21 Examples of Metallinguistic Function

The Metalinguistic function Of language is used to speak the language itself. We can talk about metalinguistics when we communicate some of the code we use to speak.

Language has six functions. The first is the referential function, the most basic of the language, which is the one in which the language is used to provide information.

Then there is the expressive function, which is when language is used to communicate an expression of feelings or mood. This is usually used in the first person.

In the appealing function the language is used to send or ask something to the receiver. In the poetic function language is used with an aesthetic purpose and is oriented to the message to be transmitted.

In the phatic function, social contact is facilitated to facilitate the message. Finally, the metalinguistic function is used to speak the language.

In the function of metalinguistics its most common use is used to speak the meaning of a question. In Spanish it is not used so much for the rules of pronunciation, since our pronunciation is based on a series of almost unique phonemes of each letter.

However, in other languages ​​such as English or French, the use of metalinguistics focuses much more on the pronunciation of many words.

If we want to know the functions of metalinguistics, our most reliable source will be a dictionary, where we will find the meaning of the words, and in the grammar books, where we will find the main rules of language use.

Outstanding examples of the metalinguistic function

-In written language, the capitalization is always used to start the word that goes after a point.

-The synonyms are different words that reflect the same meaning, for example, beautiful is synonymous with beautiful.

-The verbs are conjugated according to their verbal time and agreeing with the person and the number to which we are referring. The conjugation of a verb tense must include first, second and third person singular and plural.

-The polysemic words are those that are written and pronounced the same, but can count on different meanings. For example, the word bank can refer to a banking institution, a type of seat or a group of fish in the ocean.

-One of the rules of written language is that in sharp words, where the last syllable is accented, it only takes tilde when they end in the letters"n"or"s"or in a vowel.

"The words that rhyme are those in which his last syllable has a similar ending.

-In written language, proper names, whether of persons or things, are always written with capital letters at the beginning, regardless of the position they occupy in the sentence.

"In every language there are two types of letters, vowels and consonants.

-The serious words, those that have accentuated the penultimate syllable, only the tilde is put if they do not finish in"n", neither in"s"nor in vowel

- The words esdrújulas, those in which the accented syllable is the antepenultimate, always carry tilde in the written language.

- As a general rule, the h in spoken language is usually mute and is not pronounced. Although in some dialects or variations of Castilian it is possible to use an aspirated h if it is pronounced.

-The Spanish has several dialects, which normally correspond to geographical areas of the region in which we are.

- Words and phrases, even though they are the same, can have different meanings and different interpretations depending on the context and place in which the communication takes place.

"Roman numerals, which are written in letters, should always be written in capital letters.

-Although words are alike and have many letters in common, simply changing one letter can make the meaning change completely. For example, the words hand and monkey, although differing only in one letter, have completely different meanings, one is an animal, while another is a part of the human body.

-In written language punctuation is used to give it meaning and give more emphasis in some parts.

- Words with the same pronunciation can be written differently depending on their meaning. For example, the word finds corresponds to the verb to find, which means to find. While the word be means the name of a tree, or the conjugation of the verb haber.

-In language, words can be distinguished according to the information they provide. For example, a noun is the person or thing that is performing the action. An adjective accompanies the noun to give more information about it. A verb informs the action that is performing the noun, at the same time that the adverb provides additional information to the verb.

-Antonyms are words that indicate an opposite meaning. For example, well, it's the antonym of malo.

- Words can have elements that transform them into new ones giving them more meaning. This is the case of affixes, where they modify the meaning of the word. Depending on the place where they are in the word we can call them prefixes, if they are in front or suffixes, if they are put behind.

-When we want to make an exclamatory sentence, in the spoken language we will use a special intonation that emphasizes emphasis. While in written language we should include exclamation marks to indicate to the reader that we want to emphasize that phrase.


  1. COROMINAS, JoanJoan Corominas. Brief etymological dictionary of the Castilian language . Gredos, 1973.
  2. COROMINAS, Joan. Etymological critical dictionary of the Castilian language . Gredos, 1954.
  3. NEBRIJA, Antonio de. Grammar of the Spanish language. 1984.
  4. CROW, Rufino José. Dictionary of construction and regime of the Castilian language . A. Roger and F. Chernoviz, 1893.
  5. ALARCOS LLORACH, Emilio. Grammar of the Spanish language . Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1994.
  6. SPANISH, Real Academia. New grammar of the Spanish language. 2009.
  7. FRANCH, Juan Alcina; BLECUA, José Manuel (ed.). Spanish Grammar . Ariel, 1980.

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