60 Examples of Reference Function

The Referential function Is one of the functions of the language by which we transmit the information in an objective way. We can use it to inform about the objects or people around us, events that have happened, or what will happen, etc.

Language has six functions. The first is the referential function, the most basic of the language, which is the one in which the language is used to provide information.

Then there is the expressive function, which is when language is used to communicate an expression of feelings or mood. This is usually used in the first person.

In the appealing function the language is used to send or ask something to the receiver. In the poetic function language is used with an aesthetic purpose and is oriented to the message to be transmitted.

In the phatic function, social contact is facilitated to facilitate the message. Finally, the metalinguistic function is used to speak the language.

Even if we use any of the functions of the language, the referential function will always be present. But we will always say that the function we are referring to will be the main one, even though the sentence has more than one function.

The referential function is key to transmit objective information, without the information that we provide the listener has their own assessments or provoke some kind of reaction.

This function is the most used in informative texts as they can be used in the newspapers, or in scientific publications. But it can also be used in literature for works of fiction or essays.

Featured examples with reference function

Below is a list of examples of sentences with a clear referential function, which provides information about the environment that surrounds us.

- The media described the fact as multitudinous

-Three days later he realized his mistake

-The young woman is 16 years old

-The document needed for the project will be ready on Friday

-In the hospital carefully planned operations

"The baker was baking the bread first thing in the morning

-We have had to call a plumber to fix the fault

-In this supermarket prices are higher than in the competition

-The neighbor's dog was barking for hours

-The trees in the park are getting taller

-The box on the shelf is empty

-The fish in the pond disappeared

"She was interested in knowing why he had not called her.

-In the restaurant menu offer several options to choose from

-Your family did not hear about the event until two days later

-My cousins ​​came to my birthday and brought me many gifts

-In the airport screen says our plane will be delayed

-The capital of Italy is Rome

-The island we will visit on vacation is very small

-The food provided by the dining room was insufficient for so many children

-The village festivals have a maximum duration that can not exceed 3 am

-The designer made the sketch of the dress that was then sent to the dressmaker

-In the hairdresser you can choose the hair color you like most

-The children play the ball in the village park

-The projects of the company have to undergo a great economic study

-The trading hours are regulated by the state

- Your bus will arrive at 5 pm

-It is expected to arrive at 10 at night

-My mother has her food ready when she gets home

-In the hotel they serve a great breakfast on the top floor

-Have traveled a lot in the last year and visited three countries

-The stains of the chair are not removed

-The tourists took advantage of the sun went out to go to the beach

-In vacation there will be nobody at home

"The children bit the bell and ran off

-The movie you want to see will be released next Friday

-The witnesses stated that they knew nothing of the matter

-In this area grow very well the olive trees

"I needed another pair of shoes for your dance class."

-He got to reach the top of the mountain in a few hours

-You forgot to close the door

-The banquet dinner will be served at 10 o'clock

-The family reunion will take place in the grandmother's garden

Pablo always arrives five minutes early, but Juan always arrives five minutes late

- His passion is to go shopping

-You will spend all day cleaning the house

-The neighborhood meeting will meet at 4 pm on the portal

-The decision was made jointly

"The place you want for your business is on that corner.

-In history class we are studying the Kings of Spain

"The rooms in that house were very large

-The tenants' furniture was mostly broken

-The nearest police station is up that street

-It's his first game on this football team

"In the village, nobody knew us when we arrived.

-The road that follows the river leads directly to the village

-The fridge was empty and there was nothing to eat in the whole house

- Temperatures dropped dramatically this morning

- The pencil was broken just before starting the exam

"The car he bought second-hand was 10 years old.


  1. COROMINAS, JoanJoan Corominas. Brief etymological dictionary of the Castilian language . Gredos, 1973.
  2. COROMINAS, Joan. Etymological critical dictionary of the Castilian language . Gredos, 1954.
  3. NEBRIJA, Antonio de. Grammar of the Spanish language. 1984.
  4. CROW, Rufino José. Dictionary of construction and regime of the Castilian language . A. Roger and F. Chernoviz, 1893.
  5. ALARCOS LLORACH, Emilio. Grammar of the Spanish language . Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1994.
  6. SPANISH, Real Academia. New grammar of the Spanish language. 2009.
  7. FRANCH, Juan Alcina; BLECUA, José Manuel (ed.). Spanish Grammar . Ariel, 1980.

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