40 Incredible Emotional Maturity Phrases

In this post I leave you 40 Phrases of emotional maturity Of great authors like Victor Hugo, Einstein, Shakespeare, Maslow and many more.

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Phrases of maturity

1-What makes a superman a hero is not that he has power, but has the wisdom and maturity to use power wisely.-Christopher Reeve.

2-Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values.-Joshua L. Liebman.

3-Maturity is achieved when a person accepts life as full of tension.-Joshua L. Liebman.

4-Worrying - about people, things, life - is an act of maturity.-Tracy McMillan.

5-Making mistakes is human; Stumbling is common; Being able to laugh at yourself is maturity.-William Arthur Ward.

6-I live in that solitude that is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.-Albert Einstein.

7-Maturity is the ability to obtain without apologizing and not complaining when things are not going well.-Jim Rohn.

8-Maturity is a high price to pay to grow.-Tom Stoppard.

9-Maturity is the ability to postpone gratification.-Sigmund Freud.

10-One grows the day he has his first laugh on it.-Ethel Barrymore.

11-The maturity of the mind is the ability to withstand uncertainty.-John Finley.

12-To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to create oneself without ceasing.-Henri Bergson.

13-Confidence comes with maturity, accepting more of yourself.-Nicole Scherzinger.

14-Maturity is knowing when to be immature.-Randall Hall.

15-Relationships are the hallmark of the mature person.-Brian Tracy.

16- Forty is the mature age of youth; The fifties the youth of the mature age.-Víctor Hugo.

17-Maturity, once discovered, has everything to do with acceptance of"not knowing."- Mark Z. Danielewski.

18-Mature age is one in which one is still young, but with much effort.-Jean L. Banault.

19-Mature is to accept that to grow is necessary to feel pain.

20-The maturity of man is to have found again the seriousness with which he played as a child.-Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

21-Maturity begins to manifest when we feel that our concern is greater for others than for ourselves.-Albert Einstein.

22-Maturity is when your world opens and you realize that you are not the center of the.-M. J. Croan.

22-A sign of maturity is the ability to be at ease with people who are not like us -Virgil A. Kraft

23-Being mature means facing, and not evading, every new crisis that comes.-Fritz Kunkel.

24-There are truths in which you have to grow.-H.G. Wells.

25-You have not really grown until you see and understand your weaknesses.-Dr T.P.Chia.

"Maturity is that age when you are no longer fooled by yourself."Ralph Waldo Emerson.

27-Youth is nonsense; Maturity, a struggle; Old age, a remorse.-Benjamin Disraeli.

28-Maturity can not be defined by age.

29-In fact, self-realized people, those who have reached a high level of maturity, health and self-satisfaction, have so much to teach us that sometimes they almost seem to belong to a different kind of human beings.-Abraham Maslow.

30-There is no other way to maturity than to learn to endure the blows of life.-William Shakespeare.

31-Knowing your responsibilities does not make you more mature, but act on them yes.-Carolina de León.

32- Mature age is one in which one is still young, but with much more effort.-Jean-Louis Barrault.

33-Admitting our mistakes is a sign of maturity and wisdom. We learn more about knowing our mistakes.-Dr. T.P.Chia.

34-Maturity is to assume the responsibility of being free and fighting for those who are not.

35-What becomes mature needs to die.- Friedrich Nietzsche.

36-A successful life is a teenage dream realized in the mature age.-Alfred de Vigny.

37-Maturity is the ability to escape categorization.-K. Rexroth.

38-Seriousness is not a sign of maturity. Maturity is knowing how to laugh at life, but take it seriously only when it is necessary.

39-It is not more mature the one who has more years, but the one who has learned the most in his years.

40-The greatest feature differentiated between the infant and the mature, is that the child acts without thinking that can hurt others.

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