13 Healthy Eating Habits (Children and Adults)

In this article you will learn how to develop Healthy eating habits, Which will help you physically and psychologically. Although scientists divide the body and mind for study, division is artificial and we are a whole. Sometimes we neglect the importance of food, although this is vital.

The change at the time of Make changes in habits Is not simple and that to get it you need to start little by little and have perseverance.

1- Go to the supermarket with a full stomach : This will prevent you from buying unnecessary and impulsive food, limiting yourself to what you really need.

buying at the supermarket

2- Reduces salt intake : Salt is already included in many foods and its excessive consumption can lead to heart and cerebrovascular diseases. The World Health Organization recommends a small tablespoon maximum although many foods contain it so it is advisable to avoid adding salt to the processed foods .

Salt intake

3- Look at the tags : According to European regulations all packaged foods must carry nutritional information; Consult to avoid foods that have an excessive amount of fat or salt.

Nutritional label

4- Eat varied : The Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest in the world and is perfect for c Omer in a varied way; Fruit, vegetables, meats, fish, cereals...

5- Bird meat : Probably the best meat is the chicken; Of every 100 grams 20 are protein and has fewer calories and fats than others. On the other hand, it strengthens the immune system. Other healthy meats are turkey (provides niacin, zinc, vitamin B12 and helps people with thyroid problems) and duck (niacin and iron).

6- Drink water and eliminate fizzy drinks : Soda cans have about 140 calories, if you drink one a day that makes 980 a week. Instead, drink natural or tap water, stay hydrated at all times. If you work a lot in an office.

drinking water

7- Coffee or tea? : Although there are different opinions, most seem to favor tea.

Coffee has polyphenols and caffeine, which helps decrease the feeling of tiredness and is stimulating. Green tea has antioxidants and helps prevent cardiovascular disease and although it has caffeine, its effect on the body is different. The amounts of caffeine in a cup of coffee are almost 100 times greater than in a cup of tea; A cup of tea awakens us and increases the concentration, although it does not produce alteration and nervousness.

Drink tea

Coffee moderately consumed - about three times a day - is not harmful and according to some studies protects against Parkinson's, improves intellectual performance, is laxative and diuretic. However, more quantities can produce; Inmsion, irritability, anxiety, nervousness...

Tea has antioxidant effects, diuretics, prevents cancer, reduces cholesterol level...

8- Eliminates sugar : Sugar does not have nutrients, proteins or fats. These are empty calories that have disastrous effects on your body.

9- Moderate beer and less tapas : Beer, drink moderately not fat and is also diuretic and very moisturizing. On the other hand, non-alcoholic beer has less than half as many calories as alcohol. As for the caps, they gain weight if you take more than the bill or if you take them when you have already eaten. It also depends on the lid; Avoid the bread, the battered batter and the chips. If you have dined, go out and take a lid, that excess fat will accumulate.

Drink beer moderately

10- Eat the fruit first , Do not leave it for dessert: by its contribution of fiber, produces a satiety effect that will avoid eating too much later.

eleven- Salads and vegetables : Is the best habit you can have. Low in calories, you can eat a whole plate of salad without doing harm to your health or your physique. You can also supplement it with a protein base such as roast or grilled chicken pieces. If you eat at work you also have no excuse because it is very easy to take it in a taperware.

12- Wash your teeth after eating : Not only because it will maintain your dental health, but because it will remind you that you have already eaten and will be preventive of snacking after the meal.

13- Eat at fixed hours : This will help avoid snacks, accustom your body to a schedule and avoid digestive problems. You will also avoid eating from anxiety or eating small portions a day.

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