25 Incredible Animals That Live in the Forest

The animals of the forest Can live in different ecoregions worldwide and can be mammals, birds, amphibians, fish and reptiles. Forests that despite being exposed to deforestation, still exhibit an unusual and spectacularly diverse fauna.

Surely some of you sound like the elephant or the frogs, but do you know the aye-aye or the ocelot? Find out in this wild article.

Top 25 animals that live in forests

1- The Seychelles tiger chameleon


Scientific name: Archaius tigris

The Seychelles tiger chameleon is a species of chameleon found only in the tropical forests of the islands of Mahé, Silhouette and Praslin belonging to the Republic of Seychelles.

These sauropsids with scales measure approximately 16 centimeters and their colors vary from the soft gray, until intense shades of orange, yellow and dark brown.

They feed on insects thanks to their long tongue which is their fundamental hunting instrument. These oviparous reptiles are considered to be in serious danger of extinction and it is believed that only about 2,000 remain in the wild.

Like all chameleons, it often changes color. It does so in only 10 seconds and mostly indicates the mood of these stereoscopic vision animals.

2- Egyptian Mongoose


Scientific name: Herpestes ichneumon

The Egyptian mongoose is a carnivorous mammal, belonging to the family of herpestids that can measure up to 60 centimeters and weigh almost 4 kilos.

Its natural habitat is forests, bushes and jungles and are widely distributed in southern Europe, most of Africa and regions of the Middle East. Their diet consists of invertebrates, birds, reptiles, rodents and fish.

The ancient Egyptians tame the mongooses for their great ability to kill snakes and rodents. So important was their function that they were animals venerated in Egyptian temples like Heliopolis and was represented as Re-Atem for having defeated the serpent Apophis.

The gestation of the Egyptian mongoose lasts about 11 weeks and their mating lasts only 5 minutes. It has been shown that they can live almost 20 years, although the average life of the Egyptian mongoose is 12 years.

3- The Spider Monkey


Scientific name: Ateles hybridus

Spider monkeys are incredibly intelligent primates; in fact, they are smarter than gorillas and only slightly less intelligent than orangutans and chimpanzees.

They are considered as the most acrobatic primates in the animal world since they use their tail as a fifth limb to swing between the trees, making their movements so fast and light that they closely resemble the movements of the spiders.

They live in the tropical forests of South America and also in the rainforests of Central America, as well as in the moist forests of northern Mexico. Due to the rapid destruction of their habitat, the spider monkey is listed in the 25 species of threatened and endangered primates.

4- The pink dolphin

pink dolphin

Scientific name: Inia Geoffrensis

There are 5 species of dolphins that live in rivers, the pink dolphin being the most popular and striking.

The imposing pink river dolphins differ greatly from the dolphins found in the oceans. Pink dolphins in the Amazon rainforest are considered the smartest river dolphins ever, with 40% more brain power than humans.

Pink dolphins (also known locally as Botos) have been cataloged as a threatened species in danger of extinction. They are friendly and sociable mammals and have lived for centuries in the Amazon Basin.

These cetaceans feed on small fish, small turtles, crabs and catfish. Their size can vary from 1 meter 80 centimeters to 2 meters approximately 40 centimeters and can weigh from 80 to 160 kilograms.

The pink river dolphins have the characteristic of being almost blind and, paradoxically by the development of their brain, they have relatively good vision.

5- Tibetan antelope


Scientific name: Pantholops hodgsonii

The hunters call it"soft gold"since their skin is sold in the illegal trade to produce very luxurious shawls that can cost between 4 thousand and 40 thousand US dollars.

Tibetan or chirus antelopes are almost exclusive mammals of the Tibetan Plateau and can be found in the temperate forests of Tibet.

It has developed unique characteristics that help it to withstand very low temperatures (about 40 degrees Celsius) and that is why they possess the finest and warmest wool of the animal kingdom called"shahtoosh"(In Persian it means"the finest of the wools "). Tibetan antelopes are essentially grazing animals.

6- Eurasian lynx


Scientific name: Lynx lynx

The Eurasian lynx is a feline that tends to be alone, lurking, hidden in dense forests like those of Western Europe and currently can be found mostly in China and the forests of Siberia.

