6 Causes of the Exploration Travels of Europeans to America

The Causes of the exploration trips of the Europeans to America Have been a matter of debate for a long time. There is no single answer to this question; However, it has as motivation a whole set of possible characteristics.

Historians have mentioned the existence of motives of an economic, idiosyncratic, technological or religious nature, among others.

The development of the caravel was one of the Causes of the Exploration Travels of Europeans to America

Historical context of exploration trips to America

The voyages of expansion towards the new world, made mainly by Spain and Portugal in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, have been one of the most important activities in the history of mankind.

It is significant to take into account that the Iberian peninsula is in a favorable geographical position for exploratory trips to the Atlantic Ocean, compared to the rest of Europe.

The first person to be registered, having managed to reach the new world is Christopher Columbus. This personage, of Genoese origin, made a trip through the Atlantic Ocean, in the year of 1492, supported by the king Fernando and the queen Isabel of Spain. According to written records, his trip was aimed at finding new routes to reach India. This trip lasted for about ten weeks.

Christopher Columbus on his arrival to discover America

Other important personages during the conquest of the new world were: Américo Vespucio, in whose honor America was named to the new continent and Fernando Magallanes, discoverer of a channel navigable in America, which today receives the name of Strait of Magellan.

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Causes of exploration trips to America by Europeans

1- Economic exchange

Some authors point out that, in view of the clashes and blockades with the Turkish army, the search for new shipping routes for trade with the East could be the main factor that motivated European exploratory voyages.

At that time, the Turkish-Ottoman army had blocked Middle Eastern roads, specifically the Red Sea and surrounding areas, disrupting trade between Europe and Asia.

During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries new demands developed (especially in the upper classes of Europe) for products that could only be supplied by the countries of the east. Some of these products are, for example: cotton, silk, precious stones, pepper, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, among others.

Some historians disagree with this assumption because, in the middle of the year 1400, thanks to the increase of Portuguese maritime imports, the prices of products brought from the east began to decline. This phenomenon had already occurred in Italy.

On the other hand, the Turkish-Ottoman empire did not dominate the Red Sea (and its surrounding areas) until the early sixteenth century, when Portuguese ships were already at their peak.

2- Economic facility

Several authors mention that the European expeditions were made due to the relatively good economic stability that Europe was going through in the year 1400. It was then that the European continent had sufficient economic support to support these activities and expand to new borders.

This explanation is debatable because cities like Florence, Venice or Genoa, already had that economic level from centuries before.

Prior to exploratory voyages, Europe had already spent many more resources on war vessels (for example, during the Crusades), than would later be spent on vessels exploiting the new continent.

3- Overpopulation

It is thought that by the year 1400, Europe was already overpopulated, surpassing its capacity to support itself in a matter of resources, reason why it was necessary to find new lands where to be able to settle.

In addition to this, there was much pressure imposed by the Turkish-Ottoman Empire, blocking the roads that supplied Europe's trade with the East.

However, this theory has been debated because the first trips were made during the first decade of the fifteenth century, when the population of Europe had suffered recent casualties due to the middle ages.

4- Search for gold and silver

6 Causes of the Exploration Travels of Europeans to America

Certain authors relate European exploratory voyages, with the search for minerals such as gold and silver, which would attenuate the economic losses (mainly of silver) that occurred because of the Middle Ages .

While it is true that Europe was experiencing difficulties during this period due to complicated economic relations with the East, some of these difficulties were cushioned by the close relationship between the Portuguese government and the Portuguese economy with the extractive gold mines in Africa , Specifically in the Nigeria area.

5- Technological innovation

6 Causes of the Exploration Travels of Europeans to America 1 Astrolabe

Some historians believe that European expeditions occurred due to advances in naval engineering, specifically, due to the invention of the caravel. The invention of this type of boat occurred between the years 1420 to 1470, and marked the beginning of one of the most important periods for the Portuguese maritime exploration.

The caravel allowed sailors to sail at high speed and for longer than with other boats; However their main advantage was that the sailors could have control of where they wanted to travel and were not dependent on the directions and conditions of the wind.

Another addition that was perfected during this period was the Astrolabio, navigation instrument that allows to know the time and latitude of a certain known point in function of the position of the stars. In this way, the sailors had the possibility of being located in the sea without having to depend on their vision towards the coast.

It is important to note that, prior to the innovation of these additions, exploratory voyages were already planned and carried out, even in inclement conditions, mainly by seamen from northern European regions.

6- Other motives

Subsequent to the discovery of the new continent and the discovery of a new route to Asia, the following generations of explorers traveled for even more varied reasons. Probably one of the less important motives for that date was intellectual curiosity.

For example, one has written record that King Manuel of Portugal ordered to bring to Europe anything unusual that could be found in the new world in order to satisfy his curiosity. Some sailors and aristocrats made trips to America only for pleasure.


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