11 Keys to Choosing the Best Toys for Your Children

It is important Know how to choose the best toys Because there are many occasions when children receive them. It is the gift par excellence and the most desired by children.

Either for her birthday, for The end of an academic course, the arrival of the Three Kings, the Little Mouse... the children receive gifts and sometimes we find the Crossroads of what to give them or what is a toy suitable for them.

Baby and toy

How important is play during childhood?

Play is a universal activity and toys are a learning tool throughout the infantile stage.

The natural activity of the child is the game and through it, the child makes an unconscious regulation of their emotions. In addition, it helps the construction Of thought. Through the game the child shows what he likes, what he fears, learn to share, work, develop the imagination... Situations that are shaping their future personality.

From the game the child becomes aware of himself and the world around him. Play and toys influence the personality of children, in the Socialization and development at all levels.

There are many types of toys: plastic, wooden, electronic, table... and they all play the same role: they allow the child to play and enjoy in the process.

With all this, and as you have already seen, one of the tools that the child uses in the game is the toy, which allows to enhance the activity. The toy Is, in itself, a didactic element.

Choosing a suitable toy for a child is not an easy task. And in addition, sometimes, to join the desires of the children with the conditions or pretensions Of parents is not easy either.

If you are disoriented about which toy may be most appropriate for your child, take care of the list that we present to you.

How to choose the best toys?

1. The influence of advertising


When a child asks for a toy we must make sure that it really is what he likes. In many cases, the child asks for a toy because he has seen it Advertised and has generated expectations with that toy that do not correspond with reality.

Bear in mind that a child is a person who is not able to distinguish, according to age, between reality and fiction, so he is not able to isolate himself from A persuasive argument.

A child will not be able to reason if the toy is really as they show it or if they really like it, so they will be convinced by what they see in ad.

It is possible to affirm that the preferences of the children are conditioned, in part, by the socialization that they receive through the advertising messages.

You can help him contrast the information displayed in the commercials with reality: talk to him about what he expects of the toy, look for Information about him, pictures about how he is, so that you make sure that if he asks for it, it's because he really wants it.

2. Do not fall into gender stereotypes

Girl with purple horse

Gender stereotypes are a topic with a great impact on the construction of the child's personality. It is important that you do not identify a toy with A certain gender.

This happens, for example, when we do not give away some toys because we consider that they are not appropriate or will not like the child by its Example, houses or kitchen utensils are not given away to children or trucks and cars to girls).

These stereotypes are also reinforced through advertising and other variables such as the color of advertisements and toys, the voice that presents The ad, the way they are presented or the children that appear.

Keep in mind that advertising is a very strong socializing agent and that you are the main model of your child. He will take as reference model What they see around them and these stereotypes will shape their way of seeing the world.

Children's toys should not limit children's playful experiences solely because of the gender condition, especially if we want equality between men and women.

3. Educate against massive consumerism

Hundreds of stuffed animals

It is important that you educate your children against consumption. This involves intervening on the advertising messages giving the child tools to To defend themselves against advertising persuasion.

The family is the first and most influential system of socialization of the child, and it is here that he becomes a person. You will learn about the World, of others and of objects.

Nowadays there are numerous occasions when the child receives gifts and is exposed to consumption. Objects and toys are used as a Measure of change in many situations: when he behaves well, when he has good grades...

The family must be an effective mediator against the consumer society. Do not buy toys that are a momentary whim. If you educate with thought Critical you will be educated against the consumer society.

4. Choose toys that allow you to experiment and educate them in values

Newborn with toys

Children learn and develop through manipulation with the environment, experimentation and exploration of the environment, through Observation through the senses and discovery.

For all this, it offers children toys that allow them to put into practice the experimentation.

You must choose toys that stimulate their development, that is, they transmit values ​​such as companionship and cooperation or respect for others.

5. Choose safe toys

Baby with teddy bear

As a parent you are responsible for providing your child with toys that are safe.

To do this you must comply with the legal regulations in force in your country, specifying the proper functioning of the toy, which are the risk situations for Inappropriate use and precautions to take.

In addition, it should not endanger your health and safety nor that of third parties and you must take care when choosing it at its recreational value and educational.

6. Think of the child as an individual

Child with red stroller

When you choose a toy for a child, focus on it as a person Independent To his status as a child. Sometimes, when we seek A toy, we think about what all children like in general at that age and we apply it to all of them.

