130 Sentences of Justice

More than 100 Justice sentences Of important people of history like Eisenhower, Luther King, Malcolm X, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington and many more.

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Justice sentences

1-There may be times when we have no power to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.-Elie Wiesel.

2-Truth never hurts a cause that is just.-Mahatma Gandhi.

3-No one can give you freedom. No one can give you equality or justice or anything. If you are a man, you take it.-Malcolm X.

4-Injustice everywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.-Martin Luther King, Jr.

5-Being good is easy, the difficult thing is to be fair.-Victor Hugo.

6-Peace and justice are two sides of the same coin.-Dwight D. Eisenhower.

7-The voice of the majority is not proof of justice.-Friedrich Schiller.

8-Justice will not be served until those who are not affected are as indignant as those who are.-Benjamin Franklin.

9-Justice is incidental to law and order.-J. Edgar Hoover.

10-Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with everyone.-George Washington.

11-At its best, man is the noblest of all animals; Separated from law and justice is the worst.-Aristotle.

12-Social justice can not be achieved by violence. Violence kills what it is proposed to create.-Pope John Paul II.

13. There can be no deep disappointment where there is no deep love.-Martin Luther King Jr.

14-Never forget that justice is what love seems in public.-Cornel West.

15-To sin in silence, when they should protest, makes cowards to men.-Ella Wheeler Wilcox.

16-How many more laws, less justice.-Marco Tulio Cicero.

17-It is true, in any case, that ignorance allied with power, is the fiercest enemy that justice can have.-James A. Baldwin.

18-Justice can not be only for one side, it must be for both.-Eleanor Roosevelt.

19-No one gets justice. People only get good or bad luck.-Orson Welles.

20-The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.-Martin Luther King Jr.

21-People who do not expect justice do not have to suffer disappointment.-Isaac Asimov.

22-An unjust law is not law at all.-Martin Luther.

23-I believe that the first duty of society is justice.-Alexander Hamilton.

24-It is better to risk saving a guilty person than to convict an innocent.-Voltaire.

25-Being rich and honored in an unjust society is a misfortune.-Confucius.

26-Justice without strength is impotent; Force without justice is tyrannical.-Blaise Pascal.

27-The right is right, even if everyone is against you and wrong is wrong, even if everyone agrees.-William Penn.

28-Freedom for the wolves has often meant the death of the sheep.-Isaiah Berlin.

29-I have always found that mercy carries fruits richer than strict justice.-Abraham Lincoln.

30-Ladies who play with fire must remember that the smoke gets into their eyes.-Mae West.

31-If you tremble with indignation at all injustice, then you are my companion.-Ernesto Guevara.

32-Knowledge without justice should be called cunning instead of wisdom.-Plato.

33-Charity begins at home, and justice begins at the side.-Charles Dickens.

34-Justice delayed is justice denied.-William E. Gladstone.

35-If you want peace, work for justice.-Pope Paul VI.

36-Poverty is the mother of the crime.-Marco Aurelio.

"Justice is the insurance we have in our lives and property. Obedience is the premium we have to pay for it.-William Penn.

38-True peace is not simply the absence of war, it is the presence of justice.-Jane Addams.

39-It is impossible to say where the law stops and where justice begins.-Arthur Baer.

40-It is the spirit and not the form of law that keeps justice alive.-Earl Warren.

41-I agree with Dante, that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.-Martin Luther King Jr.

42-The criminals do not die by the hands of the law. They die in the hands of other men.-George Bernard Shaw.

43-No man is justified in doing evil in the land of opportunity.-Theodore Roosevelt.

44. One of the best ways to achieve justice is to expose injustice.-Julian Assange.

45. Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.-Reinhold Niebuhr.

46-Peace is more important than all justice and peace was not done for the sake of justice, but justice for the sake of peace.-Martin Luther.

47-Law without justice is a wound without a cure.-William Scott Downey.

48-Ethics and equity and the principles of justice do not change with the calendar.-D. H. Lawrence.

49-A society that has justice is a society that needs less charity.-Ralph Nader.

50-Justice is the great end of civil society.-David Dudley.

51-In case of disagreement, never dare to judge until you have heard speak on the other side.-Euripides.

52-Justice is sweet and musical; But the injustice is harsh and discordant.-Henry David Thoreau.

53-The virtue of justice consists in moderation, as regulated by wisdom.-Aristotle.

54. Bad laws are the worst kind of tyranny.-Edmund Burke.

55-Justice is the means by which established injustices are sanctioned.-Anatole France.

56-Fidelity is the sister of justice.-Horace.

57-Never seek justice in this world, never cease to give it.-Oswald Chambers.

It is reasonable that anyone who asks for justice should do justice.-Thomas Jefferson.

59-The weeping of the poor is not always fair, but if you do not listen, you will never know what justice is.-Howard Zinn.

60-Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice.-Martin Luther King Jr.

61. Extremism in the defense of freedom is not a vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is not a virtue.-Barry Goldwater.

62. The first requirement of civilization is that of justice.-Sigmund Freud.

63-Peace without justice is tyranny.-William Allen White.

64. A man must be willing to die for justice. Death is an inescapable reality and men die daily, but good deeds always live.-Jesse Jackson.

65-The principles of justice are chosen after a veil of ignorance.-John Rawls.

66-Justice will overcome the makers of lies and false witnesses.-Heraclitus.

