301 Examples of words Esdrújulas

Find Examples of words esdrújulas In the Spanish language is simple. So much so that in this article we will divide them by the different letters of the alphabet for the convenience of the reader.

The words esdrújulas refer to the words that have the accent a tilde in the antepenultimate syllable.


In the Spanish language, it is necessary to remember that the words can be classified according to the position where they carry the accent or the tilde.

The words esdrújulas carry the accent on the penultimate syllable; The words sobreesdrújulas are emphasized in the fourth syllable or the syllable previous to the penultimate one; The plain or serious words carry the tilde in the penultimate syllable; And sharp words are accentuated in the last syllable.

Acute words and flat words do not always have a physical accent to indicate their linguistic classification. Unlike sharp words and plain or serious words, the words esdrújulas by definition must be a tilde or must be accented.

However, there is an exception to the rule that all words must be accentuated: when one speaks of adverbs that have the termination 'mind', one must maintain the accent of the adjective on which it is based.

Therefore, the rule that the words esdrújulas should always carry an accent has this exception.

List with examples of words esdrújulas

Starting with the letter A:

  1. Antibiotic: an-ti-bi-ti-co.
  2. Arabic: á-ra-be.
  3. Abacus: á-ba-co.
  4. Apostrophe: a-post-tro-fe.
  5. Afonic: a-fó-ni-co.
  6. Alvaro: al-va-ro.
  7. Academic: a-ca-dé-mi-co.
  8. Agricultural: a-grí-co-la.
  9. Africa: Africa.
  10. Aérrimo: a-cé-rri-mo.
  11. Angle: ang-gu-it.
  12. America: a-mé-ri-ca.
  13. Antarctica: an-tár-ti-da.
  14. Apócope: apó-co-pe.
  15. Aromatic: a-ro-má-ti-co.
  16. Antacid: an-ti-á-ci-do.
  17. Arsenic: ar-se-ni-co.
  18. Trees: ár-bo-les.
  19. Aero: á-e-re-o.
  20. Acoustics: a-cús-ti-ca.
  21. Acid: Î ± -cydo.
  22. Athletic: a-tlé-ti-co.
  23. Antón: an-tó-ni-mo.
  24. Amphora: ammonium.

Starting with the letter B

  1. Balm: bal-sa-mo.
  2. Barbarian: bár-ba-ro.
  3. Belgium: bél-gi-ca.
  4. Ballpoint pen: bo-lí-gra-fo.
  5. Brótola: bro-to-la.
  6. Bártulo: bár-tu-lo.
  7. Log: bi-tá-co-ra.
  8. Warlike: bé-li-co.
  9. British: British.
  10. Vault: bó-ve-da.
  11. Baritone: ba-to-no.
  12. Basic: bá-si-co.
  13. Beneplácito: be-ne-plá-ci-to.
  14. Bifida: bí-fi-da.
  15. Bipedal: bí-pe-do.
  16. Broccoli: bro-co-li.
  17. Search: bus-que-da.
  18. Bulimic: bu-lí-mi-co.
  19. Compass: compass.
  20. Biological: bio-ló-gi-ca.

Starting with the letter C

  1. Kabbalah: knock it off.
  2. Calculation: calculation.
  3. Warm: light-brown.
  4. Caloric: ca-1-ri-co.
  5. Camera: cam-ma-ra.
  6. Catastrophe: catastrophe.
  7. Cambrian: cám-bri-co.
  8. Cándido: cán-di-do.
  9. Pitchers: cán-ta-ros.
  10. Chant: chan-ti-co.
  11. Hemp: ca-ña-mo.
  12. Chaotic: ca-o-ti-co.
  13. Cover: You will love it.
  14. Prisons: Caucasians.
  15. Cardiologist: car-di-lo-go.
  16. Cárnico: car-ni-co.
  17. Carnivore: car-ní-vo-ro.
  18. Cartographer: car-tó-gra-fo.
  19. Peel: ca-ca-ra.
  20. Celiac: ce-lí-a-co.
  21. Cell: cel-la-la.
  22. Centimeter: cen-t-me-tro.
  23. Cyclops: chro-clo-pe.
  24. Circle: circle it.
  25. Code: cod-di-go.
  26. Choleric: co-lé-ri-co.
  27. Accomplice: com-pli-ce.
  28. Spouse: cón-yu-gue.
  29. Cosmic: cosmic-cosmic.
  30. Cúbito: cú-bi-to.
  31. Cusp: cús-pi-de.
  32. Cluster: cú-mu-lo.
  33. Cédula: cé-du-la.

