10 Animals of Antarctica | Amazing creatures of the cold!

Of all the continents of planet Earth, the Antarctica It is the only one that human beings have not managed to conquer. It is true that there are many expeditions that we have carried out in the frozen continent, as well as the installation of different stations for scientific purposes. However, the conditions of this icy place make life in it is very complicated . Despite this, there is a series of animals of Antarctica that are perfectly adapted to this extreme climate.

What brave and hard creatures are capable of surviving the terrible conditions of a continent that, despite being frozen, is considered a desert? Undoubtedly, survival in this environment can not be easy, but the next 10 animals have managed to fight for their presence in one of the most inhospitable places on our planet. Come and meet these ten animals of Antarctica!

10 Animals of Antarctica that are amazing

1. Emperor penguin

animals of Antarctica, emperor penguin

Exemplary Emperor Penguin

Of all the animals in Antarctica, the emperor penguin is perhaps the best known of all. It's about a non-flying and aquatic bird , which feeds on the fish, crustaceans and cephalopods it finds. It is characterized by its black and white plumage, as well as by the touches of yellow tones around the neck. It can be found around the entire Antarctic continent.

2. Chinstrap penguin

animals of Antarctica, chinstrap penguin

Chinstrap Penguins

Although the emperor penguin is the best known of all the penguins, the chinstrap penguin is another inhabitant of Antarctica that you can not miss. This penguin is characterized by being much smaller than the emperor penguin , besides lacking its yellowish plumage around the neck. It feeds on fish and other small animals that it finds. It is an excellent swimmer. In fact, in addition to living in the Antarctic regions, it also inhabits other places such as southern Chile and Argentina, the Falkland Islands, and, in some areas, chinstrap penguins have even been found. New Zealand .

3. Antarctic fur seal

animals of Antarctica, Antarctic fur seal

Antarctic fur seal

Another animal of the Antarctic that you can not miss is the Antarctic fur seal. This mammal looks like the common seal, although Its body is larger and has a shorter snout . It feeds mainly on crustaceans, although fish and some types of squid are also part of their diet.

4. Weddell seal

animals of Antarctica

Weddel seal

The Weddell seal is one of the most adorable mammals we can find on the Antarctic coasts. It is a seal that can reach more than two meters long, and that is characterized by its mottled skin . It feeds mainly on squid and fish such as cod, although it is also the food of other seals, such as leopard seals, or cetaceans like the killer whale.

5. Snowy Petrel

Animals of Antarctica, Snowy Petrel

Snowy Petrel

This flying bird has an aspect that resembles that of a pigeon but with a plumage completely white and that contrasts with the jet color of his eyes and beak . It lives in Antarctic regions, where it reproduces, as well as in some places in the extreme south of the American continent. Its diet is based mainly on some cephalopods, small molluscs, as well as the carrion that it finds. In addition, it is characterized by having the ability to expel a smelly oil from your stomach, which serves as a means of defense against predators.

6. Antarctic Cormorant

animals of Antarctica, Antarctic cormorant

Antarctic Cormorant

Another animal of Antarctica is this flying bird that combines a plumage white on his belly and black on the rest of his body . It feeds mainly on fish caught underwater since, although it is a flying bird, it is also an excellent swimmer.

7. Wandering albatross

animals of Antarctica

This bird similar to seagulls extends throughout many of the southern regions, so it is not difficult to see from the Antarctic coasts to other regions near the Tropic of Capricorn . It is characterized by the dark plumage of its wings, as well as the white on its body and its beak.

8. Antarctic mosquito

Animals of Antarctica, Antarctic mosquito

2 Antarctic mosquito specimens

One of the most surprising and least known animals in Antarctica is the Antarctic mosquito, which can boast of being the only fully terrestrial animal of the continent, besides the only insect. This mosquito lacks wings , which allows it to avoid being dragged to the most inhospitable regions by the wind . In addition, you can survive up to two years in hostile environments, for example, if your body fluids freeze.

9. Antarctic Krill

animals of Antarctica, Antarctic krill

Antarctic Krill

Antarctic krill is a crustacean that does not exceed two grams in weight and usually measures less than six centimeters. Its appearance is similar to that of a very small translucent shrimp. It feeds on the phytoplankton present in the water and, in turn, the Antarctic krill represents the base of the trophic chain of the rest of the species that inhabit the frozen continent. So, despite its tiny size, it is one of the most important Antarctic animals of all.

10. Giant squid

animals of Antarctica, giant squid

Recreation of a giant squid

Although the giant squid is not an autochthonous species of the Antarctic regions, it is one of those that inhabits its icy waters. In fact, it is a species that is not yet known in depth. It is believed that the males could reach ten meters in length, while the females would reach dimensions close to fourteen meters . One of the problems presented by this animal for its study is that it is not known to live in freedom, but has always been studied from dead specimens that have reached the coast, as in New Zealand, Australia , South Africa or Madagascar .

As you can see, the Antarctic continent is much more than an inhospitable desert of ice. Did you know these animals and their most striking features? Which has impressed you the most? Leave your opinions in the comments!

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