20 Original Epitaphs that do not forget | Pure wit from the Hereafter

Some people, before dying, prepare the epitaphs that their tombstones will have at the time of being buried. The term epitaph refers to the phrase or text that is written on the plates of the tombs, through which it is possible to identify the person whose remains rest in that plot . Depending on the creativity of each of the individuals, or their families, the epitaphs can be more or less flashy. Therefore, today we bring you a compilation of the 20 original epitaphs that are not forgotten, know them!

Generally the epitaphs include phrases of recognized authors or texts that the deceased has written in life. In the case of tombs of famous people it is possible to visualize some original epitaphs in which reference is made to texts that poets, playwrights, philosophers, singers and others mentioned during their stage on Earth. If you are interested in discovering 20 original epitaphs that belong to recognized characters, we invite you to continue reading this article Supercurious what we prepare for you

20 Original Epitaphs that do not forget | The creativity present even in the tombs

1. Good friend, for Jesus, refrain from digging the dust enclosed here. Blessed be the man who respects these stones and cursed he who removes my bones. - William Shakespeare

Original Epitaphs

2. It looks like it's gone, but no. - Mario Moreno "Cantinflas"

3. If I did not live longer it is because I did not have time. - Donatien Alphonse François de Sade (Marquis de Sade)

4. This is all friends. - Melvin Jerome Blanc

5. Do not envy the peace of the dead. - Michel de Nôtre-Dame (Nostradamus)

6. Free at last. Free at last. Thank you almighty God. I'm free at last. - Martin Luther King

Original Epitaphs 1

7. Excuse me for my dust. - Dorothy Parker

8. If you seek the highest praise, moríos. - Enrique Jardiel Poncela

9. Lies here somewhere. - Werner Heisenberg

10. He did it the hard way. - Bette Davis

Original Epitaphs 2

11. Here you can be a minister of anything, less of the "movement". - José Solís Ruiz

12. Molière, the king of the actors, lies here. In these moments he is dead and he really does it well. - Jean-Baptiste Poquelin " Molière "

13. Iros, I'm asleep. - Joan Hackett

14. Open the tomb, at the bottom of this tomb you can see the sea. - Vicente Huidobro

15. I will not be back after reading this message. - Merv Griffin

Original Epitaphs 3

16. From here I can not think of any escape. - Johann Sebastian Bach

17. Killed by a coward and traitor whose name does not deserve to appear here. - Jesse Woodson James

18. "Keep looking up" was the phrase that described my life. I can not do much more in my current position. - Jack Horkheimer

19. I told you I was sick. - William Hahn

20. I am a writer but nobody is perfect. - Billy Wilder

Original Epitaphs 4

These are just some of the original epitaphs that are not forgotten and that are kept in different curious cemeteries worldwide , which are visited by a number of people who want to see with their own eyes the plates of the tombs of some famous people like the ones we mentioned earlier. Some of these plates remain in perfect conditions, due to the above, the desire of tourists to see them in the trips they make to different grands.

Just as there are original epitaphs, there are also pretty epitaphs that have generated the fall of at least one tear in its visitors. If in itself the death of a loved one causes a deep sadness in the soul, When people rest next to plates prepared with love and accompanied by phrases or texts that reach the heart, it is inevitable that the individual experiences even more sadness .

Before you leave! Do not forget to leave us in the comments which were the original epitaphs that you liked the most , undoubtedly, many of them have a dose of humor and others, on the other hand, are so real that you can even feel identified. Which of the original epitaphs mentioned above was your favorite? Share your opinion and, in case you know another epitaph that has not been mentioned above, add it! Only this way we will be able to know all the texts or phrases of greater relevance that are maintained in the tombs of various cemeteries around the world.

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