Starting with the letter D

  1. Gift: give-a-go.
  2. Dalmatian: Dalmatian.
  3. Debit: dé-bi-to.
  4. Decapod: de-po-do.
  5. Decrepit: de-cré-pi-to.
  6. Daedalus: Give it up.
  7. Democrat: de-mó-cra-ta
  8. Dermatologist: der-ma-tó-lo-go.
  9. Plea: duplex
  10. Dramatic: dra-ma-ti-co.
  11. Dyslexic: dis-lé-xi-co.
  12. Diabolic: dia-benzoyl chloride.
  13. Diabetic: dia-bé-ti-co.
  14. Dioxide: dioxo-do.
  15. Dynamics: di-ná-mi-ca.

Starting with the letter E

  1. Ebony: is-ba-no.
  2. Eclectic: Eclectic
  3. Ecological: e-co-ló-gi-co.
  4. Economic: e-co-node-mi-co.
  5. Ephemeris: e-fe-mé-ri-de.
  6. Army: e-jér-ci-to.
  7. Elastic: e-lás-ti-co.
  8. Electronic: e-lec-tro-ni-co.
  9. Elliptic: e-lip-ti-ca.
  10. Encyclical: encyclical
  11. Endemic: en-dé-mi-co.
  12. Epic: is-pi-co.
  13. Epistle: e-pís-to-la.
  14. Esdrújula: es-esdrújula.
  15. Aesthetic: es-té-ti-co.
  16. Estrogen: es-tro-ge-no.
  17. Stupid: es-tu-pi-do.
  18. Show: es-pec-tá-cu-lo.
  19. Skeletal: es-que-lé-ti-co.
  20. Eccentric: ex-cén-tri-co.

Starting with the letter F

  1. Fable: do-it-it.
  2. Phactic: easy-to-co.
  3. Phallic: fá-li-co.
  4. Famélico: fa-mé-li-co.
  5. Fanatic: fa-ná-ti-co.
  6. Fantastic: fan-tás-ti-co.
  7. Fécula: faith in her.
  8. Phenomenon: fe-no-me-no.
  9. Fetida: fé-ti-do.
  10. Funeral: fú-ne-bre.
  11. Fistula: Fistula.
  12. Phonetics: fo-né-ti-ca.

Starting with the letter G

  1. Galactic: ga-lac-ti-co.
  2. Gargoyle: gár-go-la.
  3. Geographical: geo-graph-fi-co.
  4. Geometrical: geo-mé-tri-co.
  5. Globule: Glu-buto.
  6. Gondola: gon-do-la.
  7. Graphic: graph-fi-co.
  8. Grammar: gra-má-ti-ca.
  9. Buttock: glú-te-o.
  10. Frost: gé-li-do.
  11. Gemini: gé-mi-nis.
  12. Gastric: gas-tri-co.
  13. Gender: gé-ne-ro.