Its size can vary from 80 centimeters in length to 1 meter and 30 centimeters in length and its weight also varies from 18 to 40 kilos. It is an effective and very fast predator with a great variety of prey, although when it can, it focuses on deer hunting. They are strictly carnivorous and tend to eat almost two kilos of meat a day.

It is estimated that there are only 50,000 Eurasian lynxes left around the world and are frequently threatened by illegal fur hunting.

7- The toucan


Scientific name: Ramphastidae

The toucans are renowned for their picturesque peaks. There are more than 40 species of toucans and they usually live in the rainforests of Central America, South America and Caribbean areas.

Thanks to their colorful plumage, they have great ability to camouflage themselves in the jungle. They live in herds of about 5 or 6 birds and are omnivorous. Their predators are varied, from snakes that feed on their eggs, to wild cats and larger birds.

Their wings are usually small so they have no ability to fly great distances. Because they are animals of exuberant beauty, they are often trapped and sold as pets.

8- The poison dart frog or frog arrowhead

poisonous frog

Scientific name: Oophaga pumilio

The poison dart frog, considered one of the most poisonous and toxic species on earth, contains the poison to kill 20 thousand mice. These amphibians commonly inhabit rainforests in the tropical region of Nicaragua, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, the Colombian Andes and some Caribbean islands.

They are very small, measuring between 17 and 24 millimeters. Its skin is relatively smooth and its usual colors are incredibly bright in shades ranging from intense red, orange, green, blue and yellow.

They feed particularly on ants, but also include in their diet fruit flies, beetles, crickets and termites obtaining their toxicity from these insects. Can live up to 17 years

9- The jaguar


Scientific name: Panthera onca

After the lion and the tiger, the jaguar is also part of the"royal family"of the jungle being the most numerous feline in the Americas. Concretely we can find them in all South America, from Mexico to the north of Argentina, being the Pantanal in Brazil the site more frequented by the jaguars.

These mammals have incredibly powerful jaws, so strong they can pierce a skull or the shell of a sea turtle.

These mammals are fearsome predators and excellent hunters, also carrying a varied diet, mainly based on frogs, fish, reptiles, cows and deer. Jaguars adapt to different types of habitat, but often live near water, in marshes and tropical forests.

These felines are excellent climbers and climb the trees to jump on their prey.

10- Axolotl or Mexican Salamander

Mexican salamander

Scientific name: Ambystoma mexicanum

Also called"water dogs"(Atl stands for"water"and xolotl means"dog"in the Nahuatl Aztec dialect), these carnivorous amphibians are one of the animals most studied by scientists for their ability to regenerate parts of their body They are losing

They live exclusively in lakes and canals of Xochimilco, Mexico and can measure 12 to 30 centimeters in length and weigh between 60 and 227 grams. They feed on mollusks, crustaceans, larvae and some fish. They can live for 15 years.

Unfortunately, and because of the rapid destruction of their habitat, the Mexican salamander is in critical danger of extinction.

11- The Aye-Aye

Aye Aye

Scientific name: Daubentonia madagascarensis

The Aye-Aye is a nocturnal and solitary primate, directly related to humans and can be found exclusively on the island of Madagascar. He has the great ability to use echo and sound waves to find food in the dark.

This primate is omnivorous and can weigh about 20 kilos. They measure between 35 and 45 centimeters, with their tails much longer, reaching up to 60 centimeters. For being considered"bad omen"by the indigenous of Madagascar, these quirky animals are in danger of extinction, because of the mass killings they carry out with them.

12- The green Anaconda


Scientific name: Eunectes murinus

Green anacondas are the aquatic family of the good ones. They are the heaviest reptiles that exist, weighing 227 kilograms and is one of the longest snakes that can be found in the world, reaching about 8.8 meters.

Its natural habitat is the tropical forests of the Amazon, in South America, specifically in the river basins of the Orinoco River.

