19 Healthy Habits for a Better Life (Children and Adults)

Building healthy habits that are beneficial to your physical and mental health will allow you to fully enjoy life.

But how to have a healthy life ? Is it enough to eat healthy and exercise? To lead a healthy life implies a little more than that, as well as physical health also have to have good mental health.

Lead a healthy life

This in turn derives in a beneficial psychological state and in having a certain"philosophy"of life that allows you to enjoy simple things.

The balance between good physical fitness, good mental health and a proactive attitude will allow you to lead a full life.

In this article I will give you certain tips and 19 healthy, physical and mental habits to lead a healthy life, to be successful and happy. With these tips you will improve your quality of life.

Health is real wealth and not gold and silver pieces.- Mahatma Gandhi .

7 habits to have a good state of physical health

1-Do physical exercises

Benefits of sweating during exercise

Carrying out an adequate exercise routine is an essential practice for achieving good health, as United States Medical Encyclopedia .

Feeding is another key factor. Avoid certain habits Like smoking for example , Are indispensable to complement a good lifestyle.

At the moment the sport is no longer conceived as a practice of competition or as an exclusive activity for people who have an affinity for physical activity.

A Spanish publication , And a social studies sponsored by a well-known bank explains it in great detail.

In any case, the exercise should be adapted to the person's age and physical condition.

If for example a person suffers from arthritis in a joint of the foot, it is probably not advisable to practice high impact sports, but Can you swim No problem.

Walking is one of the easiest activities to adopt. All you need for a good walk is proper sports shoes.

Create the habit And incorporate physical activity as a routine in your life is fundamental To get your benefits .

In addition to activating blood circulation, walking or doing other physical exercises contributes to a good state of the bone and muscular system. The respiratory and cardiovascular systems are also favored.

In addition, it is scientifically proven that physical activity contributes significantly to a greater mental balance and decrease of certain disorders. Anxiety is one of them, and it is precisely one of the most has increased in recent years.

An interesting study Conducted in Spain, showed that people who interrupted their physical activity were altered their mood.

2-Feed properly

healthy food

Without doubt a fundamental factor to have good physical health is a correct feeding.

Eating a balanced diet is a key aspect; Include food from all groups in adequate quantities, always avoiding excesses.

Drinking lots of water, the basic element of life, is a food practice that can help you have a healthy life.

Having adequate food can prevent one of the great global epidemics of these times: the obesity .

This disease is much more prevalent than is believed and affects people of all ages.

A statistics Released by the World Health Organization indicated that in 2014, more than 1900 million people over the age of 18 were overweight and among them, 600 million were obese.

Healthy eating is a habit that should be installed from childhood, but we are always in time to rectify.

Having a moderate consumption of sugars and carbohydrates, limiting to the minimum necessary the consumption of fats, and to maintain a varied intake of fruits and vegetables is essential.

Try not to add salt or dressings, such as mayonnaise or spicy sauces, to meals. Most foods already contain the amount of salt our body needs.

In food issues, it may be helpful to consult a nutritionist.

This professional is the one who can determine the diet that best suits your lifestyle and your particular needs.

Each organism is unique and each of us Has its own metabolism .

3-Do not consume alcohol or keep their consumption to a minimum

Most of us like to have a drink of a good wine or a cold beer from time to time. That is not bad as we know how to dose consumption.

Excessive alcohol intake can seriously damage health and regrettably, however, its consumption is increasing.

In one of the Conferences held by the Ministry of Health of Spain , Statistics on alcohol consumption among Spanish youth are presented. The numbers are alarming and unfortunately every year young people start drinking at a younger age.

The Damage caused by alcohol May be irreversible, so it is best to drink only a couple of drinks on weekends, if you really do not want to leave the alcohol completely.

4-No smoking

Perks of stop smoking

Smoking is another habit that damages health in a significant way and is often difficult to leave; L To nicotine is a Highly addictive drug .

As such, and in addition to the harmful effects to the respiratory system, tobacco removes freedom. When a smoker can not smoke, he feels irritable and anxious and can not enjoy the moment.

To start, I recommend you Read certain books Which explain well how to stop smoking. If you take it seriously and you strive, you will achieve it.

5-Do not use drugs or energizing drinks

In general we all know the harmful effects of heroin And cocaine for example . The addiction they generate is one of the great dangers of humanity and removes quality of life from all possible points of view.

In addition to the well-known illicit drugs, there are others that appear to be less offensive, and even often sporadic consumption is justified.

Absolutely all drugs are harmful to health as well as certain types of concentrated stimulants.

Without trademark, we can all think of certain energy drinks that are marketed practically in every corner.

This stimulation is unnatural and can seriously impair the neuronal system.

Know this article More consequences of drugs on health.

6-Do not self-medicate

It seems harmless practice, but you would be surprised to know the harm to health taking, for example, non-prescribed antibiotics or an excessive amount of painkillers.

When you self-medicate you can make many mistakes, simply because of lack of knowledge, and these mistakes can certainly have harmful effects on your health.

Therefore, it is best to simply consult the doctor and follow his advice on everything concerning medication.

7-Periodically make consultations and clinical analyzes

Every"teacher has his book"and every doctor can have his or her pattern of controls, but regardless of that, the only way to know how your body is is through medical examination and review.

It is necessary for you to make clinical analyzes and periodic medical checks to determine your current physical health, detect any problems early and adapt your habits as necessary.

These controls can also help determine what type of diet you should take as well as the physical activity you can do.

