25 Examples of Outstanding Prejudice

He prejudice Is a negative attitude towards a community or towards an individual based on preconceived ideas, stereotypes and preferences.

The prejudices are not objective and do not involve any type of reasoning; In fact, they are characterized by being irrational and unjustified.

Social values ​​community

People acquire prejudices because they do not know enough about the individuals they discriminate against, which generates fear of the unknown, a sense of superiority.

This type of attitude may be based on nationality, skin color, ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, religion.

The concept of"prejudice"has been a subject of debate between psychologists and researchers, since some consider it to be an attitude while others assert that it is a habit or an emotion.

The point at which studies converge around this concept is in the fact that prejudices are generated by the need to follow certain"social norms"and to reject individuals who do not act according to these norms. In this sense, the term"prejudice"is related to the term"discrimination".

Outstanding examples of prejudices

1-Until the twentieth century, women had no right to vote in any country since they were considered inferior beings to men. Today, there are still nations that have not passed female suffrage, such as Saudi Arabia.

2-In Saudi Arabia, women have no right to drive. When they go out on the street, accompanied by men, it is a rule that they walk behind the man.

3-To a large extent, the Holocaust that occurred during World War II occurred because of the prejudice against Jews, blacks and any other members of the population who did not belong to the Aryan race .

4 - In Afghanistan, when the Taliban movement was in charge of the nation, women could not receive education because of the prejudices against them. Also, these could not leave their homes with the face uncovered.

5-In the United States, until the 1960s, black people could not sit in the first seats of a bus and could not use the same public restrooms as white people. Likewise, blacks were forbidden to drink from the sources of water used by whites. In some cases, the ban was extended to traffic in some areas.

7-After the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese, many inhabitants of the United States had certain prejudices towards the people of this nationality. For example, they did not go to Japanese restaurants or buy cars from Japan.

8-After World War II, many people consider the Germans to be Nazis. However, not all Germans were attached to the Nazi party and, in fact, not all the people who were part of this party accepted the racist government policies.

9-After the attacks of September 11, people of the Middle East or similar traits can be seen with contempt, accused of any attack involving explosives, in short, can be prejudiced.

10-A prejudice towards the Italians is that they are mobsters. In addition, the cinema has only corroborated these stereotypes with films like"The Godfather".

11-Some companies only give the secretarial position to women.

12-Many people assume that blacks and tall individuals are good at playing basketball.

13-Apartheid was a system of racial segregation in South Africa according to which non-white members of the population were prohibited from voting and should live in separate communities.

14-When in the divorce there are children involved, it tends to favor the woman to receive the custody. This is a bias based on gender.

15-School bullying is based on prejudices that one member of the educational unit has towards another. Usually, the victims of these prejudices are children who are considered different, weak.

16-Some people assume that others are homosexual based on the way they act. For example, many consider that women with short hair who are accustomed to wearing dresses or skirts are lesbians.

17-In the song"Deck the Halls", in its English version, it includes the word"gay"that can mean"gay"or"homosexual"

Don we now our Gay Apparel Do the la la, la la la la.

(Let's now get our cheerful clothes. Fa la la la la, la la la).

Hallmark, the American company that makes greetings cards, replaced the word"gay"with"fun"(fun), because he considered the use of this word offensive.

18-Many companies hire women, but they do not give them the same opportunities for job growth and promotion that are offered to men.

19-A prejudice based on gender is the belief that women are more sentimental than men.

20-Another prejudice based on gender is to consider that men should not cry because this is a sign of weakness and, in some cases, of homosexuality.

21-A bias towards homosexual people is to believe they have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

22-If a crime has been committed and among the suspects are a white person and a black person, prejudiced people tend to accuse the black individual.

23-Many people still consider that in a heterosexual couple with children, the man is responsible for maintaining the family and the woman is responsible for taking care of the children.

24-In many countries, the wages of women are lower than men's, even if they have the same work.

25-The attitude of exclusion towards immigrants and foreigners is an example of prejudice.

26-When you tell a young person"who is too young to understand", it is being prejudiced based on age.


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  2. Prejudice. Retrieved on June 26, 2017, from yourdictionary.com
  3. Prejudice. Retrieved on June 26, 2017, from legaldictionary.net
  4. What are examples of prejudice today? Retrieved on June 26, 2017, from reference.com
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  6. Prejudice, Discrimination & Stereotypes. Recovered on June 26, 2017, from study.com
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  9. Prejudice / Discrimination. Retrieved on June 26, 2017, from goodtherapy.org
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