4 Benefits of Drinking Water Supported by Science

Main Benefits and properties of water For health are calorie control, keeping skin hydrated, taking care of kidneys and lessening headaches.

It has always been said that we should drink water. Doctors recommend that we drink about two liters of water a day, although as we will see later, it will depend on your complexion, health and the amount of physical activity you practice.

Benefits of drinking water

To those two liters recommended, we can add another half liter that you will get if you take fruits and vegetables, which are foods with high water content.

Drinking water, and being well hydrated is essential to meet well, with energy and vitality for our hard day of work.

4 Benefits of drinking water

1-Controls calories

Water has no magical properties on weight loss, but it can help you lose it if you replace it with sugary drinks and a high calorie.

It is very common to use soft drinks and sugary both in lunches and dinners by young and not so young.

It is especially worrying the consumption of these drinks at dinner time as from seven in the afternoon it is recommended not to take more carbohydrates if you want to lose weight.

Drinking cold water has been shown to stimulate our metabolism, and manages to increase the speed at which the body loses weight.

When we consume a glass of cold water, the body burns the reserve calories to generate heat in the body, which would eventually help to lose weight.

When you drink cold water, you suffer from a sudden decrease in body temperature (our body has an average temperature of about 35.5 degrees and a half), and to balance the heat, our body starts to burn the extra calories.

People who use this method to lose weight, where they consume at most 16 glasses of cold water per day, managed to eliminate 18 calories per day, without doing any type of exercise.

Obviously, one can not think of getting made a cold water figurine, it is not a miracle formula. It's just a help, not a solution.

If you opt for a diet rich in water foods will help you cut back on calorie intake, says Barbara Rolls, Penn State researcher and author of the Volumetrics Weight control plan.

Foods high in water tend to look larger than they actually are.

Your voluptuousness takes more time to chew than other foods, and is absorbed more slowly by the body, which helps to feel full.

Water-rich foods mainly include fruits and vegetables.

2- Water helps keep skin in good condition

In terms of immediate results, a study by the University of Missouri-Columbia showed that drinking 500 milliliters of water (about two glasses) increased blood flow to the skin.

"When the skin moisturizes and becomes more elastic, it is less likely to break and leave external particles that can cause irritations and blemishes,"says Rachel Nazarian, a dermatologist at Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York and a professor at Mount Sinai Hospital.

"I have found that my patients tend to complain of more acne lesions when they are dehydrated,"adds Nazarian.

"We know that small changes in diet can affect. This could be a change in the type of oil we use. This simple modification may be associated with an increase in acne formation."

Of course, you should not expect excessive moisturizing to erase wrinkles or lines of expression, as dermatologist Kenneth Ellner of Atlanta claims.

Drinking a lot of water today does not mean your skin will look better in the years to come,"although clinically, when the skin is hydrated, it is thicker, and the signs of aging are minimized. Technically, at a histopathological level (when examined under a microscope), the wrinkles are still there, and nothing has changed forever,"says Nazarian.

"Dehydration makes your skin look more dry and wrinkled, but once it is properly hydrated, the kidneys take control and remove excess fluid."

Without water, the organs could not function properly, and if your skin is not getting enough water, lack of hydration will make your dry skin dry and flaky.

3- Water helps your kidneys

A common mistake is that we should all drink eight glasses of water a day. Each one is different, and the daily needs of water vary according to the person.

The amount of water a person needs varies according to their age, the climate in which they live, the intensity of the exercise they do (if they do), as well as whether they are pregnant or if they are suffering from illness.

Between 60 and 70% of a person's body weight is made up of water, and every part of his body needs it to function properly.

Water helps the kidneys remove waste from the blood in the form of urine. In addition, it helps keep blood vessels open so blood can freely circulate to your kidneys, and deliver the essential nutrients for them.

But if you become dehydrated, then it is more difficult for our body to function properly.

Mild dehydration can make you feel tired, and can affect normal bodily functions.

Severe dehydration can lead to kidney damage, so it is important to drink enough when working or exercising very hard, and especially in hot or humid climates.

When you get enough fluid, the urine flows freely, is light in color and free of odors.

When your body is not getting enough fluids urine concentrates, the color and odor increases because too much fluid in the kidneys hampers bodily functions.

4 tips to make sure you drink enough water and your kidneys are healthy:

  • 8 glasses of water a day are fine (but can always vary).
  • If you have kidney problems, you should drink more.
  • Drinking more is better than drinking less.
  • The color of the urine will tell you if you are drinking enough.

4- Help your headaches

When we begin to intuit symptoms of headache , The first thing we usually do is quickly find some medication in our pantry.

However, many over-the-counter medications have side effects that could be even worse than the headache itself.

Therefore, it is possible that it is better to consider other more natural alternatives instead of looking for a quick solution.

Keep in mind that all headaches are due to structural problems, whether of a chemical or emotional nature.

Ideally to know before using any remedy is to know what type of headache is involved.

First, there are chronic tension headaches that can result from an overload of stress, fatigue or physical problems, psychological, emotional, or emotional problems. depression .

Then there are cluster headaches, which are categorized by coming in groups of one to four per day in broad periods that can range from days to months.

Hormonal headaches are similar to those Migraines In which they affect only one side of the head, and are also often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light or noise.

Finally, there are sinus headaches, which can be experienced after a cold or other medical condition.

One of the main causes of headaches is dehydration. To treat headache naturally, water is one of its best fighters.

In tension headaches, it was previously noted that one cause may be fatigue. Fatigue is a side effect of dehydration.

Tension headaches may also be a symptom of other problems, so if they persist, it is a good idea to seek help from a medical professional.

Headaches can be caused by a hangover from drinking alcohol. Alcohol is a diuretic, which causes it to lose more water than it is ingested.

This can lead to dehydration, which although not the main cause of hangovers, can cause symptoms like thirst, fatigue, headache and dry mouth.

A good way to reduce hangover is to drink a glass of water between alcoholic beverages, Although this option seems somewhat improbable to start, since when we drink we do not usually carry a bottle of water on top.

Therefore, the most effective and feasible way to try not to have a hangover the next morning is to take a large glass of water before going to bed.

And what other benefits of drinking water do you know?


  1. Www.authoritynutrition.com/7-health-benefits-of-water/.

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