6 Reasons to Change a Child's College

The Reasons to change schools to a child Are numerous. This change may be due to bullying , As well as for other family reasons.

However, whatever the reason for the change, there is a modification in the routine of the small and the family must attend to the possible situations that are generated.

Change schools

Therefore, this article aims to provide reasons why it is possible for this situation and the factors involved in the change, in addition to showing some beneficial aspects in such situations.

Possible reasons to change a child from school

In the first place, it is necessary to keep in mind that to produce a change of school must always be to look for the well-being of the child and to favor his learning. It is not a question of finding a bright center, but a place where the needs of the child are met and where the child is happy.

However, we must bear in mind that shuffling the possibility of change should only be done once all the possibilities offered by the current center have been exhausted. That is to say, it is necessary to make the attempt that the school where the child is usually able to respond to their needs.

In the event that it is not possible then the change will proceed because, as I mentioned before, it is a very drastic routine modification.

The most general reasons for the change may be due to:

1- The center has a different ideology than the family

The methodology of work and the demands are not adapted to what the students need and the family wants to contribute.

2- Needs in the students that the center can not solve

Can be generated Difficulties in the child , Which the center can not answer or solve. For example, learning difficulties.

3- Bad relationship of the student with the teachers and the rest of the students

Problems can occur that affect the child, creating a murky relationship between the students themselves and between teachers and students.

4- Lack of educational levels

Another reason may be that the school does not offer the next level of education that the student has to access. There are schools only of children's levels, so that parents are forced to move from school to children when they go to primary.

Reasons can also be grouped in educational and non-educational settings.

5 - Educational reasons

First, the educational reasons point to the search for higher quality in the child's learning. An example of this can occur in children with learning difficulties, bad companies or in situations of bullying.

6- Reasons not educational

Second, non-educational reasons point to the family And the labor situation of the latter. Changes in homes, changes in the structure of the family, economic problems or changes in the level of education may occur, such as going from high school to secondary school.

When is it convenient to make the change?

Once the possibility of change is considered, the family should consider when is the right time for it. The most reasonable thing is done when you finish a course to pass to another, and not half. If change is already an important modification in the routine, doing so in the middle of an academic year can aggravate the situation.

In view of this, it can be said that holidays facilitate change, as there is a period of reflection to be taken.

How to present the situation to the child?

It is necessary to take into account that although the family seeks the welfare of the child, it is the child who is going to undergo the change, and may sometimes not be aware that it is for their sake.

Therefore, it is recommended to involve the child in the whole process. It should be explained the reasons why it is necessary to change it, pointing out the positive. It is also advisable, as far as possible, to approach the new center through frequent visits so that it is not completely unknown.

Also, here are some aspects to consider when dealing with children in the transition they have to live:

The anticipation of change

The child must be aware of the whole situation and, therefore, should be providing information to anticipate what is going to happen. Also, depending on the age you can show the information in one form or another.

For example, children can be transported visually with the use of cards. As for older children, you can use a calendar to cross out the day on which the change will take place, so you will observe the course of the day and gradually assimilate the situation.

In both cases it is a matter of showing an anticipation to the events to make them aware of what is going to happen. However, it is recommended that, as far as possible, the change is before the beginning of adolescence, because in this period is more complicated.

Good channel of communication between parents and children:

Parents are the ones who, after all, have the power to make change. However, the child is the one who will be harmed and, therefore, must be aware and know everything.

You need to know the reasons and analyze the advantages that this change can offer you. In this situation only the positive, the need for new experiences and learnings should be noted. In addition, the new social relationships that will acquire, such as new friends, not forgetting the old friends who will continue to maintain.

On this occasion, for example, it is advisable that the student has a channel of communication with his friends, email or phone number, to maintain contact once he starts his journey in the other center. For this will be the first inconvenience that they present before the proposal of a change of center.

One possibility to favor this channel and make it a useful tool is to support it on the first day of class or to encourage it to participate in extracurricular activities. These are two possibilities that favor the communication channel and the relationship between the family and the child.


Age is a very important factor in this process, because the older the child, the better the change will be. The situation of leaving friends and making new ones will be a difficult idea to assume, because you will find yourself in a class where the relationship groups are already formed.

This situation can be observed before the conception of"the new student"that forms in the adolescent time. And we can also mention the need for change to occur before adolescence, as far as possible, as we have mentioned before.

Emotional situation generated

Emotions are also an important aspect in this situation because fear, fear of non-acceptance, change can arise. The sadness of leaving a routine that can cause you to feel bad.

The family must attend to this discomfort, because it is normal. And, therefore, it should promote communication, making the child express himself and show what he feels, through the tranquility that can mean being attended to in times of weakness.

An example of this can be the continuous conversations that can generate an experience is rewarding. It is very positive to talk about the reasons why the change has been made and to listen to your thoughts and feelings, manifested through anger, fear or even curiosity.

It is necessary that the current teacher of the student knows the information, because the child can change his attitude suddenly.

The motivation of the child

Motivation, without a doubt, is a very important aspect in the life of any person. For this reason, it is also necessary to analyze it in this situation.

That a child is given in school, that he attends contentedly and develops his day to day of normal way are indications to analyze the academic success.

Therefore, working to encourage the student's motivation to transitions of this type is opportune for the child.

Which center to choose?

Once the family has raised that the center to which your child goes does not meet the expectations that have or does not meet the needs of the child, it begins to question to what center could change it.

Before such a question, in the first place, it should be kept in mind that although all schools provide the same subjects, each one has its methodology of work and the discipline is different, because they have a different ideology.

It is absolutely necessary to assess the needs of the child and the circumstances that occur in the family. An example of this may be that a shy child can adapt better to a small school and a child with attention deficit requires extracurricular activities that encourage their learning.

For this reason, parents should be informed correctly before making the decision, because a change can occur where the situation is repeated in the current school or for the worse.


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  3. When and why should we change a school child? Recovered from: guiainfantil.com.
  4. How and why to change a school boy? Recovered from: padresonones.es.
  5. Is it advisable to change to the center child? Retrieved from: elbullying.com.
  6. Does your child have to change schools? Tips to facilitate the change process. Retrieved from: faros.hsjdbcn.org.

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