101 Good Day Phrases for Someone Special and Fall in Love

More than 100 Good morning phrases For someone special, to fall in love or dedicate to friends, parents, any family or partner.

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Good morning phrases

1- Be pleasant until ten in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself. - Elbert Hubbard.

2- The world is more beautiful outside when there is stability inside Good morning!

3- In Spanish there is what is called expressive plural, this denotes the emotion and warmth of a feeling. That's why we in Spanish wish Good morning!

4- Your trip will be much lighter and easier if you do not carry the past dragging with you A new day? A good day!

5- When you wake up in the morning, think about how beautiful and privileged it is to be able to live, breathe, think, enjoy and love. Good morning!

6- Waking up this morning, I smile. 24 hours brand new are in front of me. I promise to live fully in every moment. - Thich Nhat Hanh

7- Smile in the mirror. Do it every morning and you will start to see a big difference in your life. Good day! -Yoko Ono.

8- Every day I feel that they are a blessing from God. And I consider it a new beginning. Yes, everything is beautiful. -The prince

9- Set a goal that makes you want to jump out of bed every morning Good morning!

10- If you have something to wake up every morning, it will be much easier to wake up Good morning!

11- When you start the day with a sincere smile from the heart, the light comes from inside Good morning!

12- I opened two gifts this morning, they were my eyes Good morning!

13- We should all be happy and grateful to be healthy. Good morning!

14- Some days all you have to do is create your own sunrise Good morning!

15- Most of the time, we seek our happiness in other people, however, sometimes we need to find happiness within ourselves. In this new day do something different, light up your life yourself Good morning!

16- You will never have this day again, so make it count Good morning!

17- Every day is a new beginning, do not live in the past. Enjoy it now and make it count for your future Good morning!

18- Stand up determined to see the brightness of the new opportunity that brings you every dawn Good morning!

19- Smile at strangers, slow down a little, give thanks, laugh and give compliments today. Follow those simple steps and I assure you that you will have a good day.

20- When you are good to others, you will receive it back. When you feel good about yourself, you will shine in the eyes of other people. Give and do not expect anything. You will be surprised what that simple philosophy can achieve in you and in the world if we all practice it Good morning!

21- A great attitude is like a delicious coffee in the morning. Do not start your day without it. Good morning!

Good thoughts precede great treaties, great treaties precede success. Keep a positive mind from the beginning of your day and everything will be alright Good morning!

23- Success comes to those who have the willpower to turn off once the alarm button and get up with a smile Good morning!

24- This message is to remind you that you are a beautiful human being as you are, with talent and kindness. Nobody can stop to achieve what you want if you propose it today Good morning!

25- Do not wake up with the remorse of what you could not do yesterday. Wake up with the motivation to discover what you can achieve today and how it will positively influence your tomorrow. Good Morning!

26- If yesterday was a good day Do not stop! Maybe your 70-year-old streak is just beginning. Good morning!

27- If you do not get up today with all your efforts, you may not be able to achieve that dream that you have for so long Good morning!

28- The fading of the darkness and the ascent of the sun mean the most important aspect of life: Despair giving way to Hope Good morning!

29- The greatest inspiration you can get is to know that you are a great inspiration to others. Wake up now! And start living an inspiring life. Good morning!

30- This is not another day, this is the day to make your dreams come true Good morning!

31- Even the smallest of thoughts has the potential to become the greatest of successes. Think positive, aspire to greatness! All you have to do is wake up and start walking. Good morning!

There was never a night or a problem that could defeat dawn or hope. -Bernard Williams

33- When you wake up in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault is in yourself. -Tecumseh

34- Opportunities are like dawns. If you wait too long, you lose them. Do not waste time and look for the opportunities that this new day has for you. Good day!

35. The sun has not caught me in bed in the last fifty years. - Thomas Jefferson

36- When you get up in the morning, kiss your loved one on the forehead and give him a good day.

Do not blame God for not giving you something new every day. He gives you the gift of a new day with every morning. Good morning!

38- Do not start your day with the broken pieces of yesterday. Every morning that we wake up will be the last of the rest of our lives. Good morning!

39- Every morning is a way destiny has to tell you that your purpose in life still has to be fulfilled. Good morning!

40- I went to sleep last night with a smile because I knew that I would dream of you, this morning I woke up with a smile because I realized that you are not a dream Good morning!