Starting with the letter H

  1. Habit: there is bi-to.
  2. Helicopter: he-li-cop-te-ro.
  3. Hermetic: her-me-ti-co.
  4. Homogeneous: ho-mo-gé-ne-o.
  5. Heterogeneous: he-te-ro-gé-ne-o.
  6. Humorous: hu-mo-rís-ti-co.
  7. Hero: he-ro-e.
  8. Hexagon: he-xá-go-no.
  9. Hydraulic: hi-dra-ú-li-co.
  10. Liver: h-ga-do.
  11. Counterpart: ho-mo-lo-go.
  12. Hysterical: his-te-ri-co.
  13. Hypocrite: hi-powder-cri-ta.
  14. Hipódromo: hi-pó-dro-mo.

Starting with the letter I

  1. Incognita: in-cóg-ni-ta.
  2. Intrepid: in-tré-pi-do.
  3. Indigenous: in-dí-ge-na.
  4. Informatics: in-for-ma-ti-ca.
  5. Images: i-má-ge-nes.
  6. Impossible: im-sho-vi-do.
  7. Implicit: implicit.
  8. Suitable: i-do-ne-o.
  9. Wireless: in-a-lám-bri-co.
  10. Ironic: i-ró-ni-co.

Starting with the letter J

  1. Jubilee: jú-bi-lo.
  2. Jurassic: ju-rá-si-co.
  3. Jíbaro: jí-ba-ro.

Starting with the letter K

  1. Kilometers: ki-ló-me-tros.
  2. Karstic: kárs-ti-co.

Starting with the letter L

  1. Laconic: la-co-ni-co.
  2. Dairy: milk yourself.
  3. Tears: there-gri-mas.
  4. Lamp: lám-pa-ra.
  5. Tombstone: there-pi-da.
  6. Whip: there-go-go.
  7. Dragonfly: li-be-lu-la.
  8. Lycanthrope: li-can-tro-po.
  9. Limit: read me.
  10. Line: lí-ne-a.
  11. Liquid: liquid.
  12. Logical: ló-gi-co.
  13. Lucid: lú-ci-do.
  14. Hops: lú-pu-lo.
  15. Lírico: lí-ri-co.
  16. Dark: ló-bre-go.

Starting with the letter M

  1. Magical: mage-co.
  2. Mathematics: ma-te-má-ti-cas.
  3. Module: mo-du-lo.
  4. Megalomaniac: me-ga-ló-ma-no.
  5. Physician: mé-di-co.
  6. Metaphor: me-ta-fo-ra.
  7. Monotonous: monotonous.
  8. Maximum: max-mo.
  9. Muscle: mus-cu-lo.
  10. Minimum: me-ni-mo.
  11. Mammal: ma-me-fe-ro.
  12. Machine: mal-chi-na.
  13. Morbid: mór-bi-do.
  14. Monoxide: dichloromethane.
  15. Music.

Starting with the letter N

  1. Neoclassical: ne-o-clá-si-co.
  2. Nitrate: Nitrite.
  3. Core: n-cle-o.
  4. Nonoble: node-nu-plo.
  5. Number: num-num.
  6. Node: node-du-lo.

Starting with the letter O

  1. Ocean: o-cé-a-no.
  2. Obstacle: Observe it.
  3. Olympic: o-lim-pi-co.
  4. Oregano: o-ré-ga-no.
  5. Orthographic: or-to-graph-fi-co.
  6. Onírico: o-ní-ri-co.
  7. Onomastic: o-no-mais-ti-co.
  8. Oxygen: o-xi-ge-no.

Starting with the letter P

  1. Bird: pá-ja-ro.
  2. Pale: pale-lipped.
  3. Pancreas: pan-cre-as
  4. Panic: pa-ni-co.
  5. Páramo: pá-ra-mo.
  6. Parasite: pa-rá-si-to.
  7. Newspaper: pe-rió-di-co.
  8. Pécora: foot-co-ra.
  9. Oil: pe-tro-le-o.
  10. Pícaro: pí-ca-ro.
  11. Potassium: po-tá-si-co.
  12. Practical: practic-ti-co.
  13. Putrid: pú-tri-do.
  14. Purple: purple.
  15. Next: pro-xi-mo.
  16. Psychic: Psycho-ca.
  17. Loan: loan.
  18. Pyloro: P-lo-ro.
  19. Powder: gunpowder.
  20. Pyramid: pi-rá-mi-de.
  21. Plastic: Plas-ti-co.
  22. Plátano: Plá-ta-no.

