10 Amazing Benefits of Dancing in Children and Adults

The Dance benefits and the dance For mental and physical health are numerous and in addition is an economic activity and that can be practiced with ease.

There are more and more extracurricular dance classes, there are more and more academies dedicated to dance training and more and more Interest in dance, through shows, auditions, shows, musicals...

Benefits of dancing

As we see little by little the practice of exercise is promoted through dance, from the smallest to the most adult.

No matter who you are, what age you only care about the desire to learn, to enjoy feeling the music to be able to develop a choreography inside Of the thousands of styles of dance that exist today.

Dance offers a multitude of benefits that we will develop later, but an important aspect that we should pay special attention to are the Values ​​and transversal competences transferred.

I have seen teenagers who went to dance before leaving and who sacrificed a way out of friends for school, we talked about people Especially responsible in their tasks.

Dance offers you a discipline that unintentionally teaches you values ​​of responsibility, ambition and will that another discipline can not boast about it.

There are many dance styles to choose from, each with its own technique. I will number some of the most popular ones, with the intention of awakening in you a Curiosity about the style that appeals to you most.

  • Ballet. This style of dance focuses on strength, technique and flexibility.
  • The ballroom dance. It is a series of styles danced in pair as the waltz, swing, foxtrot, rumba and tango.
  • Belly dance. Originally from the Middle East, focused on hip movement.
  • Hip hop. Made especially to hip-hop music, this urban dance style may involve popping, locking and freestyle.
  • Jazz. A high energy dance style that involves kicking, jumping and spinning to the beat of music. And high classical technique.
  • Pole Dance. It has become increasingly popular as a form of exercise. It involves sensual dancing with a vertical pole, and requires resistance
    Muscle, coordination and upper and lower body strength.
  • Sauce. It involves a mix of Caribbean influences, Latin America and Africa, salsa is usually a dance couple and emphasizes rhythms and
  • Square-dance. A type of popular dance where four couples dance in a square model, moving around each other and changing partners.

Once you have seen what types of dance exist it is imperative that you know that you will practice an exercise that will bring you more than you expected.

10 Psychological benefits that dance can bring

couple dancing

  1. Socialize

It is a truly social activity. You relate to new people, which you do a joint activity for the same purpose that is to have fun, to learn And dancing, creating good atmosphere.

From my own experience the most intimate friends are those known in the dance environment. You live experiences, shows, learnings that you Generate a group cohesion, which for example golf does not provide it.

  1. Improves self-confidence

As you begin to learn new steps, choreographies, and feel dominated will be the time when you enjoy it, is the key to feel more Confidence and to be able to demonstrate that you dominate the situation.

  1. Reduces stress

Dancing releases hormones and neurotransmitters from the brain that are pleasure ( Dopamine ) And energy ( adrenalin Y Noradrenaline ). This will cause later Of a dance session you are clear, happy and wanting to repeat.

  1. It's antidepressant

Dancing elevates our mood by raising our levels of Endorphins . This is what allows us Cure stress Y the Depression , Two of the Greater enemies of our immune system giving a feeling of well-being.

Swing dancing is best for boosting your mood as it is done with a partner.

  1. Mental health

According to studies carried out in the different medical journals, it has been established that dance Memory aid And prevents dementia. Alone With having to remember the choreography you are exercising mentally and physically the body.

It is proven that aerobics reverses the loss of volume in the hippocampus part of the brain that controls memory, so it is able to increase the memory. Dance is also a great way to relieve mental stress.

  1. Culturally International

Dancing has no cultural barriers. People from all over the world, with different ideologies, gather on the dance floor.

  1. Discipline

Dancing is not only fun and romantic, it helps to establish a discipline in any dance style.

  1. Professional outings

Dance can also open up new opportunities in terms of careers. The entertainment industry is huge, employing an estimated 30,000 in The only related dance roles in the UK.

There are numerous professions in dance dance, teaching, choreography or dance annotation.

  1. Power your creativity

You may have a job that is monotonous or simply does not boost creativity and self expression.

Dance gives space to the creativity, Improvisation, the Musicality and body expression.

  1. Makes you feel better

Feeling useful, fit, able to perform a choreography and also frees you from stress, clearing your mind.

This makes dancing give you more Security in yourself being able to be even more extroverted, dancing in discotheques with learned steps and enjoying life with a touch more positive.

10 Physical benefits that dance can bring

Dancing girl

  1. You will have better balance

Another of the wonderful benefits of dance is that it will help you improve your balance and your body posture.

The balance that must be maintained in numerous dance steps will strengthen the stabilizing muscles thus making us stay Less prone to injury in our daily lives.

  1. Burn calories

The dance allows an increase of the circulation in our body. It is a great way to burn calories in a fun way and without just giving us Count, as we improve our stamina.

It is estimated that the dance burns between 5 and 10 calories per minute, depending on speed and intensity. For example, dances with greater intensity Mambo type, zumba, swing burn more calories than waltz

  1. Dancing increases your flexibility

The dance carries with it a series of flexibility exercises with which you will see great results if you practice continuously.

  1. Build strong muscles

Dancing builds and tones your muscles in different parts of your body. Even the most elegant and soft dance will help tone your body and stay in shape. There is more to see the ballet dancers.

  1. Improve your coordination

Needless to say, dancing can help improve your coordination.

Dance teaches you how to coordinate Footsteps with the movements of the arms and at the same time with the head, which will also help to strengthen your reflexes.

It is a great way to keep our Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System in top form by improving the connection of our Bodies to our mind.

  1. It will help the cardiovascular and respiratory system

For those who are at risk for heart (cardiovascular) diseases, dance is an ideal activity for this. Improves heart health and Respiratory complications.

The muscular effort and the breathing rates of dancers in the representation in a dance competition are equivalent to those of the Cyclists, swimmers and an 800 meter Olympic level runner.

  1. Increases energy

Regular dance programs have an effect on performance and energy levels.

  1. Helps to have strong bones

Aids Dance in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis for men and women. Dancing can also help maintain joints Lubricated in order to prevent arthritis.

  1. Improves Blood Cholesterol Levels

New research has found that it is necessary to measure good and bad cholesterol levels when evaluating our health.

Dancing helps in controlling lipids, which raises our HDL (good cholesterol), and lowers our LDL (bad cholesterol). Also ideal For diabetics as it helps in controlling blood sugar.

  1. Dance as rehabilitation

Dance in the USA is used as neuro-rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease, obtaining good results in scientific studies.

I hope with this you have encouraged to practice the dance, you have to choose many styles, choose which suits your personality more and you will not regret it.


  1. Bettina Bläsing, M. P. (2010). Neurocognition of dancing the mind, movement and motor skills. New York: psychology press.
  2. Earhart, G. M. (2009). Dance as a therapy for people with Parkinson's disease. Eur J Phys Med Rehabil , 231-238.
  3. Hanna, J.L. (2006). Dancing for health conquering and preventing stress. New York: AltaMira Press.
  4. Hilda Wengrower, S.C. (2008). Life is dance: art and science in Dance Movement Therapy. Barcelona: Gedisa.
  5. Jan-Christoph Kattenstroth, T. K. (February 26, 2013). Six months of intervention improves postural, sensorimotor, and cognitive performance in older people without affecting functions
  6. Retrieved from the National Library of Medicine of the National Institutes of Health: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3581819/
  7. Prabhjot Dhami, S.M. (Jan. 2, 2015). New framework for rehabilitation - fusion of cognitive and physical rehabilitation: hope for the dance. Obtained from USA library National Medical Institute of the National Institutes of Health: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4309167/?report=classic.
  8. Image source 1.
  9. Image source 3.

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