10 Cemeteries Stories that will freeze your blood

It is undeniable that many people love the stories of cemeteries and ghosts . We like to be scared even though in most cases, in fact, we do not believe in them. Psychologists think that disbelief is at the basis of this taste for the stories that scare us. If we really felt terror, we would not like it. We know that they are not true and we are afraid in small doses. Thus, our system is filled with adrenaline, but we control it because we know that there really is no danger, which does not mean that we do not enjoy some side effects that produce pleasure, such as increased production of endorphins . Knowing that enjoying stories of fear is something natural and physiological, join us to know 10 Cemeteries Stories that will freeze your blood .

The dark cemeteries they are places in which the popular tradition places many stories and legends of which ice the blood. The graveyards are considered liminal zones, that is, in this case, a point of transit between the world of the living and that of the dead and that is why they multiply the stories and legends of apparitions, spirits and ghosts.

10 Cemeteries Stories

1. The legend of the White Lady of La Recoleta Cemetery

The Cemetery of La Recoleta is probably the most important in Buenos Aires. One of the many stories of strange events that occurred in the site and perhaps the most famous is that of the Lady in White. Many people say they have seen her wandering around the cemetery. It is believed to be the specter of a girl who died after learning that her mother was the lover of her fiance.

2. The tomb of Gracie Watson in the Bonaventure cemetery

In the Bonaventurre cemetery of Savanah in the USA There is a tomb topped with the statue of a girl. It is the little Gracie Watson who died in 1886, when she was 6 years old, victim of pneumonia. She was the only daughter of a wealthy couple who owned a hotel. Many people have explained that they have seen a girl playing near the grave and mysteriously vanishes. There are many people who leave small toys in the grate that protects the grave and the legend says that when someone takes one of them, the statue of Gracie cries tears of blood.

10 Cemeteries Stories that will freeze your blood

3. The legend of the girl of the pantheon

The legend of the girl of the pantheon is very popular in Mexico. There are several versions, but this is the best known. It speaks of a girl who during a funeral fell into a grave dying by a blow to the head, those who deposited the coffin of the deceased in the cemetery did not see it and was buried under the coffin. Years later when they removed it for a new burial, they saw some children's bones under the box; they were those of the missing girl.

4. The Vampire tree

Another one of these terrifying cemeteries stories It is located in the Panteón de Belén Museum, in Guadalajara (Jalisco, Mexico). There is a tree that springs from a grave. An ancient legend of the nineteenth century states that a vampire is buried in it and was killed with a stake. From the stake the tree was born overnight and it is said that when the tree definitely breaks the tombstone, the vampire will come back to life. If you want to know more about this legend, you can read the post: The vampire tree (Mexican legend) .

10 Cemeteries Stories that will freeze your blood 1

5. The angel of the Almudena

At the entrance to the cemetery of Almudena, the most important in Madrid, you can see an angel with a trumpet. The story about him explains that if you pass by and hear the sound of the trumpet, your death is near. It is also said that he is vigilant there because he is in charge of awakening those who are buried in the cemetery on the day of Judgment by sounding his instrument.

6. Bachelor's Grove Cemetery

This cemetery is located in the state of Illinois, in the USA. in one of the suburbs of Chicago called Bremen Township. It is considered one of the most haunted in the US In it used to bury the corpses of their enemies the members of the mafia gangs that dominated the Chicago of the early twentieth century. On their land they have seen various ghosts like that of a farmer, a woman with a baby in her arms or a black dog. However, the most famous appearance reported on several occasions is that of a full house of bright color floating in the air. When someone approaches you, the house seems to shrink and at the end it disappears.

10 Cemeteries Stories that will freeze your blood 2

7. Cemetery Hill, Gettysburg

The Cemetery Hill in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, is one of the few places in the world where it is said that ghosts can be smelled. It was the scene of several bloody battles during the American Civil War. For a long time the stench of the remains of the corpses made it impossible to walk through the place and people covered their nose with handkerchiefs that smelled of mint or vanilla. There are many people who, when approaching the Cemetery Hill, notice that perfumed smell.

8. The Ihtiriekko of Finnish cemeteries

For centuries, church and civil laws were very hard on women who had children out of wedlock and sometimes these women ended their children's lives. As they could not be buried in the cemetery, they were buried outside and this gave rise to the legend of the Ihtiriekko . They are the ghosts of these murdered children who can not go to heaven and who cry in despair for someone to find them and bury them in sacred ground.

9. The crypt of the Chase family in the cemetery of Barbados.

One of the most curious cemeteries stories is the one in Barbados , in the grave of the Chase family. Three times and despite the fact that the family crypt had been sealed and secured with several traps, the coffins were found out of place. Finally the family decided to remove them and place them elsewhere. If you want to know more about this story, you can read it in The shocking case of coffins moving alone in Barbados .

10 Cemeteries Stories that will freeze your blood 3

10. Union Cemetery in Easton, Ct.

This old cemetery in Easton, Connecticut, USA, also has a white lady. It is a woman who died in childbirth and goes in search of her son through the streets of the cemetery. However, according to the inhabitants of the area, is not satisfied with that, but goes out to the nearby roads and gets in front of the vehicles to disappear at the last moment.

As you can see, there are many cemeteries stories They cause terror and are usually explained on dates such as the Day of the Dead or Halloween. Do you know some stories of cemeteries that you want to tell us? Is there a legend in your town or city related to the cemetery? If so, share it with us! If you are interested in learning more about camposantos, we invite you to read the post: 20 Cemeteries Curiosities | Tenebrous and fascinating .

Image: Mark Bergner

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