Starting with the letter Q

  1. Chemistry: qui-mi-ca.

Starting with the letter R

  1. Rhetoric: re-to-ri-ca.
  2. Regime: ré-gi-men.
  3. Rustic: rus-ti-co.
  4. Runic: rú-ni-co.
  5. Romantic: ro-mán-ti-co.
  6. Radish: ra-ba-no.
  7. Lightning: re-lám-pa-gos.
  8. Recondite: re-con-di-to.
  9. Ridiculous: laugh at you.
  10. Rectangle: rec-tán-gu-lo.
  11. Label: ró-tu-lo.
  12. Rigid: Rigid.

Starting with the letter S

  1. Sadistic: sa-di-co.
  2. Sandalwood: sán-da-lo.
  3. Saturday: sá-ba-do.
  4. Satellite: sa-te-li-te.
  5. Selvático: sel-vá-ti-co.
  6. Seventh: sep-ti-mo.
  7. Syllable: yes-la-ba.
  8. Supplication: supplication.
  9. Soviet: so-vié-ti-co.
  10. Sordid: Syd-di-do.
  11. Sátrapa: sá-tra-pa.
  12. Sarcophagus: sar-có-fa-go.
  13. Symbolic: sim-bó-li-co.
  14. Sulfuric acid: sulfuric acid.
  15. Synthesis: Synthesis.
  16. Sympathetic: sim-pá-ti-co.
  17. Syndrome: Symptoms.

Starting with the letter T

  1. Tantalum: tán-ta-lo.
  2. Tánica: tá-ni-ca.
  3. Tartar: tár-ta-ro.
  4. Technician: technician-technician.
  5. Term: tér-mi-no.
  6. Tetric: tea-tri-co.
  7. Thread Tools
  8. Triptych: triptych.
  9. Titanic: ti-tá-ni-co.
  10. Iceberg: tém-pa-no.
  11. Terrícola: te-rrí-co-la.
  12. Triangle: tri-an-gu it.
  13. Tremulous: tré-mu-lo.
  14. Tuber: tuber.
  15. Tunic: you-ni-ca.
  16. Procedure: bring me.
  17. Torrid: torrid.
  18. Thread Tools
  19. Title: tí-tu-lo.

Starting with the letter U

  1. Last: úl-ti-mo.
  2. Unanimous: u-ná-ni-me.
  3. Unison: u-ní-so-no.
  4. Utopia: u-tó-pi-co.
  5. Eleventh: un-de-ci-mo.

Starting with the letter V

  1. Vertex: ver-ti-ce.
  2. Vertigo: ver-ti-go.
  3. Viper: vi-bo-ra.
  4. Verse: verse.
  5. Velodrome: ve-ló-dro-mo.
  6. Vorágine: vo-rá-gi-ne.
  7. Vortex: vor-ti-ce.
  8. Vomit: vó-mi-to.

Starting with the letter X

  1. Xenophobic: xe-node-fo-bo.
  2. Xylophone: xi-ló-fo-no.

Starting with the letter Y

  1. Iambic: yam-bi-co.

Starting with the letter Z

  1. Zángano: zán-ga-no.
  2. Zodiac: zo-dí-a-co.
  3. Zurumbático: zu-rum-bá-ti-co.


  1. Examples of words esdrújulas (2015). Recovered from aboutespanol.com
  2. Examples of words esdrújulas. Retrieved from word games.
  3. 100 examples of esdrújulas words. Recovered from examples.ca
  4. 250 examples of esdrújulas words. Recovered from jackmoreno.com
  5. Esdrújulas words. Recovered from 10words.com

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