It is important that you ask yourself what you have, what you need, what you like. It is appropriate to choose the toy taking into account its age but also its Tastes, interests, abilities or personality.

7. Adapt the toy to each age or evolutionary stage

Toy blocks

When choosing a toy for a child, it is important that you keep in mind how old it is headed. Not only because it is important for safety (for example, Example, which includes small parts), but because it is designed to meet the specific characteristics of each evolutionary group.

The needs of the children are also framed by the age group to which they belong. Thus, for example, some age-appropriate toys Can be as follows:

From 0 to 6 months Games that stimulate the senses may be appropriate: lamps or dummies with lights, rattles, mirrors, mobiles Pendants, toys with music...

From 6 to 12 months In addition to the toys of the previous group may be suitable other toys such as balls, rag dolls, toys To fit to include shapes and different textures and colors, constructions, rolling objects, bath toys...

Between the 12 and 24 months Large piece constructions, laces, telephones, walkways, toys for Sand and water, rockers, trawlers, balls, toys to hit or to move...

Between the 2 and 3 years Begin to interest them games to draw and paint, simple puzzles and dominoes, garages and vehicles, Symbolic play toys such as kitchen, iron or telephone, dolls and strollers, columpuos and toboganes, tricycles, stacking toys,
Fit and thread...

Between the 3 and 5 years We can include games of costumes, puppets, skates, bicycles, bowling, vehicles, garages, games for Cut, paste and paint, computers, card games and simple table games, puzzles, musical instruments...

Between the 5 and 8 years They begin to be interested in card games, magic, tablecloths, complex puzzles, simple mosaics, Games for sewing and knitting, articulated dolls, ropes, kites, targets, juggling and circus games, spinning tops...

Between the 8 and 11 years They are interested in games of scientific experiments, board games, complex puzzles and mosaics, skateboards, Mechanical and electrical assemblies, remote control, dolls...

Between the 11 and 14 years Everything that has to do with board games and strategy games, role playing, card games, puzzles, modeling, Paints and easels, sports games...

8. Hear your opinion

Girl looking at toys

Although we must help them to choose which toys are the most appropriate, especially if we consider what we have said about the messages This does not imply that you must make the decision unilaterally.

You need to share the decisions when choosing a toy with him. Since you can not buy everything they order, it is important that Dialogue with him and find out what he really likes.

The toy is a gift for him and therefore his opinion is key when choosing the toy.

9. Choose simple toys

Simple toy

In the technological age in which we live the child is immersed in a wide variety of toys of different styles, sizes, shapes...

Try to choose simple toys, since they will awaken your child's creativity to a greater extent. This is not to say that other more sophisticated toys They will not like children, but simple toys will increase the uses that are made of it.

If we give away symbolic toys, the reproduction capacity of the toy becomes unlimited and we will be promoting the creativity and originality of the boy.

10. Do not give away an excess of toys


It is important that you keep in mind that although the toy is a pedagogical tool, appropriate and necessary for the child, the excess of toys kills the Fantasy and produces boredom.

Do not let your child not know what toy to ask when you ask him what he is excited about. This is also part of education against consumption responsable.

Keep the illusion of your child and do not burden him with unnecessary toys. There is saturation of toys in many children and this causes absence of fun And real game.

It is not uncommon to see how at certain times of the year children receive so many gifts that they are overwhelmed and are not able to manage such amount of toys. Try to follow the rule of what you like and what you need.

Also do not use the toys as a reward or punishment for the child, which does not become a blackmail. Give gifts to learn to enjoy them.

11. Giving time and books

Child in library
Although not specifically toys, we can also give children other types of gifts: family and outdoor activities, storytelling, theme park…

We can also enjoy with traditional games like the handkerchief, riddle, I see I see, the blind hen...

Another very important gift in these ages are the stories. Reading the child thinks, learns, gets excited...

Therefore, the important thing is the imagination, the fantasy and the desire to enjoy. Choose toys that facilitate participation, that stimulate the Imagination and feelings.

Choose toys that you can share with other children, foster respect for diversity, a critical spirit, and contain positive messages.

And what do you think are the best toys to give away?


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  8. Safe toy project: safe toy and responsible consumption.
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