15 Benefits of Guaraná for Physical and Mental Health

Between the Benefits of Guarana , Famous Brazilian fruit, stand out to be a good stimulant and aphrodisiac, besides contributing to lose weight or improve mental capacity among other characteristics that I will tell you below.

Guarana ( Paullinia cupana ) Is a Brazilian plant consumed in many parts of the world. Extracts of its seeds, which contain caffeine and antioxidants, are available in foods, energy drinks and pharmacological supplements.

15 Benefits of Guaraná for Physical and Mental Health

This fruit was used by Indians of the Amazon, in order to increase the energy of aborigines, libido and suppress the appetite. The color of the guarana varies from brown to red and contains black seeds.

It is available in the market in various forms. In natural aspect, the guarana is a dry paste, that arises of the seeds of the plant.

As with other plants, its high concentration of caffeine acts as a defensive toxin that rejects guarana herbivores and their seeds.

The word guaraná comes from the guaraní guara-na, which has its origin in the word Sateré-Maué for the warana plant, which in Tupi-Guarani means"fruit as the eyes of the people."

Guarana plays an important role in the Tupi and Guaraní Paraguayan culture. According to a myth attributed to the Sateré-Maué tribe, the domestication of guaraná originated with a deity who killed a child in the village.

To comfort the villagers, a more benevolent god ripped the child's left eye and planted it in the forest, resulting in the wild variety of guarana. The god then plucked the child's right eye and planted it in the village, giving way to the domesticated guaraná.

15 properties of guarana that contribute to health

15 Benefits of Guaraná for Physical and Mental Health 1

1- It is a good stimulant

This fruit contains caffeine, so it is a stimulant for our body. If a comparison is made with the coffee , Dried guarana leaves contain 1 to 4% caffeine, while coffee beans report about 1 to 2% of this component.

Guarana would be more effective as a natural energizer. The caffeine content of this food is 3.6% to 5.8%. A higher dose than this could bring Detrimental effects For the organism.

2- Helps to lose weight

This fruit is currently used in certain energy drinks and weight loss supplements. This happens because it gives a feeling of satiety, reducing hunger and stimulating the body.

It also contributes to this objective, since it induces nervous system To enhance the process of Lipolysis , Which consists of the release of fat into the bloodstream, used as energy during physical exercise.

Consequently, drinking guarana boosts physical activity, resistance and increases metabolism.

Give more intelligence

Studies Have shown that guarana enhances mental ability and cognition in human serenes, thus increasing intelligence.

The results show a better concentration and attention in a task carried out if 75 mg of guarana are consumed.

The effect lasted all day and the performance accuracy was maintained, since it was not altered. The memory And alertness.

4- It is a natural aphrodisiac

Another of the benefits of guarana is that it has natural aphrodisiac properties. That is, the presence of caffeine in this fruit is complemented by its innate ability to stimulate it libido .

Thus, Frequent use Of this supplement can help a couple lead a better sex life.

5- Natural analgesic

Because caffeine stimulates circulation in the blood, Specialists , Indicate that the better the circulation, the lower the pain experienced in an injury.

Therefore, the guarana acts as A natural painkiller , Thus contributing, to those who suffer Headaches , Migraines Constant, as well as menstrual and other pains.

6- More mental concentration

This fruit contains a healthy blend of stimulant compounds, such as caffeine, that boost mental capacity and help you stay alert, if you need to stay awake or develop a job.

That is, with twice as much caffeine as coffee, guarana increases the capacity for up to 6 hours after consumption.

7- Prevent appearance of kidney stones

According to a study , With 217,883 participants, analyzed the association between caffeine consumption and the risk of developing kidney stones.

Since guarana is composed of 6% to 8% caffeine, people who consume food with this component, have a lower risk of developing kidney stones.

8- Good antioxidant

Inquiries about the guarana have found that this fruit contains more antioxidants than the Green Tea , Since it possesses the compound Catechin .

This component reduces the oxidative stress of the body and cells, which is linked to the onset of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and some cardiovascular.

