51 Incredible Risk Phrases

Here are the top 51 Phrases to risk Of authors like Hellen Keller, Warren Buffett, Aristotle or Mark Twain.

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1-Only those who risk going too far can find how far they can go. S. Eliot.

Phrases to risk

2-Fortune is next to the one who dares. -Virgilio.

3-Life is a challenging adventure or nothing at all.-Helen Keller.

4-You can not swim to new horizons until you have the courage to lose sight of the coast.-William Faulkner.

5-Only those who dare to fail can do much. Robert F. Kennedy.

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6-If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always achieved.-Tony Robbins.

7-The risk comes from not knowing what you are doing.-Warren Buffett.

8-The greatest risk is to take no risk. In a rapidly changing world, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is to take no risks.-Mark Zuckerberg.

9-If you're not willing to risk the unusual, you'll have to settle for the ordinary.-Jim Rohn.

10-Life is an experiment. The more experiments you do, the better.-Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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11-Nothing great was ever achieved without danger.-Nicolas Machiavelli.

12-The risk of an incorrect decision is preferable to the error of indecision.-Maimonides.

13-We learn to walk when falling. If we do not fall, we will never learn to walk.-Robert T. Kiyosaki.

14-If you are offered a seat on a rocket, do not ask what seat. Just get in. Sheryl Sandberg.

15-Pearls do not grow on the coast. If you want one you have to dive to get it.-Chinese proverb.

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16-Heroes always take risks. Heroes always deviate. Heroes always do something that most people do not do. I want to democratize heroism to say that any of us can fail.-Zimbardo.

17-If you give up your dreams, what's left? -Jim Carrey.

18-A ship is safe in the port, but for that they are not the ships.-William G.T. Shedd.

19-Any worthwhile goal involves an element of risk.-Dean Karnazes.

20-If you are prepared and you know what is needed, it is not a risk. You just have to figure out how to get there. There is always a way to get there.-Marc Cuban.

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21-If you do not take risks you will have a lost soul.-Drew Barrymore.

22-It seems to be a law of nature, inflexible and inexorable, that those who do not take risks can not win.-John Paul Jones.

23-The desire for security rises against every great and noble enterprise.-Tacitus.

24-There is only one risk that you should avoid at all costs, and it is the risk of doing nothing.-Denis Waitley.

25-Do not concentrate on the risks. Concentrate on the results. No risk is so great as to prevent the work necessary to do.-Chuck Yeager.

To risk

26-Death is not the greatest risk we have; Our greatest risk is to take the risk of being alive and expressing who we really are.-Miguel Angel Ruiz.

27-Winning without risks is a triumph without glory.-Pierre Corneille.

28-You must lose a fly to catch a trout.-George Herbert.

29-The dangers of life are infinite, and among them is security.-Goethe.

30-To succeed, your desire to succeed must be greater than your fear of failure.-Bill Cosby.

To risk

31-Stay away from people who despise your ambitions. Little people always do that, but the really big ones make you feel that you too can be great.-Marc Twain.

32-Often the difference between a successful man and a failed one is not the skills or ideas, but the courage to bet on an idea, to take calculated risks and to act.-Maxwell Maltz.

33-One who risks and fails can be forgiven. He who never rises and never fails is a failure in his whole being.-Paul Tillich.

34-Do not be afraid to take a big step. You can not cross an abyss in two little jumps.-David Lloyd George.

35-Knowledge of the world is only acquired in the world, and not in a closet.-Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield.

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"If you never move, do not expect a push."​​Malcolm S. Forbes.

37-The turtle only progresses when it draws its neck.-James B. Conant.

38-We fail more often because of shyness than by an excess of audacity.-David Grayson.

39-Dare to lose your feet momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself.-Søren Kierkegaard.

40-Nothing will ever be achieved if a possible objection must be overcome first.-Samuel Johnson.

To risk

41-Dare to be naive.-Buckminster Fuller.

42-99% of success is built on failure.-Charles Kettering.

43-The adventure can damage, but the monotony can kill you.

People who do not take risks usually make two big mistakes a year. People who take risks usually make two big mistakes a year.- Peter F. Drucker.

45-Decision is a risk rooted in the courage to be free.-Paul Tillich.

46-Need is the mother to take risks.-Mark Twain.

47-Take risks; If you win, you will be happy, if you lose, you will be wise.

48-The danger can not be overcome without taking risks.-Latin Proverb.

49-There is only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.-Aristotle.

50. Do one thing a day that you fear.-Eleanor Roosevelt.

51-All that is successful is a series of mistakes.-Billie Armstrong.

52-The most important thing to remember is this: be prepared at any time to give up what you are for what you can become.-W. E.B. Du Bois.

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