25 Examples of Reciprocity in Everyday Life

Reciprocity is about exchanging things with others for mutual benefit. This exchange can occur between people or between organizations. Examples of reciprocity can be found in everyday life, since it is a social exchange rooted deeply in social custom.

Commercial changes and interpersonal relationships in general work under this principle. Reciprocity is a concept that is handled daily, and is so immersed in the culture that is constantly used, even without knowing it in a theoretical way.

25 Examples of Reciprocity in Everyday Life

With the concept of reciprocity they relate popular sayings , as today for you tomorrow for me Y hit with blow and pay .

Featured examples of reciprocity

The principle of reciprocity abounds in daily life. It is not an exchange that applies only to individuals, but it is also a foundation for relations between countries and to balance the relationship between the governmental State of a country and its inhabitants.

In the home

-My sister does the laundry for me if I lend my clothes.

-I do the chores of the house that my brother plays if he does them for me when I need it.

-I give my neighbor salt when he needs it and he gives me what I need when I need me.

-My brother lets me use his computer if I let him watch my television.

At school

- I will do the group work in biology, and Lucia will do the geometry work.

-My classmate lets me use her red pencil if I lend her my blue pencil.

-My companion lends me her notes when I do not attend classes if I do the same for her.

-I explain math if he explains English to me.

In the work environment

-A worker does tasks of the functions of his partner, if he does the same for him.

-The employees work a specific amount of hours, for this they receive a monthly salary from the company / employer.

-If the employees work overtime, they are paid an amount above their salary that covers that extra time.

-When employees are treated with kindness, they respond with a quality service.

-When you attend a job interview , the employer is expected to notify later about his decision, whether positive or negative.

At the civic level and citizen

-The citizens pay taxes, in return the state uses those taxes to offer quality services.

-To be treated with respect, it is necessary to do the same.

-If you are invited to a birthday party, take a gift for the birthday person.

-If you take care of your neighbor's house, he should do the same for you.

Diplomatic relations

-The support relationships between countries must be mutual.

-Mexico gives benefits to the citizens of Colombia, if Colombia does the same for Mexican citizens.

- A certain country gives benefits to the citizens of another, because these will spend money.

-A country gives exclusive benefits to a company because it will create many jobs.

-China offers Venezuela electronic products. In return, Venezuela offers oil at low prices.

-USA will not intervene in Venezuela's internal relations if Venezuela promises to do the same.

-The Government studies to apply the principle of reciprocity and to demand visas to the countries that do the same with the Argentine citizens.

-Various countries carry out the International Space Station because everyone will benefit from the investigations.


  1. Reciprocity norm (2017) alleydog.com
  2. Reciprocity. (2002) csmt.uchicago.edu
  3. Reciprocity principle. moneycontrol.com
  4. Principle of reciprocity. (2014) academiadeinversion.com
  5. Reciprocity. (2017) definicion.de

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