Like the boas, green anacondas are not venomous, and feed on chigüires, caimans and even jaguars. After eating their enormous prey, the anacondas can spend weeks or even months without eating again. It has been proven that green anacondas usually perform acts of cannibalism.

13- The Okapi


Scientific name: Okapia johnstoni

Although they are directly related to giraffes, the okapis have a horse body and grated paws like zebras. The males have horns and measure approximately 1, 5 meters in height. Females can weigh up to 350 kilos and males between 200 and 300 kilos.

This peculiar mammal can be found living mainly in the forest of Ituri, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Okapi are herbivores, their diet consists of branches, fungi, shoots, fruits and clay from which they get the salts and minerals they do not get from herbaceous plants.

It is estimated that there are only 25,000 okapis living in the wild, which is considered to be in danger of extinction.

14- The Californian Condor


Scientific name: Gymnogyps Californianus

It is one of the most majestic birds. They inhabit the forests of California and Baja California and the rocky scrub savannahs of Mexico, Utah and Arizona.

They can expand their wings up to 3 meters and reach altitudes of 4600 meters and speeds close to 88 kilometers per hour. Also called"vulture of the new world", this bird of prey feeds on carrion (corpses of dead animals) and also include in its diet some rodents and rabbits.

Thanks to scientists' efforts to reintroduce the Californian Condor since 2013, there are currently 435 Californian condors, of which 237 condors freely fly in the skies of California, Arizona, and Mexico. This spectacular bird can live up to 80 years.

15- The ostrich


Scientific name: Struthio camelus

These birds are the largest and most heavy birds that exist, which is why they can not fly. They weigh 250 kilos and measure approximately 2.5 meters.

Although adapted to different habitat types because of their nomadic nature, ostriches live mostly in sandy areas and in African regions of the Arabian Peninsula, we can also spot ostriches in equatorial forests.

They are really fast, reaching almost 90 kilometers per hour. Contrary to the popular belief that ostriches hide their heads under the ground when they feel danger, ostriches only dig in the ground to lay their eggs in hiding.

When ostriches feel threatened, they run at high speeds or simply fight with their long legs.

16- The elephant


Scientific name: Elephantidae

These majestic mammals are the largest creatures on earth and can be found in the forests of Central Africa and South Sudan. They are herbivores, sleep only 3 hours and can swim or dive great distances using their snorkel as a respirator.

They weigh up to 7 thousand kilograms and measure about 3.3 meters. They are extremely intelligent and scientific studies have proven that they have an amazing memory, being able to identify different languages ​​and imitate human voices.

They can also read the body language of human beings, show empathy and emotions, and mourn when members of your pack die.

Currently, about 100 elephants are killed daily by ivory tusks that can cost up to $ 2,000 per kilo on the black market.

17- The ocelot or cunaguaro


Scientific name: Leopardus pardalis

The ocelot, cunaguaro or jaguarcito is a very small carnivorous feline that can be found from the north of the United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, north of the Orinoco River and in the Venezuelan central plains, northern Argentina and in the forest of the Valley Of Aburra in Colombia.

They are wild cats with yellow specks. They measure around 80 centimeters and their weight oscillates between 8 and 15 kilos. These felids hunt at night as they have excellent binocular and nocturnal vision and have arboreal behaviors.

These mammals are solitary and independent but not asocial, sleep by day and males usually hunt alone and at night, while females take care of the young.

Their food is based on rodents, bats, snakes, fish, caimans, rabbits and young deer. They can live up to 20 years. The ocelot is one of the felines in threat of extinction due to their indiscriminate hunting and progressive destruction of their habitat.

18- The white rhinoceros

White rhinoceros

Scientific name: Ceratotherium simum

The white rhinoceros is an imposing herbivorous mammal, the largest in existence after the elephant. It can weigh up to 4,500 kilos and measures about 3 meters. They have two horns that can grow up to 1, 5 meters and the females use their horns to safeguard their young.

We can find them in forests that have good water supplies, inhabiting only 5 African countries (Zimbabwe, Namibia, Kenya, Uganda and South Africa). White rhinos are the only ones that graze and are of a sociable nature, being less aggressive among them than other types of rhinoceros. They live in herds of up to 14 individuals.