67-The golden eye of justice sees and recompenses the unjust man.-Sophocles.

68-Against eternal injustice, man must affirm justice, and to protest against the universe of pain, happiness must be created.-Albert Camus.

69-Justice is an affectation of perspective, not a universal value.-Carlos Ruiz Zafón.

70-Justice is truth in action.-Benjamin Disraeli.

71-Injustice is relatively easy to bear; What pica is the justice.-H. L. Mencken.

Sometimes justice is best served by those who have experienced pain.-Mark W. Boyer.

73-Justice has the right to protest against injustice.- Kristian Goldmund Aumann.

74 - Only with a fierce patience will we conquer the splendid city that will give light, justice and dignity to all men. Thus poetry will not have sung in vain.-Pablo Neruda.

75-There is a point where even justice does harm.-Sophocles.

76-The demand for justice is always greater than supply.-Marty Rubin.

77-Justice is only in the imagination.-Alfred Nobel.

78-The price of justice is eternal publicity.-Arnold Bennett.

79-Justice is like a train that almost always arrives late.-Yevgeny Yevtushenko.

"Justice is a dim light.""Sheryl Crow.

81-We gain justice more quickly if we do justice to the opposing party.-Mahatma Gandhi.

82-Justice, although he is limping, rarely fails to reach the criminal in his career.-Horacio.

83-Justice does not expect any prize. He accepts it for himself. And so are all virtues.-Cicero.

-Where there is no justice is dangerous to be right.-Quevedo.

86-Justice is nothing other than the convenience of the stronger.-Plato.

87-When you have strength, you stop invoking justice.-Gustave Le Bon.

To allow an injustice means to open the way to all who follow.-Willy Brandt.

89-Without justice, there are only divisions, victims and oppressors.-Napoleon Bonaparte.

90-If man fails to reconcile justice and freedom, he fails in everything.-Albert Camus.

91-If the citizens practiced friendship among themselves, they would have no need of justice.-Aristotle.

92-Justice requires power, intelligence and will, and resembles the eagle.-Leonardo Da Vinci.

93-Justice is the revenge of the social man, as revenge is the justice of the savage man.-Epicurus.

94. If one wanted to study all the laws, there would be no material time to infringe them.-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

95-Consuélate to endure the injustices, the real misfortune is to commit them.-Pythagoras.

It is much harder to judge yourself than to judge others. Saint - Exupery.

"Judge a man when you have put yourself in his place.

98. Justice begins when the rights of men are violated.

99-Justice does not consist in giving to everyone equally, but to everyone what they deserve.

100-In justice there is no delay: and he who expands his fulfillment turns it against him.

Only God can judge me. -The Witch

102 And who judges the judge who deems wrong? -Gail Carson Levine

103- I am very sorry for all of us, but it is an unjust world, and virtue only triumphs in a theatrical scenario. -W.S Gilbert

Two disagreements do not make an agreement. -Ashly Lorenzana

Part of me wants justice, the other part does not want to harm anyone else. -Ken Scholes

I trembled for my people when I realized that God is righteous and that his righteousness can not sleep forever. -Thomas Jefferson

107 - Justice is done more quickly when we seek justice in our neighbor. -Anonymous

108. The possibility of losing the battle should never dissuade us from supporting a cause that we believe to be just. Abraham Lincoln

Virtue and power do not get along.

Without the justice of men the world would be condemned to another flood. -Anonymous

111. If justice exists, then it must be for all; Otherwise it would no longer be justice. -Paul Auster

It is very easy to confuse justice, that is why it is so difficult to find the one who is really just. For every fair, there are 10 generous. -Franz Grillparzer

"I should be able to love my country and still love its justice. -Albert Camus

I do not want tea, I want justice! -Ally Carter

If justice is sought, one must be just. -Stephen R. Lawhead

116- Rise up and defend what is right, even you lift it alone. -Suzy Kassem

117- Beyond"justice and for all"we are evolving in a system of"justice for the one who can afford it"-Joseph E. Stiglitz

It is not fair that your potential should be dictated at birth. - Roméo Dallaire

Do not complain about the injustices of life, it's never fair. At best, it is impartial. -David Gemmell

120 Justice, as well as beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. -Emily Throne

121. Slaves are expected to sing and work. - Frederick Douglass

122. In case of discord, never dare to judge until you have listened to the other party. -Eripides

Knowledge that is divorced from justice can be called cunning rather than wisdom. - Marcus Tullius Cicero

124. Justice is in itself the great policy of civil society; And any eminent departure from it, under any circumstances, is under suspicion of not being political at all. - Edmund Burke

We have fought for social justice. We have fought for economic justice. We have fought for environmental justice. We have fought for criminal justice. Now we must add a new fight: the fight for electoral justice. -Barbara Boxer

"At this moment I can not say that I know what all the laws are. But at some point everyone knows that we are getting exactly what we deserve. - Thaddeus Golas

Justice came from a struggle amid complexities, and required that all the virtues in the world be merely perceived. - Mark Helprin

Justice is not only the means by which we punish those who did wrong, it is also our way of trying to save them. - Gregory David Roberts

129. Justice in a fallen world is not equality of results, but equality of treatment under a just law. - Kevin DeYoung

130- This reasonable moderator, and just in equal parts... Death. - Thomas Browne.

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