60 Examples of Alliteration

The alliteration Is a literary resource that consists of the repetition of one or more consonant sounds at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the words that make up a sentence or verse.

It is frequently used in poetry for the sound beauty it produces when recited. For example, in the following verse of Rubén Darío, alliteration is presented with the consonant sound [s]:

The S or S Pyro H.H And e S Cap of S U fre S to.

In this case, one can conjecture that the poet has used the consonant sound [s] to evoke the feeling of sighs.

Likewise, in the following verses of Garcilaso de la Vega, the phoneme [s] is used to evoke the sound of bees:

At S Ilen C Io S Olo S And e S I was spoonful S or S Bee dunce S what S Onaba

On the other hand, alliteration is also used in tongue twisters in order to hinder pronunciation. For example:

Tr is Tr Is T is T Churches

Examples of alliteration in popular rhymes and tongue twisters

My mother spoils me.

Pepa combs her comb.

My mom loves me.

The boy eats gnocchi.

My dad bites potatoes.

Reading gives you wings.

Water passes by my house, my heart.

The sailboat of the violet sails flies like a free flying bird.

There was a crooked man who walked a crooked mile. He followed a crooked path and found a sixpence twisted on a crooked fence. He bought a crooked cat that caught a crooked mouse and they all lived together in a crooked house.

Josefina takes the sack out in the sun to dry the sack.

Erre with erre cigar. Erre with erre barrel. Fast cars ride the railroad tracks.

Love is crazy that only the priest heals but the priest who heals it commits a great madness.

Hiker there is no road, the road is made when walking.

I come to the villa, I come from the village.

Three sad tigers threshing wheat in a wheat field.

Thirty-three sections of trunks cut three sad trunks of trunks.

I know a drawer who makes boxes, boxes, boxes and drawers, and when pulling the cords, come boxes, boxes, boxes and drawers.

Three sad trapeze artists run with three pieces of rag.

A pruner could prune the vine and another pruner that passed by asked:"Pruning that you prune the vine, what vine you prune: my vine or your vine?"And the pruner replied:"I can neither your vine nor my vineyard pruning. Podo the vine of my uncle Bartolo."

Little by little, Paco packs few packages with glasses.

The Hippo Hippo has hiccups. Who takes away the hiccups from Hippo Hippo?

Pablito nailed a nail.

How much wood would a rodent eat if rodents roared wood?

There are chacharacheras girls who chacotean with chachos boys.

The king of Constantinople wants to desconstantinopolizar. The one who disconstant it will be good.

Pepe Pecas pica potatoes with a beak. With a beak pica potatoes Pepe Freckles. If Pepe Pecas bites potatoes with a beak, where is the beak with which Pepe Pecas potatoes potatoes?

When you tell stories, count how many stories you count because if you do not count how many stories you tell you will never know how many stories you tell.

One tube pulled another had and another tube stopped him.

As little coconut as, little coconut buy.

Checho was on the roof roofing the roof.

Vicente the vagabond wanders only for the world. Vincent and the tramp come and go.

An ethical, pelvic, skin-peeing, peeled, hairy, skin-prick hen has stopped five skinny-skinned, hairy, pee-peeing, ethical chickens

I have been told that you have said a saying, a saying that I have said. I did not say so, because if I had said it would be well said because I would have said it.

From generation to generation, the generations degenerate with greater degeneration.

The parangaricutirmicuaro volcano is intended to be treated with water. The one who unpacks it will be small.

He looked in the forest Francisco for a Basque crossed so abrupt that when he saw him, he said to him:"What a Basque, so abrupt.

Examples of alliteration in the literature

  1. What is poetry?, you say while you nail

In my pupil your blue pupil:

What is poetry! And you ask me?

You are poetry.

Rima XXI by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.

  1. I only know I did not hear

More than the breath,

Hurried escape

Of the dry lip.

I only know that we came back

The two at a time,

And our eyes were found

And a kiss sounded!

Rima XXIX by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.

  1. Cross quietly, and it is your movements

Silent harmony:

Their steps sound; And to the sound they remember

Of the winged hymn rhythmic cadence.

Rima XXXIV by Gustavo Adolfo Becquer.

  1. Disguised clothing,

Naked swords,

On the golden lintel of the door

Two angels watched.

I approached the irons

Who defend the entrance,

And the double bars in the background

I saw her confused and white.

Rima LXXIV by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.

  1. Pain for the loss of Leonora, the only one

Virgin radiant, Leonora by the angels called.

The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe.

  1. With the soft wing of the light fan.

Ruben Dario.

  1. Of gondolas and liras in the lakes.

Ruben Dario.

  1. The whisper of the bees sounded.

Garcilaso de la Vega.

The noise with which the hoarse storm rolls.

José Zorrilla.

Examples of alliteration in popular culture

Stan Lee, the famous comic book writer, names his characters using alliteration. Here are some examples.

Peter Parker

Green Goblin

Curtis Connor (Lizard)

Matt Murdock (Daredevil)

Fantastic Four (The Fantastic Four)

Susan Storm

Reed Richards

The Thing

Doctor Doom (Enemy of the Fantastic Four)

Silver Surfer (Enemy of the Fantastic Four)

Bruce Banner (Hulk)

Stephen Strange

Loki Laufeyson

The Invincible Iron Man

Pepper Potts (friend of Iron Man)


  1. Alliteration. Retrieved on June 10, 2017, from examples.yourdictionary.com
  2. Alliteration. Retrieved on June 10, 2017, from wikipedia.org
  3. What is alliteration? Retrieved on June 10, 2017, from youngwritters.co.uk
  4. What is alliteration? Retrieved on June 10, 2017, from writingexplained.org
  5. Alliteration. Retrieved on June 10, 2017, from literarydevices.net
  6. Alliteration. Retrieved June 10, 2017, from dictionary.com

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