55 Personal Satisfaction Phrases or Achievements

Then I leave you more than 50 Satisfaction phrases Personal, work or by an achievement, of well-known personages like Lao Tzu, Forbes, Confucius, Dalí and many more.

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Satisfaction phrases

1-The one who is not satisfied with a little, is not satisfied with anything.-Epícuro.

2-There are two ways to have enough. One of them is to keep accumulating more and more. The other is to desire less.-G.K. Chesterton.

3-Happiness is not a goal, it is a byproduct of a life well lived.-Eleanor Roosevelt.

4-As long as I have a desire, I have a reason to live. Satisfaction is death.-George Bernard Shaw.

5-Being able to look towards the past satisfactions of life, is to live twice.-Khalil Gibran.

6-Success is finding satisfaction in giving a little more than you take.-Christopher Reeve.

7-Enjoy the satisfaction of doing small things well.-H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

8-It is rich that is satisfied.-Thomas Fuller.

9-This life is not for complaining, but for satisfaction.-Henry David Thoreau.

10-True peace comes from abandoning the illusion that satisfied desires bring pleasure.-Joan Borysenko.

11-Laziness may seem attractive, but work gives satisfaction.-Anne Frank.

12-True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence on the future, not to amuse ourselves, but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is enough.-Seneca.

13-If curiosity killed the cat, it was satisfaction that brought him back.-Holly Back.

14-The earth provides enough to satisfy the needs of all, but not the greed of all men.-Mahatma Gandhi.

15-Where there is satisfaction there are no revolutions.-Confucius.

16-Satisfaction is the only sign of the sincerity of pleasure.-André Gide.

17-We are made to conquer environments, solve problems, achieve goals, and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to achieve and goals to achieve.-Maxwell Maltz.

18-While a woman may look ten years younger than her daughter, she is perfectly satisfied.-Oscar Wilde.

19-The one who knows enough is enough will always have enough.-Lao Tzu.

20-Victory is sweeter when defeat has been known.-Malcolm S. Forbes.

21-Do not spoil what you have for wanting what you do not have.-Ann Brashares.

22-Personal satisfaction is the most important ingredient of success.-Denis Waitley.

Being productive gives people a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that laziness can never. Zig Ziglar .

24-The most satisfying thing in life is to have been able to give a large part of oneself to others.-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.

25-Satisfaction consists in the absence of pain, which is the positive element of life.-Arthur Schopenhauer.

26-Satisfaction is the end of success.-Raman Aggarwal.

-What does not satisfy us when we find it, was not what we were hoping.-C. S. Lewis.

28-The good we do gives us an inner satisfaction, which is the sweetest of all passions.-René Descartes.

29-It is a wise man who afflicts us for the things he does not have, but rejoices over the things he has.-Epithet.

30-Happiness is the satisfaction you feel. There is joy, joy, excitement and pleasant surprise.-Dee Dee Artner.

31-Many have many, but not enough.-Danish proverb.

32-The satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the achievement, the complete effort is a complete victory.-Mahatma Gandhi.

33-What satisfies the soul is the truth.-Walt Whitman.

34-When we do not have what we like, we should like what we have.-French proverb.

35-There is more credit and satisfaction in being a top-level truck driver than a tenth-grade executive.-B. C. Forbes.

36-There are some days when I think I'm going to die from an overdose of satisfaction.-Salvador Dalí.

37-The problem is not whether our desires are satisfied or not. The problem is how we know what we want.-Slavoj Žižek.

38-Do not just work for money; That will only bring limited satisfaction.-Kathy Ireland.

39-Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony.-Mahatma Gandhi.

40-Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary.-Nicholas Sparks.

41-Everyone pursues happiness, without realizing that happiness is on their heels.-Bertolt Brecht.

42-The one who is greedy is always in need.-Horace.

43-Success is not a journey; Is a destination called fulfillment.-Anuj Somany.

44-There is a feeling of satisfaction when something you imagined becomes something real.-Prabal Gurung.

45-One day your life will pass before your eyes. Make sure it is worth seeing.

46-When the devil is satisfied, he is a good person.-Jonathan Swift.

47-There is nothing more satisfying than having plans.-Lalita Tademy.

A man can not be comfortable without his own approval.-Mark Twain.

"I'm easily satisfied with the best.-Winston Churchill.

"No one is satisfied with his fortune, nor satisfied with his intellect."-Antoinette Deshoulieres.

51-Satisfaction is a mental attitude.-William Clement Stone.

52-A satisfaction that has the obligation to cover the post of other satisfactions quickly becomes a satisfaction too tired.-Milan Kundera.

53-The satisfaction of curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.-Linus Pauling.

54-Every need is calmed and every vice grows with satisfaction.-Henry Frédéric Amiel.

55-My satisfaction comes from my commitment to moving to a better world.-Faye Wattleton.

56-Joy, emotion or satisfaction are more important in the West than in the East, where calm is more appreciated.-Daniel Kahneman.

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