

19-To continue like this only hurts me and now it is necessary to forget our relation.

20-It hurts to love you even though you are so far away.

21-When a relationship ends, it is not the end of the world. An end opens a new beginning.

22-I forgive you although I leave to follow another path.

23-Being alone is better than being in a relationship that makes us sad.

24-To grow must make decisions and leave now is the best we can take.

25-The commitment is mutual, it does not go in one direction.

26-I can not continue in a relationship that causes me more harm than joy.

27-There is no real end, only a place where for history.-Frank Herbert.

28-To lose a love is to change a life although the future life can become better.

29-If I do not make the decision to leave, I will not have time to make decisions that lead me to the happiness I seek.

30-This is the best time to finish before letting more time pass.

31-Every end is a beginning. We just do not know at the moment.-Mitch Albom.

32-Good things come to those who wait long enough and I've waited long enough.

33-If a relationship does not make you grow as a person, it is better to grow as a person without a relationship.

34-What I want in a relationship is not to cry anymore, love and not die.

35-Being single is better than staying in a relationship with someone who fills your heart with doubts.

36-Sometimes the solutions are not so simple. Sometimes ending is the only way.

37-My desire to seek happiness surpasses the love I have for you.

38-Someday another person will come into your life and you will understand why it did not work with me.

39-As much as I love you, my life is my life and I do not want to keep waiting to have what I want.

40-It's important to know when something comes to an end and now I know it does.

41-If you are not happy alone, you will never be happy in a relationship. Get your own life first and then share it.

42-A relationship is not a sprint, it's a marathon.

43-The hardest thing about realizing that you do not love me is that you've spent a lot of time looking like you were doing it.

44-No past love is as wonderful as a broken heart makes believe.

"You're a story I can not follow."

46. ​​Even unrequited love has its rainbow.

"Better to quit now than later, because now we're both capable of living separately."

48-This small step to separate us is one of many to return to have the happiness that one day we had.

49-Sadness is flying with time.

50-In the future I see myself without you.

51-A relationship does not try to kiss and date, but to be with the person who makes you happy.

52. Distance does not ruin a relationship, doubts it.

53-In a year we may wonder why we did not leave it then.

"I will not stress you any more." Not worth it. I tried to make it work but I could not.

55-Having a relationship based on lies and secrets is destined to fail.

56-Love is never lost. If it is not reciprocal, it will go back and soften and purify the heart.

57-Better leave it today and stop crying than crying for hundreds of more days.

It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved.

59-You learn more about someone at the end of a relationship than at the beginning.

-You may be in love or in a relationship but both are not the same.

61-In the short term it will hurt us, but in the long run we will understand that the decision to leave it is the best we could take.

62-I am grateful for all that we have experienced and now I feel it is time for us both to follow different paths.

63-The motives that support our separation are much stronger than those who support us to remain together.

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