On the other hand, this helps to prevent the premature aging of our body.

9- Improves intestinal health

We call guaraná a weight loss and it is a natural energizer. But that is not all. This fruit provides a boost to the peristaltic movement of the intestines, thus benefiting people suffering from constipation.

In addition, in Fight life Suggest that guarana is effective for the treatment of other discomforts in the intestines, including gas and diarrhea, as it detoxifies and cleanses the digestive system.

10- Combat discomfort of menstruation

Guarana is a fruit that should appeal to women who are prone to painful menstruation. The reason is that Regulates cycles and combats premenstrual symptoms.

In this way, women, who feel down and discomfort during menstruation, can take a supplement and / or drink a juice or guarana tea to feel relief.

11- Reduce stress

On the other hand, the specialists point out that this magical fruit, in turn, has calming properties.

Drinking a cup of tea with guarana powder, for example, before bed, turns out to be an effective relaxant that decreases the stress Before falling asleep.

In addition, we have already said that caffeine improves mood, which increases the feeling of well-being.

12- Power the cardiovascular system

Since guarana has innate antioxidants in its components, it contributes in the fight against the free radicals that affect the cardiovascular system.

The absorption of these elements in the body is beneficial for the heart, which decreases possibilities of developing coronary diseases in those who consume this fruit.

13- Fight Cancer

Guarana has anti-cancer effects. According to study cited by MyProtein.com , Mice with liver cancer that consumed this fruit were shown to decrease the incidence and multiplication of new cancer cells.

Specifically, this experiment shows a positive reaction on the DNA damage of the cells that allow cancer growth in these laboratory animals.

In addition, it was found that guarana reduces facilitates further killing of cancer cells to reduce malignant tumors in the body.

14- Antimicrobial effect

The consumption of guaraná allows to strengthen the immune system to fight microbes that enter the body and prevent the formation of bacterial plaques.

While there have been studies on this subject, there is still no conclusive research, so it is an area that requires more scientific work.

15- Reduce blood lipids

By containing catechins and caffeine, guarana acts as an antiplatelet agent. This results in a decreased risk of acquiring diseases such as thrombosis by protecting the blood.

This is because to make it more liquid and less"sticky", reduces cholesterol and triglycerides, so it prevents clots.

Unwanted effects

If consumed abusively, it can have negative effects on the body. Therefore, it is recommended to drink your infusion no more than three times a week.

Perhaps, in supplements, or energy drinks for athletes, can be consumed daily, but always under medical prescription.

Thus, guarana can cause the following undesirable effects:

- It can raise blood pressure.

- It can cause excessive heart palpitations (tachycardia) if consumed in pill.

- It can increase nervousness, anxiety and agitation if you drink, especially at night.

- May cause stomach irritation or heartburn if strong doses are applied, or may result in vomiting or nausea.

Guarana shake recipe


  • Guarana powder = 1 tablespoon.
  • Yogurt without sugar = 1 cup.
  • Peeled and sliced ​​banana = 1.
  • Liquid honey = 1 tablespoon.
  • Optional papaya (The banana can be substituted with a papaya).

Nutritional value

100 g of guarana contains:

Component Quantity CDR.
Grease 96 g.
Protein 50 g.
Carbohydrates 1 g.
Sodium 6 mg.
Potassium 146 mg.
Calcium 18 mg.
Vitamin A 133 mg.

* CDR: Recommended Daily Amount


  1. "Acute effects of different preparations of mineral multivitamins with and without guarana on mood, cognitive performance and functional brain activation"(2013). Andrew Scholey, Isabelle Bauer, Chris Neale, Wild Karen, David Camfield, David White, Silvia Maggini and Matthew Hughes. Center for Human Psychopharmacology, Swinburne University, Melbourne, Australia.
  2. "Caffeine consumption and the risk of kidney stones"(2014). Pedro Manuel Ferraro, Eric N Taylor, Giovanni Gambaro, and Gary C CurhanAutor. Renal Program, Department of Medical Sciences, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Via Giuseppe Moscati 31, 00168, Rome, Italy.

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