41- If you feel depressed, always remember that as long as your heart continues to beat, it still has a purpose in this life. Good day!

42- Success is not only a question of how great you can dream, it is also a question of how much you are willing to achieve today Good morning!

43- Last night you were the last thought that came to mind, this morning you are also the first thing that I think Good morning!

44. Love the life you live, live the life you love. Good morning!

45- The biggest source of motivation is your own thoughts, so, think positive and be prepared to succeed in a big way. Good morning!

46- Every morning the sun says: Wake up radiant like me. The sky says: I aim high as I do. The wind says: Refresh the lives of others like me. And I say: Good morning!

47- We smile and thank the arrival of this new dawn Good morning!

48- Every morning we are born again, what we do today is what has the most impact on our lives Good morning!

49- Let your soul expand like the rays of the sun through the sky, touch with your energy the soul of each person that crosses in your day and distribute well-being with your good wishes Good morning!

50. Life laughs at you when you give up, but it smiles at you when you struggle. What do you want your day to be full of? Good Morning!

51- I want to live my life in such a way that when I get out of bed the devil says:"Oh shit, that woke up"Good morning!

52- It's good to dream big, but your dreams will never see the light of day if you also sleep big. That's why they say:"Good morning!

53. Life is like a mirror, it smiles at you if you smile at it. Good morning!

54. Wake up with the decision to face the challenges of life with all your strength. Even if the challenges seem to overtake you, a good attitude will guarantee success in the end. Good morning!

55- The morning is a very important moment of the day because, depending on how you spend your morning, you will surely spend the rest of your day. Good day! Above all, have a prosperous morning full of success and happiness!

56. Stop thinking about how much more you could sleep and start thinking how much more you could do, then stand up and do it. Good morning!

57- Think of the dreams and aspirations that you went to sleep last night to shake that feeling of lethargy in your morning Good morning!

58- Every morning when we wake up, ahead of us opens a new day. What a wonderful gift! We have the ability to live life so that this new day brings peace, goodness and joy to the hearts of others and ourselves Good morning!

59. Wake up with determination, go to bed with satisfaction. Good morning!

60. Nothing is impossible when you are on God's side. Good morning!

You're not really awake until you get out of bed and you're totally up. Good morning!

"I miss the way my mother said good morning to me. I would open the curtains in the room, telling myself that it is time to stop! He clapped three times and turned his radio on loud with his favorite old music while I made breakfast. Mother wherever you are there in the sky Good morning!

63- Stop thinking about what could go wrong and start to make sure things go well Good morning!

64- The right time to wake up is NOW. The right time to strive is NOW. The right time to smile at life is NOW. The time to bring your good wishes to the world is NOW. Good Morning!

65- Dream or Execute that is the decision that will differentiate the success of failure on this day. Do you need a clue? I send my energies so that you make the right decision then Good morning!

66. Wake up every morning with the thought that something big is about to pass. Good morning!

67- There's nothing like the smell of fresh coffee in the morning. Good morning!

68- Opportunities knock at your door every morning, if you decide to stay in bed, then you'll just keep on looking for someone else who's willing to get up. Good morning!

69- You can change your mood instantly by just thinking about the wonderful gift that is this new day Good morning!

70- Not every day will be good, but there is definitely something good in every day. May today have a day full of blessings and successes.

71- Sometimes we can have bad days but there is always something good and invaluable in every day you know what it is? The possibility of continuing to live Good morning!

72- Do not look back, you're not going in that direction. Good morning!

"You will not win anything by looking back. What happened is past. It is better that you keep your sight forward, there, where your future is drawn. But do not forget to enjoy the surroundings. Good morning!

74- Every day is a new opportunity to correct our mistakes and an opportunity to have a new beginning. Good morning!

75- Focus on the good.

76- Embrace the good things in life and good things will continue to come to you. Good morning!

77- The moment in which you think to surrender, consider also everything that you have managed to get there Good morning!

78- This new day follows the example of our sun: Choose to shine Good morning!

79. Thank God for another good day and do not waste it!

80- Each and every one of us will at some point face death, so do not waste every minute of life that God gives you and appreciate all the opportunities that are presented to you. Good morning!

81- Loneliness leads to a special enjoyment that is only understood when it is chosen by its own volition. If you are one of those lonely wolves I congratulate you with all my heart and wish you a very good day.

