10 Fruits and Vegetables to Lower Cholesterol (for Children and Adults)

There are numerous Fruits and vegetables good for lowering cholesterol Such as carrots, apples, grapes, blueberries, strawberries, onions, cabbages, tomares and others that I will mention later.

The fruit has no cholesterol. Rich in soluble fiber and very low in saturated fats, together with vegetables, they are the largest alliance in food to reduce bad cholesterol levels, the number one cause of mortality in the male and female population.

Fruits and vegetables cholesterol

Brief review of cholesterol and its functions

Cholesterol is a fatty substance natural Distributed by all the cells of the body. It occurs mostly in the liver and pancreas, and can also be found in many foods.

Among its functions we find:

  • Intervene in the formation of bile acids, necessary for the digestion of fats.
  • Protect the skin from chemical agents and prevent dehydration.
  • From hormones such as sex or thyroid hormones.

Cholesterol is classified into two categories: HDL , Which is considered to be beneficial to the body and LDL , Which is quite the opposite.

The accumulation of the latter in the arteries, translates into the risk of suffering Hypercholesterolemia , Coronary, dietary, sexual, or vascular wall damage.

In more severe cases, an individual with high cholesterol and triglyceride levels may suffer a myocardial infarction or stroke.

The Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) do not fool anyone. 147 million affected and 17 million annual deaths due to cholesterol. A real pandemic.

List of fruits and vegetables to reduce cholesterol

Keeping your body away from inadequate levels of cholesterol is possible if you exercise frequently, do not smoke, maintain proper weight, avoid certain foods rich in saturated fat and especially if you Carry healthy eating habits .

1- Carrots

Carrots are found within that broad field of fruits and vegetables rich in soluble fiber, which is very beneficial to control or Decrease blood sugar levels And to regulate cholesterol levels.

We cite the carrot in particular because it contains almost 3.6 grams of soluble fiber in its composition. That is, an approximate 10% of the recommended daily amount, as indicated In a dietary fiber manual Developed by the University of Arizona.

2 apples

Whether they are green, red or yellow and peeled or not, apples offer a series of Extraordinary health benefits : Protect the lungs, prevent cancer, improve memory and of course help regulate cholesterol.

In a study Developed by Florida State University (USA), 160 women took a daily dose of apple in their natural state for one year. The result? LDL was reduced by 23% while HDL increased by 4%.

The secret is that the apple is full of Antioxidants And soluble fibers.

3- Grapes

Reducing levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, in addition to fats in blood, can be achieved thanks to grape clusters.

At the 228th National Meeting of the Society of American Chemistry, Dr. Rimando explained that grapes, thanks to an enzyme called pterostilbeno, can regulate blood fats.

In their study, carried out with rats, they found that their ability to reduce triglycerides and cholesterol was similar to that of ciprofibrate, Lopid and Tricor, drugs used in the United States for these regulatory purposes.

4- Blueberries

Grapes are not the only fruits of nature rich in Pterostilben . Blueberries and other berries also possess a significant amount of this compound that lowers high blood cholesterol.

Because they are a superfood, it is not complicated Find studies That support this natural"drug." The aforementioned pteroestilbeno, along with pectin, antioxidants and their high fiber content, will not only help you to improve your cardiovascular health, but also to strengthen your nervous system.

5- Strawberries

We continue with the red fruits. As we mentioned In an article dedicated to strawberries , One of its main benefits is the reduction of cholesterol levels.

This is due to the Anthocyanin , A wonderful compound that besides giving the pigmentation to the strawberries, serves as an aid to suppress the inflammatory responses of the body. Cholesterol or hypertension will be considerably reduced.

In addition, research Who say that women who drink strawberries or blueberries two or three times a week can reduce the risk of having a myocardial infarction by 32%.

6- Onions

Like strawberries, the onions Are one of those superfoods to which they have to dedicate a special section.

Among its many benefits we find the one that concerns us. As shown In an investigation Carried out by the University of Utah (2007), which showed that onion intake reduced triglyceride, LDL and other blood lipid concentrations, in addition to an improvement in glucose.

Along with sulfur, quercetin is one of the main onion compounds, responsible for the regulation of LDL cholesterol in our body. In addition, it has anticancer properties and helps to reduce the chances of suffering hypertension.

7- Coles

Like the onion, Cabbage Contains large amounts of sulfur, a recommended nutrient for some allergies, acne, alopecia and high cholesterol levels.

Cabbage prevents bile from absorbing fat after meals. This combined with high amounts of soluble fiber (approximately 2 grams) and antioxidants such as anthocyanins, we can get cholesterol to reduce by 3 to 5%, as indicated by the National Heart Institute, Lungs And Blood (NHLBI).

8- Tomatoes

According A study Carried out in Australia, lycopene, a carotenoid found in tomatoes, develops an antioxidant effect on serum lipid concentrations and blood pressure. This means that for every 25 mg of lycopene, we can reduce LDL cholesterol by 10%.

In order to support this research, we conducted a number of searches of data from studies conducted between 1955 and 2010. In 90% lycopene was included as a key element in the fight against blood pressure.

9- Red pepper

Like tomatoes, sweet peppers are an incredible source of Lycopene . Moderate use can help reduce triglycerides and cholesterol levels in people who are obese or overweight.

Further, A study Certifies that we do not have to take priority for any type of pepper according to its color, since there are hardly any significant differences between them in helping to prevent cholesterol problems.

10- Avocado

rich in Omega 3 acids But also in saturated fats. Avocado is one of the fruits that more controversy has created within the nutritionists when it comes to recommending it or not to reduce cholesterol.

According to the American Heart Association, while being taken in moderation, avocado can be very beneficial for people with obesity or overweight.

This statement is due to A study Carried out with 45 men and women who were overweight or obese, who were given a diet with and without avocados for five weeks each.

In the moderate diet with avocado the results were quite satisfactory, decreasing in almost 14 points the levels of bad cholesterol. Of course, none of the people who underwent this diet regained weight.

We have collected some of the fruits and vegetables most favorably within the community of dietitians and nutritionists, but you can expand your knowledge by immersing yourself in this article" 14 Foods That Will Help You Lower Your Cholesterol ".


  1. Sun T, Xu Z, Wu CT, Janes M, Prinyawiwatlkul W (2007) Antioxidant activities of different sweet bell peppers (Capsicum anuum L.)
  2. Ried K, Fakler P (2010) Protective effect of lycopene on serum cholesterol and blood pressure: Meta-analyzes of intervention trials.
  3. Aedín C; Kenneth J Mukamal; Liu L; Franz M; Eliassen A; Rimm E. High Anthocyanin Intake Is Associated With a Reduced Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Young and Middle-Aged Women. Circulation (2013); 127: 188-196.
  4. American Chemical Society 228th National Session, Philadelphia, August 22-26, 2004. Press Release from the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture.
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