They have a fine hearing and a keen sense of smell. They reproduce only every two and a half years, and this chastity lasts for five years. It is estimated that white rhinos can live between 35 and 50 years, reaching some 60 years of life.

19- The Tasmanian Devil

Tasmanian devil

Scientific name: Sarcophilus harrisii

These small marsupials can be found in the forests and scrubs of Tasmania Island, Australia. They measure between 51 and 79 centimeters and can weigh between 4 and 12 kilos. They sleep in caves, rocks and burrows. His shrill scream, pointed sharp teeth, and fierce, wild eyes made the early Australian settlers call him"devil or devil."

They are solitary animals that gather only for food, are nocturnal and feed on carrion. The Tasmanian Devil is a protected animal on the island of Tasmania, as they are considered an endangered species.

20- The Box Turtle of Yunnan

Yunnan box turtle

Scientific name: Cuora yunnanensis

This turtle was not registered or described until 1988. It measures about 14 centimeters, is an omnivorous species that feeds both day and night.

There is almost no information on their habitat, but it is believed to inhabit the forests of the Guangxi and Yunnan Providence Hills in China.

Their situation is critical given the contamination of their habitat and some scientists believe it is already extinct.

21- The fox


Scientific name: Atelocynus microtis

These beautiful mammals are carnivorous and are the smallest members of the canine family. They are excellent night hunters and usually do it alone. There are several types of foxes, and they are related to wolves, coyotes and jackals.

We can find them in Australia (they were introduced to this earth by man), North America (specifically Canada) and Central America. They adapt easily to any habitat but like to live in forests near rivers.

They are intelligent, astute and curious mammals and they are not afraid of humans. They live in small groups, measure 35 to 50 centimeters and can weigh up to 14 kilos in adulthood. For their beautiful skin, foxes are victims of illegal hunters and there are several species of foxes in danger of extinction.

They reach a speed of 45 kilometers per hour and can jump obstacles up to 2 meters. They feed on rodents, fruits and hares.

They can live up to 12 years in captivity and 6 years in nature.

22- The spider happy face


Scientific name: Theridion grallator

It measures barely 5 millimeters and can be found in the tropical forests of the Hawaiian Islands. They are arachnids, harmless arthropods, which were discovered in the year 1973.

In your body you can see a"happy face"figure and many scientists believe it is a defense method for their predators to confuse and think that they are not edible prey.

Due to new species of plants and animals being introduced into the Hawaiian Islands, these peculiar and beautiful creatures are now in danger of extinction.

23- The gazelles


Scientific name: Gazella

Gazelles are elegant antelopes that live in numerous herds of Asia and Africa, in the silent forests of Good Hope on the Cape, in Barbary, Syria and in the eastern end of Mongolia.

They are herbivorous and feed on aromatic herbs. These beautiful mammals have an average size of almost 2 meters and weigh between 12 and 79 kilos.

There are about 19 species of gazelles and scientific studies have revealed that gazelles to hydrate, reduce the size of your heart and liver. Several species of gazelles are in danger of extinction (like the gazelles of horns thin and the gazelles of Cuvier) since they face the continuous indiscriminate hunting.

24- The rabbit of the volcanoes


Scientific name: Romerolagus diazi

This tender mammal is the smallest of the rabbits, coming to measure approximately 30 centimeters. Its tail is not visible to the human eye.

They live in small groups of 5 individuals. They can only be found in Mexico, in the forests of the slopes of 4 volcanoes (Popocatépetl, Iztaccihuatl, El Pelado and Tláloc). They can live up to 12 years and have between one and four descendants.

25- The Koala


Scientific name: Phascolarctos cinereus

These lovely mammals are marsupials that are found exclusively in the eucalyptus forests of Australia. Although they are believed to be bears, they are not, as their offspring are born immature and end up developing into the safety of a bag.

They are considered as an endangered species and it is believed that only about 43,000 koalas remain in Australian territory. Koalas are nocturnal animals, and sleep between 18 and 20 hours. A koala can spend many years of its life without drinking water. In freedom, koalas can live between 13 and 18 years.

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