50 Lifelong Editing Phrases (Youth and Adults)

These Uplifting phrases Will have a positive effect on your life; Will allow you to see life from another perspective and will teach you the way of thinking of some people who have been very successful.

Each one of them, will allow you to have a vision that brings you closer to your dreams, and is that what we get in life does not depend so much on what happens to us, but on how we react to what happens to us.

Uplifting phrases

If you want, you can visit this related article in which I compiled more than 100 Inspiring Phrases .

Discouragement and failure are two sure stones on the road to success. Dale Carnegie .

"The best way to create the future is to predict it."Abraham Lincoln.

"The first step is to say that you can do it."Will Smith.

"If a man does not know to which port he is going, no wind will be favorable to him."

-Don't let what you can not do, interfere with what you can do.-John Wooden.

"Never let yourself be held in the silence. Do not ever let yourself be the victim. Do not accept the definition of the life of others; Definete yourself.-Harvey Fierstein.

"If there is no effort, there is no progress."Frederick Douglass.

"In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.-Yogi Berra.

"Even the darkest night will end with the sunrise.""Victor Hugo.

-The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships.-Anthony Robbins.

-I'm always doing things I can not do, that's how I manage to do them.-Pablo Picasso.

"What you do speaks so loudly that I can not hear what you say."Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"It's never too late to be what you could have been."George Eliot.

-Most successful people have achieved their greatest successes one step after their greatest failures.-Napoleon Hill.

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one that most adapts to change.-Charles Darwin.

"In the midst of the difficulty lies the opportunity."- Albert Einstein.

-He who does not have enough courage to take risks, will not get anything in his life.-Muhammad Ali.

-The world is more malleable than you think and is waiting for you to hammer it to shape it.-Bono.

"We just have to change one thing to have happiness in our lives: where we focus our attention."-Greg Anderson.

-Everyone you know and every situation that you encounter, have something to teach you. Pay attention.-Chris Waugh.

"Our greatest glory is not to fall never, but to rise every time we fall."-Confucius.

"Your present circumstances do not determine where you are going; Simply determine where you begin.-Nest Qubein.

- Sometimes life is about pursuing a dream that no one else can see. - Unknown author.

"Focus on the journey, not the destination. Pleasure lies not in finishing an activity, but in doing it.-Greg Anderson.

-A lot of people underestimate what they are and they overvalue what they are not.Author unknown.

-The dreamers are the saviors of the world.-James Allen.

"Wisdom is the reward you get for spending a lifetime listening when you'd rather speak."Doug Larson.

-Everyone has been gifted in a unique and important way. It is our privilege and our adventure to discover our own light.-Mary Dunmbar.

"Learn how to be happy with what you have while pursuing what you want."Jim rohn.

-We could never learn to be brave and patient if there was only joy in the world.-Helen Keller.

"If I persist long enough, I will win." Og Mandino .

"When everything seems to be against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind, not with the favor."Henry Ford.

-Improve is to change; Being perfect is changing often.-Winston Churchill.

"You have to decide what your priorities are, and have the courage-without apologizing-to say no to other things."- Stephen R. Covey.

"Fortune is on the side of the one who dares.""Virgilio.

"Do not be intimidated by what you do not know. That can be your greatest strength and make sure you do things differently from others.-Sara Blakely.

-To help yourself, help others. Whatever good you do, travel in circles and come back to you many other times. Life is not about how much you get, but about what you become. -Dennis Gaskill.

"Wealth is not a matter of intelligence, it's a matter of inspiration."Jim Rohn.

"The deepest relationship we'll ever have is the one we have with ourselves."Shirley Maclaine.

-Most people are never completely present in the now, because unconsciously they think the next moment will be more important than this.-Eckhart Tolle.

"When you choose hope, anything is possible."Christopher Reeve.

"You need to compromise, and once you do, life will give you some answers.""Les Brown.

-Accepts failures as a normal part of life. Look at them as a part of the process of exploring your world; Take notes of his lessons and move on.-Tom Hobson.

-Like success, failure is many things for many people. With a positive mental attitude, failure is a learning experience, a step, a time to sort thoughts and try again.-W. Clement Stone.

"It's easier to go down a mountain than to climb it, but the view is much better on top."-Ann Arnold Bennet.

"Your life is not as determined by what life brings you as by your attitude to it; Not so much for what happens to you as for the way you look at what happens to you.-Khalil Gibran.

-Thank you for what you have and you will end up having more. If you focus on what you do not have, you'll never have enough."-Oprah Winfrey.

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who can not change their minds can not change anything."- George Bernard Shaw.

"Do not let the circumstances control you. You can change your own circumstances.-Jackie Chan.

-Crecer means to change and change involves risk, going from the known to the unknown.-George Shinn.

-Concierge to find your goal, then concentrate on reaching it.-Michael Friedsam.

-All the world carries the limits of his own vision to the limits of the world.-Arthur Schopenhauer.

-These are today where your thoughts have brought you; Tomorrow you'll be where your thoughts take you.-James Allen.

-An intelligent person knows what to say, a wise person knows whether to say it or not.-Author unknown.

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