82- I love the smell of the possibility that travels in the lap of the wind at the beginning of the morning Good morning!

83- If today you do something beautiful and nobody notices it, do not be sad. As dawn is a beautiful sight and most people miss it because they are still sleeping. Be like the sun and keep shining Good morning!

84- Do good without looking at who Good morning!

85- Each morning brings with it a new gift, a new opportunity, a new hope. It is the universal gift that God gives us every day, believe in him or not, you are part of this wonderful universe Good morning!

86- Never let your hope fade because miracles happen every day Good morning!

You do not need to be great to begin with, but you need to start to become great. Draw goals that demand the best of you and enjoy your successes as much as your failures. Good morning!

88- Good morning! So to dry, because yes. Good morning to all!

89- Get up and throw yourself on this day with enthusiasm. Good morning!

90. Errors make your experience grow, experience helps you make fewer mistakes. Dare today to make mistakes very early, rectify, learn and try again Good morning!

91-"If only I had another chance, if I could only give back the time"well... with time back I can not help you, but I got you the other chance you wanted. It's called TODAY. Today is a new day full of opportunities waiting for you. Good morning!

92. My plan for today? The same yesterday, drink coffee and be sexy Good morning!

"Dear past, thank you for the lessons. Dearly beloved, I am ready!

94- Wake up every morning giving thanks for living one more day Good morning!

95- Hi, good morning! I hope you have a ridiculously amazing day! I send you a portion of my multitude!

96- One of the best things to wake up every day is to know that another good cup of coffee awaits you in the kitchen. Good morning!

97- It's wonderful to wake up and be able to continue doing the things we love to do. Good morning!

98- Dawn sun is the best medicine Good morning!

99- Each sunset takes one day less to live, but each dawn brings us the promise of a new day. So hope for the best! Live this day full of hope and positive thoughts, so good things will come Good morning!

100- Good morning! Because with God, all things are possible.

101- The greatest blessing God gives us is to wake us every day with a new dawn. Good morning!

102- Every morning is the beginning of a new page in the book of your story. Surprise the world with a reading they will never forget. Good morning!

103- Stay new, stay forever apprentice in something and every day dedicate yourself to learning that something new, it's the secret to always be young Good morning!

104. Just thinking about how radiant you look every morning, illuminates my day. Good morning!

105- A small step you take today, may be the beginning of your great day. Good luck! And good morning!

106- A day without a smile is a day lost, do not forget to smile today Good morning!

107. You have not lived this day before, and you shall live it no more. Start by striving to the fullest and so you can go to bed with a smile of satisfaction on your face Good morning!

Good morning! - It is not only a courtesy, it is the hope that with those two words you return to who told you your warmest smile of"welcome are your good morning".

109- Do not complain about yesterday, try to make a better tomorrow by doing your best today. Good morning!

110. Feeling happy the sad, happy the bitter, defeated the victor. Are all options presented to you each day, the real question is Are you able to make the right decision? If you need help, here is a clue. Good morning!

This morning is what it is because of what you decided to be yesterday. I know what you should be today, so you can be what you want tomorrow Good morning!

112. Life is perishable, the faster you consume it, the better you will know. Stop thinking and start to act, start living from now on, from this very morning You're late! Good Morning!

You can do nothing today and have an uncertain tomorrow... or you can try your best today to give shape to a bright tomorrow, what do you choose?

The way you decide to wake up today will be what defines your tomorrow. Do you want a future full of smiles, opportunities and hopes? Begin to forge it from today giving to the world your most sincere Good morning!

115. The best inspirational phrase or optimism you can find to encourage you is, in fact, a question. Ask yourself the following: If your child self meets your adult self right now, do you think he or she would be proud of you?
Only in your heart will you get the real answer Good day and good luck making your inner child feel the adult you are.

116- If you have not been able to achieve anything significant, today is the day to give your life a 180º turn. Not tomorrow, nor last, today go out and discover your destiny! Good Morning!

To be great in life, you need to start doing great things. One of them, and one of the most difficult is: to stand early in the morning Good morning!

118- The only way you have to really respect your dreams is to get out of bed and try your best to make them come true. Good morning!

119. The night will change itself to become a day without any effort on your part, but that is all the help you will receive from Mother Nature. To really succeed every new day you will have to work harder!

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