45 Examples of Hyperbaton in Prayers

He Hyperbaton Is a rhetorical figure that consists of altering the natural position of the elements of a sentence in order to highlight a certain part of the discourse.

Usually used in poetry for reasons of metrics and rhythm. It should be noted that this figure is also used in popular language. For example: did you know...? Instead of did you know that...?

45 Examples of Hyperbaton in Prayers

Traditionally four types of hyperbaton are distinguished: thesis, parenthesis, anastrophe and hysterology. The thesis is given when a word is inserted between the elements of a sentence; This word can be between commas (,), between dashes (-) or between parentheses.

The parenthesis, on the other hand, occurs when a phrase is inserted in the main sentence and the phrase has a different intonation from that of the sentence; It may be an exclamation or an interrogation.

Anastrophe occurs when the preposition precedes the verb that governs it. Finally, hysterology occurs when the constituents of the sentence are altered: subject and predicate.

Examples of hyperbaton

To God praying and with the hammer giving.

The chicken is ready, the chicken is dead.

Without words I leave the situation.

No thank you either.

Your beautiful daughter

Astonished, he leaves me.

Respect you should respect if you want.

Quite annoying is that sound.

Bye thank you.

Surprised I find myself.

Easy seems.

Well deserved it has it.

The early bird God helps.

Do not want God.

Cozy is one's home.

Majestic is the view from this balcony.

The same I said to him.

If I remember correctly…

I think so.

I think the same.

Examples of hyperbaton in literary works

1-" In the lute I am a note ,

Perfume in violet,

Fleeting flame in the tombs

And in the ruins of Yedra."

Rima V by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.

2 -"- I am ardent, I am brunette,

I am the symbol of passion,

My soul is full of yearning

Are you looking for me?

"It's not you; do not".

Rima XI by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.

3-"It is seen closer,

As through a tulle,

Of a hermitage on the porch

shine . It's a light."

Rima LXXXIV by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.

4-"Patriarchs who were the seed

Of the tree of faith in remote centuries,

To the divine victor of death

Beg for us ".

Rima LXXXV by Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer.

5-"For the sacred earth in which I am prostrate, for the spirits that surround me, for the deep and eternal pain I feel for you, Oh Night! , And by the ghosts that inhabit you, I swear to persecute that devil, that caused these misfortunes, until one of the two succumbs in a fight to death.

"Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus"by Mary Shelley.

6-"If the fear of not being understood is hidden in the bosom of other boys to the same degree as in me - probable thing, because I have no reason to consider myself a phenomenon- , That would explain many strange reservations."

"Great hopes"by Charles Dickens.

6 -"- This work Replied my uncle, Is the Heimskringla, by Snorri Sturluson, the famous Icelandic author of the twelfth century! It is the chronicle of the Norwegian princes who reigned in Iceland!"

"Journey to the Center of the Earth"by Jules Verne.

8 - I believe He explained, That what we have to do is start it in Spanish, and then do it British, when we have already caught the trick. And now He added, , The Inquisitorial Guard will go hunting the first witch, for Feivor".

"Good omens"by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman.

9-"However, as soon as I realized that I could not escape the castle, Unfortunately! , I sat calmly, as calmly as ever in my life, to reflect on my situation, trying to find a way."

"Dracula"by Bram Stoker.

10-"You know what those people are like; He calls Ipecacuanha to this shell: Devious name where there are! But when the sea is without a drop of wind, it behaves well."

"Dr. Moreau's Island"by H. G. Wells.

Examples of hyperbaton in Star Wars

In the films of the famous film saga Star Wars, presents a personage who speaks using hyperbaton: the teacher Yoda.

Some examples taken from such films are given below.

"The dark side darkens everything. Impossible to see the future is".

"Important size is not. Judging by my size? You should not because my ally the Force is and a powerful ally is"

"Paths to victory are there, other than crushing an enemy."

"Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice you for those around you who in the Force are transformed. Crying you should not. I long for them also because the attachment only to jealousy leads. And jealousy is the black shadow of greed."

"Luke, when I'm gone, the last of the Jedi will be. Luke, the Force is present in your family. What you have learned, you must teach."

"Yes, the strength of a Jedi comes from the Force. But you must be attentive to the dark side. Anger, fear, violence. The dark side they are. Quickly, they join you when you fight. If you begin the dark road to transit, your fate will forever dominate. Consume you, you will."

"You have become powerful. The dark side in you feel"

"Patience you must have, my young apprentice"

"Luke, Emperor's forces underestimate you should not or the fate of your father will suffer you too."

"Difficult to see is. Always moving the future is."

"When you look at the dark side, you must be careful because the dark side looks too."

"Through the Force, things will see. Other places. The future, the past. Old friends".

"Truly wonderful, the mind of a child is."

"There are always two, no more, no less. A teacher and an apprentice".

To name your fear you must before it fades."


  1. Hyperbaton. Retrieved on June 9, 2017, from wikipedia.org
  2. Exploring the Spanish Language. Retrieved June 9, 2017, from books.google.com
  3. Hyperbaton. Retrieved on June 9, 2017, from literarydevices.net
  4. Hyperbaton. Retrieved on June 9, 2017, from literaryterms.net
  5. Hyperbaton. Retrieved on June 9, 2017, from changingminds.org
  6. Hyperbaton. Retrieved June 9, 2017, from dictionary.com
  7. Hyperbaton. Retrieved on June 9, 2017, from literary-devices.com
  8. Hyperbaton. Retrieved on June 9, 2017, from softschools.com.

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