You should not forget the odontological aspect. Having good oral health is essential to have quality of life. The dentist is the other professional that you must include in your schedule of periodic consultations.

8-Performs recreational activities

It is one of the golden rules and is scientifically proven; T Ener as hobbie an activity that you like is key to feel good.

The pleasure is not only generated by the activity itself but also allows you to expand Your social relationships and skills , Which is also important to have a good quality of life.

Another effect of doing an activity is that we can usually associate it with a progress. By human nature to all we cause a great well-being to feel that we progress in something.

9-Feed the mind

Phrases for book separators

"Man does not live by bread alone"and it is very true.

Having an activity that involves some degree of responsibility is very important. It is no longer a question of practicing it when we have desire, but we must do it in a certain time and form.

Thinking about activities that involve a challenge or a certain level of difficulty is highly recommended. That way you feel that there is an objective to fulfill and to achieve it you will put into practice the values ​​and virtues that we all have.

10-Do not underestimate any negative feelings for a long time

Mental illnesses or certain types of psychological disorders are often more difficult to detect than strictly organic ones.

Sometimes a feeling of sadness can camouflage what is actually a depression or a panic attack can be mistaken for great fear.

If you are having negative feelings that do not allow you to enjoy the activities that previously caused you pleasure, if these feelings have been installed for some time and do not disappear, then do not hesitate to consult a professional.

If you put these tips and habits into practice, in addition to Positive and proactive attitude In all aspects, you will surely lead a healthy and happy life.

11-Read good books

Read books Will give you motivation, knowledge and inspiration. There are books that can change your life, whether personal development or not. Some have been written for years and represent experiences, ideas, values ​​and lessons that will serve you for a lifetime.

  • It's a habit that's hard to start: I try to turn off the TV when I finish eating dinner and read an hour before going to bed. Now I am with a book of creativity although I have finished with The Great Gatsby.

If you are not used to reading, you will have to make an effort at first to get accustomed. Your speed of comprehension and reading will increase progressively.

12-Work Creativity

The creativity Not only can be applied to inventions or ideas of companies. It is a competition that can contribute to Improve Life Quality .

The"eureka"is not built relaxing, rather it is a process: 1) think a lot about a problem to solve and 2) relax.

On many occasions the previous work of finding solutions, information, etc., results in an idea"that arises spontaneously". When Archimedes said"Eureka"was in a relaxed state - a bath - and had done a great job before, it did not come out of nowhere.

On the other hand, thinking about your creativity, what you do to achieve it and what you have done when you have done something creative will help you to improve it.

13-Practice relaxation techniques or meditation

The Relaxation techniques Y the meditation Will help you get rid of fear and ego, among others. You will also increase your self-control.

Practice every day for 10-15 minutes and you will see the benefits in the short term. It can change your life and there is no reason why you should not try it. Once you are learning, you live concentrated meditation sessions, calm and relaxed.

It has an effect of diminishing ego and increasing awareness in your daily life. If you maintain the constancy, you will observe how your attention capacity and focus will increase, as will the rest of your senses.

14-Save and do not spend too much

Save money It will give you an economic mattress if difficult times come and you will also be able to afford large expenses that without that saving you could not: a car you need, a house...

If you're going to buy something, ask yourself: Do I need it to live? Had he thought of buying it before?

Buy things that give you long-term benefit and that you need or give you well-being. Buying the latest smartphone will not give you anything if you already have an older model.

15- Learn to plan

Planning is critical in time management, To achieve goals And to be productive.

Reflect on whether everything you do is leading you to the state in which you want to be. Are you in a job that guides you on the right path? Are you with a partner with whom you see a future?

A simple methodology is:

  • Each day write down a list of the tasks that you have to do the next day, from the most to the least important.
  • Go doing it one by one and strike it out as you go.
  • The document must be accessible and specify the time at which each task must be completed.

Get rid of distractions: close the browser if you do not need it, put the phone in a place that is not visible. He thinks that to get to the optimum concentration state it takes about 10 minutes and every time you get out of it it's a re-start.

16-Learn languages

Surely you know how important it is to know speak English . It is advisable to study at least 30 minutes a day and if you do not have the time you can take advantage of: 1) watching movies in English and better if they are also with subtitles in that language. 2) Putting you audio mp3 while you exercise.

Practicing speaking is very important and today you have many resources on the internet to find people and agenda. There are many facebook groups that organize hangouts to practice languages.

17-Sleep well

Sleep well Is necessary to consolidate the knowledge learned and restore energy levels. The 8 hours a day is a generalization, each person has enough with a certain number of hours. If you feel like 6 hours with 6 hours, it is not necessary to sleep more.

Consolidate adequate schedules, do not eat too much before sleeping and avoid studying or reading in bed so that you accustom your body to associate the bed with sleep.

18-Develop yourself professionally

If you do not upgrade you will come more trained people behind and you will be removed from the job. In addition, if you want to be a reference in your sector or do a good job, you will have to train constantly.

The training does not end when you finish your career or master. You do not have to go to a university or leave thousands of euros in a training school; On YouTube you can find very good videos of experts on certain topics. You also have courses on platforms like miriadax.

19-Develop your social relationships

Social skills Will help you grow personally and professionally. Make yourself meet new people, do new things and put social skills into practice.

The skills of active listening, non-verbal language, speaking in public or communicating with appropriate language are the most important.

And what do you think are the healthiest habits? I am interested in your opinion. Thanks!

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